MAC - To The Beach Discussion


Well-known member
Originally Posted by marusia
I know about that. LOL I was the one to notice it sold out first. I just sent it to see what they say.

With that being said, I can't imagine how many girls ARE pissed off right now because it was "in stock" when a lot of girls ordered it.

A lot of stores are already sold out of it, and it hasn't even launched yet.

I'm just glad I have friends in High places than can help get it. *wipes forehead* I already have enough for me and to share, it's everyone else that I'm concerned about.

Sometimes I wonder where tdoes this hype come from?!?!?! Lord have mercy.

Originally Posted by elegant-one
Its really really pretty. Like an everyday pink. I have every pink under the sun & still thought this was different enough. I think it would look pretty on you.

Cremesheens are the best - ever!

They really are. And I'm starting to love Lustres too! I'm still in love with my Blooming Lovely, and am halfway done with it, I"m getting depressed about that so I need a new fave lipstick. I was going to try swapping for new one on MUA, but I got turned off by the people on there.

Originally Posted by Junkie
I love it with Nocturnelle or Fig 1. - any purple really. And a gold - like Amber Lights. Try Melon p/g too - or Goldenaire if you have them

Why don't I have those purple shadows yet? I do have a Wet n Wild dupe for Fig. 1 though which I love. I have Amber Lights, I stopped using it

I'm now in my smokey eyes phase. Everyday.


Well-known member
Maybe it's that little voice inside that screams, "Hey, I can have a rare in my collection too!" LOL

I...seriously don't know. Bright blush usually isn't my thing, I have an issue with my cheeks being too bright to begin with. I can't imagine muting it down with my foundation/powder, just to build it back up.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MsWestchesterNY

They really are. And I'm starting to love Lustres too! I'm still in love with my Blooming Lovely, and am halfway done with it, I"m getting depressed about that so I need a new fave lipstick.

I'm now in my smokey eyes phase. Everyday.

Blooming Lovely is what you're wearing in your pic isn't it? When I was at Macys checking out TTB, the MA was a woc & she was going nuts over the pink ls & Splashing lg - says she always has to have the pink one. She was crazy funny

The pink works so well with the smokey eyes. Thats all I ever wear


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MsWestchesterNY
Ladies and gents, can we sway away from the ML and Hipness mania for one second, and someone please tell me if Lazy Day is a must?
I can't live without pink lipstick, and I love Creamsheen and AP lipsticks!!!

For those who have Firecracker , what did you pair it with? I'm thinking it'll look great with Plumage and/or Carbon

I saw this vid that has Lazy Day but she's pretty pale so I dont know if it will give you a good sense of the color or not? I was thinking of actually using Firecracker on the lid with maybe yellow on the inner lid. Also maybe Firecracker on the lid with a purple in the crease or a green such as humid.

Here's the video I saw yesterday....she just shows swatches.

YouTube - To the Beach Mac haul

Also this gals Blog but it doesnt have Lazy Day

*LilBiuty*: MAC "To The Beach" collection Haul [Pic heavy!!]

Here's another with Lazy Day


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MsWestchesterNY
Why don't I have those purple shadows yet? I do have a Wet n Wild dupe for Fig. 1 though which I love. I have Amber Lights, I stopped using it

I'm now in my smokey eyes phase. Everyday.

I'm the same way - smokey eyes every single day. Once summer rolled around and this collection came out, I've been changing it around a lot. Partly because of the pretty colours and partly because I sweat off my make-up like a fiend when its so hot out - smokey eyes look gross on me at the end of the day!

Grape p/m is sooooo pretty with it too! Especially in the crease, out V and lower lashline!

Right now:

Firecracker all over lid 3/4 out
Amber Lights 2/3 outer section of lid
Plum Dressing in the crease
Grape p/m in outer V extended into lower lashline.
No liner
Lash Stiletto
Ripe Peach on cheeks, Marine Life lightly dusted overtop


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sweetkitty
Really want this one, but haven't ordered/bought it yet. Got any pics? Can it be used as a bronzer?

I'll take some pictures for you this evening if you like!

You probably could use it as a bronzer, but it is very shimmery so it depends how you like your bronzers.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by yazerella
I'll take some pictures for you this evening if you like!

You probably could use it as a bronzer, but it is very shimmery so it depends how you like your bronzers.

Thanks, I am still debating, pics would be fabulous!

I am thinking of getting the cream bronzer too.. anyone got opinions of that?


Well-known member
The more i think of it, the less I want to buy. I mean, when i think out of the hype, there's nothing REALLY special with this collection. Except for creme bronzer, that i want to try because it's new to me. I better use the money for something I always want to buy like Armani foundation...
I am expecting to see more and more Marine Life in MUA in a few weeks ahead because some people are regretting why they buy 5


Well-known member
So out of curiosity did anyone actually see Marine Life on macys site? The only reason I ask is that sometimes when they put things out they don't always have the whole collection, I remember when Give Me Liberty came out they didn't have all the items out until a day later.

EDIT: Nevermind I saw it now and it says no longer available lol.


Well-known member
Just checked my tracking number and my order is all set to be delivered tomorrow. Right now it's in Jersey. I think this is the fastest I've ever gotten a MAC order. Usually I get it Friday at the earliest.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Flaminbird
I saw this vid that has Lazy Day but she's pretty pale so I dont know if it will give you a good sense of the color or not? I was thinking of actually using Firecracker on the lid with maybe yellow on the inner lid. Also maybe Firecracker on the lid with a purple in the crease or a green such as humid.

Firecracker and Humid do look great together. I was wearing them yesterday. I also have Lazy Day and i am also pale. I am wearing it now and love it. It is a really nice light pink, but i don't know how it looks on darker skin. It can be more intense with Splashing lipglass on top.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by StarrySim
Did it occur to anyone that the "evilbayers" are probably all specktra and MUA-ers?

That's true, but it also seems to me that specktra-ites buying up extras isn't helping. I know people are buying more for CPs, but everytime I hear someone say "I bought sixs for CPs" I think that they just sped up the selling out of ML.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Ethel
That's true, but it also seems to me that specktra-ites buying up extras isn't helping. I know people are buying more for CPs, but everytime I hear someone say "I bought sixs for CPs" I think that they just sped up the selling out of ML.

What are CPs?


Well-known member
My marine life will be in my hands tomorrow, but I keep checking the UPS site just to make sure they didn't have a typo and it is actuall coming today. I have to say though, I feel like singing I have the golden ticket from Willy wonka because I got that powder. This is intense.

In other notes though, I got a call from my Nordstroms MA (not my regular one because she has been off for the past month with a hurt back, but still like this one regardless) and she said she was off the last 3 days so no one pulled my preorder for her. The only got in 5 marine lifes and 1 was a tester. So Unfortuantly I wont get my two, she said she could call other nordstroms but I don't think its worth it. At this point im lucky I got one and I think if you dont have a preorder with your nordstroms, you arent getting that powder with them. I'll just keep checking dillards and if I get a second one thats fine, if not that okay too.


Well-known member
Custom Purchase.

I agree that it speeds up the selling out. I also think though that if we didn' would be mostly Ebayers buying them out, and we'd be more screwed in the process.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sweetkitty
What are CPs?

Custom Purchase

Originally Posted by Ally4MAC
My marine life will be in my hands tomorrow, but I keep checking the UPS site just to make sure they didn't have a typo and it is actuall coming today. I have to say though, I feel like singing I have the golden ticket from Willy wonka because I got that powder. This is intense.

In other notes though, I got a call from my Nordstroms MA (not my regular one because she has been off for the past month with a hurt back, but still like this one regardless) and she said she was off the last 3 days so no one pulled my preorder for her. The only got in 5 marine lifes and 1 was a tester. So Unfortuantly I wont get my two, she said she could call other nordstroms but I don't think its worth it. At this point im lucky I got one and I think if you dont have a preorder with your nordstroms, you arent getting that powder with them. I'll just keep checking dillards and if I get a second one thats fine, if not that okay too.

Yeah I totally agree Ally, I have one already but having another one would be nice but if I don't get another I will live


Well-known member
Marusia, if I don't get ML in the store tomorrow, I would check with you if you still have extra

I already shorten my list waaay shorter now the more i think of it.
I think I will just buy ML (if i'm lucky) and creme bronzer. The rest I am sure they are dupeable...

Originally Posted by marusia
Custom Purchase.

I agree that it speeds up the selling out. I also think though that if we didn' would be mostly Ebayers buying them out, and we'd be more screwed in the process.


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