MAC - To The Beach Discussion


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Originally Posted by VanillaCupcake
Ah, that it explains it. I'm located in Nova Scotia. Maybe they don't bother to send you one because you would have already recieved your package by the time they sent you an email, lol.

I'm sorry, I don't know any other code
that's the one I used too. I'm actually kind of suprised it's back on the site.

I guess I could open another account and order on another credit card or something, frankly having thought about it, I don't need marine life... so I am going to hold off.

Anyone get the cream bronzers? I've watched youtube videos that say they are great... I am pretty pale so I think I would pull it off.


Well-known member
So funny, I was just searching for Marine Life on MUA, almost everyone who has it up for swap wants a Ripe Peach for it.
Like that's gonna work. (Thankfully I have ML, otherwise I can't see how I would get my hands on it, short of paying $60 on eBay for it, since I wouldn't want to swap my Ripe Peach away.)


Well-known member
marine life i never wanted, it was sold out when i ordered my stuff but i could have gotten it if i really wanted it.
hipness is something i toyed with and i am wondering if i should have gotten it? i passed because i felt i have similiar blushes
sun and sand sold out, it was the only eye shadow i wanted, i do not have access to the email i gave mac right now, i hope everything in my order is okay


Well-known member
I received my To The Beach haul in the post today, and I'm in love with Get-Away Bronze Powder Blush! Ohmygosh, it's so gorgeous! Is it bad that I'm considering getting a back-up even though I've barely used it?!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by PinkBasset
I thought I was the only one with no interest in Marine Life! I had also chances to get it but I think it is boring and nothing special. Even the huge hype doesn't give me temptations with this one.

Count me in not having interest in Marine Life.
1. I have let the hype go, if I don't need it or have something similiar, I don't buy it.
2. They messed this product up, the seahorse should've been the highlight color all the way through and I can't imagine looking at this product with that coral seahorse in the middle, when worn down with lines and everything with no extra payoff from it.

And mostly because I have rediscovered Refined MSF in my stash and that as a highlight over Milani Mai Tai (the Hipness dupe) has satisfied my urges. It's gorgeous.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by yazerella
I received my To The Beach haul in the post today, and I'm in love with Get-Away Bronze Powder Blush! Ohmygosh, it's so gorgeous! Is it bad that I'm considering getting a back-up even though I've barely used it?!

Really want this one, but haven't ordered/bought it yet. Got any pics? Can it be used as a bronzer?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by InspiredBlue
It has taken me all morning to catch up, reading a page or two at the time between other things.

I am wearing Flurry of Fun over Petals & Peacocks today. I feel like Barbie in this combo. And, yes, I have a compulsive desire to put FoF over any lip product I wear.

I think people are confusing New York City with New York state.

How do you like Flurry Of Fun? I"M thinking of buying a lipgloss, but I stopped wearing MAC lipglasses, they're just too sticky for me

Originally Posted by Nelly711
^^ You're right about people confusing NYC with New York State. I worked at a call center and every time someone would I ask where I was from, I would say New York and they would automatically think that I live in the city. It's like they think NYC is all to New York state.

Giiirrrrrlllll I know how you feel. *hugs*

Originally Posted by Notorious19
Do you guys think the lipsticks will go fast from the stores? I didn't add Beachbound and Thrills to my MAC order because I want to swatch them, but the way everything is being snatched up like hotcakes is making me nervous...

I know right? Everything is selling out on the site. I'm going to MAC tomorrow to pick my stuff up.


Well-known member
I just sent Mac an email. I basically griped that I'm so disappointed as a loyal customer, to have placed an order...only to have it fall through when it wasn't on backorder or sold out when I placed it. Is there anything you can do? I'm not expecting anything other than a copy-paste email saying the same stuff they already have, but I'll let everyone know if it works!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Face2Mac
Count me in not having interest in Marine Life.
1. I have let the hype go, if I don't need it or have something similiar, I don't buy it.
2. They messed this product up, the seahorse should've been the highlight color all the way through and I can't imagine looking at this product with that coral seahorse in the middle, when worn down with lines and everything with no extra payoff from it.

And mostly because I have rediscovered Refined MSF in my stash and that as a highlight over Milani Mai Tai (the Hipness dupe) has satisfied my urges. It's gorgeous.

Thanks for reminding me of Refined MSF, I haven't used that in ages!


Well-known member
Ladies and gents, can we sway away from the ML and Hipness mania for one second, and someone please tell me if Lazy Day is a must?
I can't live without pink lipstick, and I love Creamsheen and AP lipsticks!!!

For those who have Firecracker , what did you pair it with? I'm thinking it'll look great with Plumage and/or Carbon


Well-known member
I purchased some TTB items today! I got Firecracker, Fleurry of Fun and, yes, Marine Life. Also, I bought Gorgeous Gold because I think it'd look really nice with Firecracker. Firecracker itself is wonderful! I will try it with a reddish brown in the crease, like Chocolate brown pigment.

Now, regarding Marine Life: I got it because I thought it was pretty, it's a nice summer coral on my cheeks and it brings out my blue eyes. Also, I am a sucker for peach and coral blushes in general. So yes, I am glad I own it. But I have a hard time understanding the crazy hype that exists about this product - it isn't THAT special to me. In the store, I tried Hipness on one cheek and ML on the other and there was no huge difference between the two on me (NC20 and freckly). I went for ML since it had the pretty imprint, but I was undecided for a long time between it and Hipness simply because they were so similar. ML of course has the advantage of letting you choose between the pink and the coral/orange part, which was another reason for me to get it.

To me, Flurry of Fun is a much more unique product and much more of a "must have" from this collection. I'm wearing it now over Made to Order and it's fabulous but I'm thinking it must look fierce over Lollipop Loving as well.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by marusia
I just sent Mac an email. I basically griped that I'm so disappointed as a loyal customer, to have placed an order...only to have it fall through when it wasn't on backorder or sold out when I placed it. Is there anything you can do? I'm not expecting anything other than a copy-paste email saying the same stuff they already have, but I'll let everyone know if it works!

If you were following these threads, then you know that as soon as an overhyped product hits the site, people pounce on it. That's the way of (a MAC addict's) life.

Sending letters if pointless. It's LIMITED EDITION. The early bird gers the worm. But it'll be in stores tomorrow, so no worry.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MsWestchesterNY
For those who have Firecracker , what did you pair it with? I'm thinking it'll look great with Plumage and/or Carbon

I love it with Nocturnelle or Fig 1. - any purple really. And a gold - like Amber Lights. Try Melon p/g too - or Goldenaire if you have them


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MsWestchesterNY
Ladies and gents, can we sway away from the ML and Hipness mania for one second, and someone please tell me if Lazy Day is a must?
I can't live without pink lipstick, and I love Creamsheen and AP lipsticks!!!

Its really really pretty. Like an everyday pink. I have every pink under the sun & still thought this was different enough. I think it would look pretty on you.

Cremesheens are the best - ever!


Well-known member
On another note...I brought home Firecracker yesterday...the first thing outta my bf's mouth?

"That has gotta be the ugliest packaging I have EVER seen! Its baby-poo green!"



Well-known member
Originally Posted by MsWestchesterNY
If you were following these threads, then you know that as soon as an overhyped product hits the site, people pounce on it. That's the way of (a MAC addict's) life.

Sending letters if pointless. It's LIMITED EDITION. The early bird gers the worm. But it'll be in stores tomorrow, so no worry.

I know about that. LOL I was the one to notice it sold out first. I just sent it to see what they say.

With that being said, I can't imagine how many girls ARE pissed off right now because it was "in stock" when a lot of girls ordered it.

A lot of stores are already sold out of it, and it hasn't even launched yet.

I'm just glad I have friends in High places than can help get it. *wipes forehead* I already have enough for me and to share, it's everyone else that I'm concerned about.

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