Makeup artist against MAC/ MAC pushing independant artists out of the industry


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mspixieears
I have this horrible feeling that MAC has somehow 'hooked' us onto them and we buy new colours from the new collections like kiddies in a sweet shop. I find this phenomenon hardest to resist when I'm unhappy (pathetic, isn't it).

Perhaps that is where some of the animosity towards MAC stems from? Just a thought.

It's weird to see adults run to a make-up counter when new things come out and worship it in a sense. MAC has people brainwashed, but thank God I'm not one of those people.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lovemichelle
It's weird to see adults run to a make-up counter when new things come out and worship it in a sense. MAC has people brainwashed, but thank God I'm not one of those people.

Neither am I, but it still disgusts me how much MAC I've bought even though I only get something that will add to my collection's uniqueness. I gave my mum one of my LE lippies because I knew it would suit her and that I had some UD lipgunks that were similar enough to it.

I might run to a shop in a brainwashed fashion for a very special book, or even a new album from a band I adored. Guess that's just as sad, really!


Well-known member
it pretty much is a shitty situation for professional freelancing artists who make a living off of that, but honestly, im not one of those people so i dont really care. or rather i cannot sympathize... im an average consumer who has a passion for makeup. i love lots of brands but only MAC comes out with products and colors that wow me for the most part. i dont buy into the hype or look... i dont buy products just because they are LE or RARE. i buy things i think i will like. most of the time i am right. MAC is no longer just a makeup artist brand. and ya know what there are tons of other professional makeup lines they can use... they can boycott it all they want. because the average consumers will STILL buy it. and more and more people are getting into it. for all ages, all races and all sexes.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lovemichelle
It's weird to see adults run to a make-up counter when new things come out and worship it in a sense. MAC has people brainwashed, but thank God I'm not one of those people.

What's wrong with that if you have the money?


Well-known member
I'm not a MAC makeup-artist, but I was a Biotherm MA. I got the WORST experience with Biotherm, but seriously, I will NEVER say bad things about this brand because it's STILL good products.

Oh by the way, if you don't like MAC why you are on Specktra?? I saw something here, and I wonder why it could be funny to read bad things like that about MAC when you're supposed to love MAC products? Why do you find it stupid when someone RUN to check the new collection? Because... If you're here, you're not supposed to be a MAC addict like us?

Makeup for artists or for 'average' consumers, I don't care. I love MAC because they have great products. (Yeah, sometimes they are not so great, but it's the same story in every brand!!)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by PrettyKitty
What's wrong with that if you have the money?

I am with you on this one; there is nothing wrong with it Kitty. There is nothing wrong with loving a particular brand and being excited about the release of new products. I don't understand what the actual point is of that statement actually. I mean, so what. Many people collect many things. Many people run to Best Buy every Tuesday to add to their DVD collection and there are more examples of collectors happy and anxious to acquire something new for their collection.

I am one of those unenlightened adults that look forward to seeing the new collections so shoot me...haha.

That being said, I got an awful Magrittes paint in the mail and sent the company an email about it. In return, I got a replacement and a free LG for my troubles. Guess it pays not to cry over spilled milk, or a defective paint, or even a melted lipstick for that matter...haha.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by PrettyKitty
What's wrong with that if you have the money?

What I said had nothing to do with money.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Demosthenes
(as far as I know, no other brands accessible to me have a similar program for makeup artists)

Actually, lots of lines do. Most aren't advertised the way MACs is, and I kinda agree with that methodology myself. Here's some info.

The information required on your part varies from company to company. Some are very stringent in their requirements. Almost all companies require that purchases are made via fax or phone.

Mail or fax copy of license & contact information to:
BeneFit Cosmetics
re: makeup artist program
685 Market St. 7th floor
San Francisco, CA 94105
fax: (415) 781-3930

Cinema Secrets-
10% discount. Call their number (818-846-0579) to ask for the makeup artist discount when ordering.

40% discount, provide union card, resume, certification, etc. Discount applicable to mail order only (800-845-0705). Fax information to 818-678-3930

Agency card with photo id
Professional tear sheet with your name on it with photo id
Valid union card with your photo id
Professional agency letter of reference with business card & photo id
Crew call list with press material & photo id
Valid makeup artistry certificate (within the last 5 years) & photo id
Please fax the requirements for verification and include the following:
Full name
Address, city, state & zip code
Home & Work/Cell phone numbers
E-mail address

Once approved, Smashbox cosmetics will issue a professional 40% discount authorization letter. You may place an order by calling 888.763.1361 or fax 310.558.1491.

40% discount
Mail 2 credentials (bus. card, license, etc) plus a copy of a photo ID along with address & phone number to:
Stila Cosmetics, Inc.,
Corporate Headquarters
2801 Hyperion Avenue #102
Los Angeles, CA 90027

Sue Devitt Studio-
40% for professional makeup artists

Vincent Longo Cosmetics-
30% for professional makeup artists


Well-known member
MAC has become an experience. There is a different feel when you go to the MAC store or counter. This experience is enhanced with the chic all black dress codes and the music pumping in the backround, the gorgeous MA's (male and female) who look larger than life.

Oh boy. You've never been to a counter around here! They have zits like everyone else (well, I don't but I guess I'm just lucky). They don't look super glamourous. Their makeup isn't always flawless or even great for that matter.

It is even experienced with the haughty attitudes that you run into sometimes, as if these people are part of something special that you can only get a glimpse of.

Anyone's "haughty attitude" - be it manufactured or genuine - is NOT going to get me to loosen the purse strings. No way. No how. You are waiting on ME, you are trying to sell ME stuff, not the other way around, not "I hope the MAC salesgirl will like me enough to deign to sell me some makeup today!" And if they even TRIED that, they'd have their little attitude brought down a few notches and shoved down their throat in no time flat.

Now, seriously, they have to slow down the freakin' collections or (in my humble opinion) they will experience a backlash the likes of which they never anticipated. It's becoming a joke (Freshwater-slash-Belle-Azure, anyone?)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by martygreene
I have a feeling we might be on the same page. I'll have to wait and see though.

Hmmm.... very eye opening. This is very thought provoking and I had no idea that it was going down like this. I am a freelancer, so I can identify with what was being said. It's not so much the product as it is the practices that they are mentioning.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Star
Oh boy. You've never been to a counter around here! They have zits like everyone else (well, I don't but I guess I'm just lucky). They don't look super glamourous. Their makeup isn't always flawless or even great for that matter.

Anyone's "haughty attitude" - be it manufactured or genuine - is NOT going to get me to loosen the purse strings. No way. No how. You are waiting on ME, you are trying to sell ME stuff, not the other way around, not "I hope the MAC salesgirl will like me enough to deign to sell me some makeup today!" And if they even TRIED that, they'd have their little attitude brought down a few notches and shoved down their throat in no time flat.

Now, seriously, they have to slow down the freakin' collections or (in my humble opinion) they will experience a backlash the likes of which they never anticipated. It's becoming a joke (Freshwater-slash-Belle-Azure, anyone?)

Okay Star.


Well-known member
hahaha wow sounds like MAC gets under some people's skin

ITS JUST MAKEUP! who cares if people fall into the trendy side to it... or waste their money on it... or wait to see the new lines. its just makeup. what they do doesnt effect you. unless you happen to work at another counter losing sales to mac haha but thats just how it goes. they know how to sell their product... "brainwashing" some might say, but hey its selling. more people surround the mac counter than any other counter i go to. and no not everyone loves it and not everyone is a raving fan and thats ok. i dont try to talk people into liking mac so people shouldnt talk people into disliking it. what happen to letting people make up their own mind? hmmm anyway my point is, its just makeup... and like prettykitty said, i wonder why people who dislike mac would be on here? not that you arent allowed on here but its just strange...


Well-known member
I don't know about everyone else, but where I live people swarm the Clinique counter. The way some of you guys do make-up with all the colors, I can honestly say I've never seen someone like that in my real day-to-day life. I guess people around here stay to the natural look. That's my personal preference also, but I wouldn't feel like myself with 10 or so eyeshadows on me and all that other stuff. I'm not a movie star and don't need to look like one.

MAC to me shows off more out there kinda make-up and I don't need anything like that.


Well-known member
I can understand some of the backlash even if I don't agree with it. When MAC was more exclusive and there were fewer counters, the buyers could feel as though they were part of a private club. A product loses some of its appeal when every 13 year old girl has it.

I love MAC stuff but I don't get as obsessive/compulsive over it as some do. I buy what I like and ignore what I don't. I find any addiction to be a little pathetic.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Cruella
I love MAC stuff but I don't get as obsessive/compulsive over it as some do. I buy what I like and ignore what I don't. I find any addiction to be a little pathetic.

That's what some girls on Specktra do too... but the problem is that we love more things than you. So that's probably why we buy more... No worries, we never buy a color if it looks ugly in our opinion.


Well-known member
Like Lah-Knee said it's just makeup.

Since when is it a big deal if it "sold out" on its ethics.
If it doesn't cater to you than say it but don't bash on other people like 13 yr. olds who buy MAC or any other brand.
Majority of us were stuck in that rut in our lives when we didn't know shit on how to apply makeup.

There's no need for this feeling of eliteness. Who cares if MAC is no longer for make up artists. Makeup is for everyone no matter if they are novice or expert. Makeup is art, self expression. It changes our mood. It doesn't matter if I use some drug store brand or high end brand. Makeup has one purpose and it's to express how we are inside through physical means (ie appearance).


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lovemichelle
MAC to me shows off more out there kinda make-up and I don't need anything like that.

Ok... so if MAC isn't your style, why you're on Specktra??


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lovemichelle
I don't know about everyone else, but where I live people swarm the Clinique counter. The way some of you guys do make-up with all the colors, I can honestly say I've never seen someone like that in my real day-to-day life. I guess people around here stay to the natural look. That's my personal preference also, but I wouldn't feel like myself with 10 or so eyeshadows on me and all that other stuff. I'm not a movie star and don't need to look like one.

MAC to me shows off more out there kinda make-up and I don't need anything like that.

Thank God that MAC is out there to show you what kind of makeup you don't need. Funny that you would hang out in a MAC forum though. Oh yeah... you must need constant reminder of what you don't need..haha.


Well-known member
Exactly, it is just make-up, but people seem obsessed with it now. Honestly, if my skin was clear like it used to be I wouldn't even be wearing make-up. I have a boyfriend who loves me regardless if I have it on or not so I couldn't care less. I only wear it now because I hate how some spots of my skin look. I took all my make-up for the night and I kinda feel like I look better without it. I feel pure and just myself.

Some act like MAC is so much more superior to other things and I don't think so. Or they will be like "oh there goes all the money in my wallet cuz MAC has a new collection out." Please. A blow lipstick or Luella TLC isn't that important.

When I used MAC my friends were like what's that? I was like I guess it's good shit because people hype it, but it isn't all that.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lovemichelle
Honestly, if my skin was clear like it used to be I wouldn't even be wearing make-up. I have a boyfriend who loves me regardless if I have it on or not so I couldn't care less. I only wear it now because I hate how some spots of my skin look. I took all my make-up for the night and I kinda feel like I look better without it. I feel pure and just myself.

Oh... well... If you look better without makeup, why you still wear it??

By the way you're not alone; My boyfriend love it too when I don't wear makeup, but I love to apply my makeup.... so I don't care and do what *I* want...

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