I am having so much trouble deciding on this collection and Love Lace
Especially my fav thing to purchase - eyeshadows! But I narrowed 3 down to 1: Chamomile. I hope I *love* it
Almost as hard was the shadesticks, which I've decided on Relaxed (love browns) and Nurture (looks like a lovely base!). These will be my first shadesticks as I never picked up the ones from Sugarsweet.
I'm still trying to decide on the Feelin' Good TLC. My only other TLC is Pink Fish, which I adore. But try not to use too much because it's LE =p which is fine for me.
Lipglass: also unsure of. I know I want 2N, but now I've started to like Feeling Dreamy as well. They look rather similar though. ???
Everything else I decided no on
even if I want more. I have these 2 collections in my cart and keep trying to remove things
I wonder if I'll still be deciding when we are well into our first week of the new year! lol