MAC - To The Beach Discussion


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Miss Dynamite
I ordered Marine Life and Flurry of Fun, about 45 minutes later, Marine Life sold out. Now I just got an e-mail saying "we are unable to fill your order because it's temporarily out of stock, we expect to ship the items within 2 weeks" WTH! It wasn't sold out when I ordered it. And does that e-mail mean they will definitely send it to me? Or does it basically mean that I'm screwed? The closest counter is more than an hour away, and I can't afford the expensive shipping from the other sites since I still want a ton of other stuff.

I think they will send it to you. If they weren't the email would have said it is sold out not Temporarily sold out. And if they werent going to send it to you it wouldn't take two weeks...I assume the two weeks is to allow them to make more
. Thats atleast what I think
. Plus MAC would b stupid not to re-stock....they'd make sooo much money!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lil_kismet
Hmmm does anyone have any idea when this collection will be launched on the Canadian website??

I spoke to a MUA who said it was supposed to be released at midnight tonight, but it's not there yet


Well-known member
I did not know it was online so early!! i got what i wanted..
well, this is what i ordered:

To The Beach Eye Kohl
Shade: Rosemary & Thyme

To The Beach Tinted Lipglass
Shade: Flurry Of Fun

To The Beach Lip Pencil
Shade: Temperature Rising

To The Beach Eye Shadow
Shade: Sand & Sun

I toyed with getting sweet and punchy and maybe a lipstick but i did buy two items at the CCO today at franklin mills and to be honest even though i love, love, love bright colors i usually reach for more neutral shades.


Well-known member
Judging from the email they sent you, MAC will likely restock the Marine Life. In that case, Hurray!

Originally Posted by Miss Dynamite
Now I just got an e-mail saying "we are unable to fill your order because it's temporarily out of stock, we expect to ship the items within 2 weeks" .


Well-known member
Originally Posted by aninhabr85
Well... not at my counter. If someone needs 10, we'll sell them 10. That's just how it is over there but I'm sure other counters may follow different guidelines.
Also.. for limit edition itens we only get that one shipment and that's it.... MAC usually doesn't keep re-stocking LE itens.

I know atleast on the website you only can buy 4 of any LE items. I've never tried to buy more then 2 MA told me once you only can buy 4 aswell.

They re-stocked Lady Gaga...maybe they'll re-stock Marine Life :p


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MUALindsay
I'm not so sure about that. I'm fairly certain I've seen things Sold Out on one site and Available on the other. At least in the US.

I don't know if they changed it, but it was like that last year. I call the PRO number and asked, and the lady told me they both have the same stock as the US site.. not the Canadian though :p

Miss Dynamite

Well-known member
Originally Posted by Barbie-gone-bad
I think they will send it to you. If they weren't the email would have said it is sold out not Temporarily sold out. And if they werent going to send it to you it wouldn't take two weeks...I assume the two weeks is to allow them to make more
. Thats atleast what I think
. Plus MAC would b stupid not to re-stock....they'd make sooo much money!

I hope so, I went thru a lot of trouble to make sure I had the money on my credit card before today. I don't have any other coral blushes that are actually pigmented, so I really want this one.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Barbie-gone-bad
I know atleast on the website you only can buy 4 of any LE items. I've never tried to buy more then 2 MA told me once you only can buy 4 aswell.

They re-stocked Lady Gaga...maybe they'll re-stock Marine Life :p

I hope they re-stock, for those who couldn't buy because of the people buying a lot to sell on e-Bay. But Viva Glam From Our Lips will be available until 2011, To The Beach will not.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MUALindsay
I'm not so sure about that. I'm fairly certain I've seen things Sold Out on one site and Available on the other. At least in the US.

you're Ripe Peach sold out fast on the regular site and a tad slower on pro....they have different stock. i think they also come from different dist. centers...i'd have to check one of my boxes though lol


Well-known member
I believe they re-stocked Ripe Peach once, and select locations also received a second small shipment. I think they'll do the same for this, too.


Well-known member
so i can't seem to get any swaps for empties for b2m sooo looks like i'll be getting 1 or 2 things aside from marine life.

bummer dood.

oh well maybe my bf will surprise me...psh


Well-known member
Miss Dynamite-I hope you get your Marine Life order
After hearing your post, I think I'm going to be worried now until I get an email saying mine was shipped out


Well-known member
I'm going to call Nordstrom tomorrow, just in case, to make sure they still have me down for 2 Marine Lifes! I'm also going to call my Macys counter and see if they'll tell me how many they got in stock....I think after we all have our Marine Lifes in our hands, we'll be able to finally sleep


Well-known member
Can anyone with Marine Life say anything as to its delicacy? Or, I guess I should ask, do you think it will break if it's traveled with? I know MSFs have been known to break easily (which is why they are staying at home, safe in my drawer, when I travel), but I want something for my cheeks while I'm vising family in New Mexico. I ask because all my blushes so far are depotted and in a palette, which I'm not crazy about bringing with me on a flight, even in my carry-on.

Originally Posted by MUALindsay
Blah, I'm getting sick of waiting!



Well-known member
Shoot!!!! I was stalking MACs site all day that I completely forgot to put in my votes for Dancing With the Stars


Damn you, MAC


Well-known member
Originally Posted by michelle79
Do any of you know if Float on By is safe for the waterline?

Yep, it is! Erin mentioned a while back that anything with "Kohl" in the name is waterline safe. I made a note of it...

Originally Posted by QueenOfSnark
Is the 131 a must-have? I'm slowly building my brush collection, but if the 131 is too similar to MAC's perm brushes I will skip.

I love my 131 for SO many reasons, but I'm not sure it's a "must have" for everyone. I have a 187 and 188, but I actually find the 131 works much better for me for certain tasks. IMO, it's better for liquids, not as good for creams, and great for certain powders (especially when the others are too large/the wrong shape). It's a must have for me, because it's so versatile, but that may not be the case for everyone.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by aeroerin
Can anyone with Marine Life say anything as to its delicacy? Or, I guess I should ask, do you think it will break if it's traveled with? I know MSFs have been known to break easily (which is why they are staying at home, safe in my drawer, when I travel), but I want something for my cheeks while I'm vising family in New Mexico. I ask because all my blushes so far are depotted and in a palette, which I'm not crazy about bringing with me on a flight, even in my carry-on.


I travel with all my makeup quite often and have never had any problems. If you pack it safely, it should be okay. I don't check it underneath the plane though for fear they may lose it

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