This collection was out today in Sweden, I was very surprised as we always get things last in the world it seems. The only thing I was sort of interested in was Thrills, but they didn't have it on the display when I was there and then I couldn't be bothered.
A lot of the stuff looked very nice, like Hipness blush and Firecracker e/s, but I still wasn't impressed enough to buy anything. Also, I had 5 items from Pret a Papier which also launched today, AND I had to buy a book for college, so I had to exert some self control. Some of the things looked like they could be duped, too, like Float On By. I feel Urban Decay or MUFE must make a similar, if not identical, teal liner. The lime shadow (I forget the name now) looked really similar to Rated R, but of course I didn't have RR with me to compare. I'm guessing if you don't love those types of colours and wear them all the time you can can skip it.