Metal-X Discussion


Well-known member
Originally Posted by *KT*
If you're looking at virgin silver for brow bone, you may want to consider fusion gold also/instead. On my skin virgin silver is a true silver and fusion gold is virgin silver with a pretty soft pink undertone.

I ended up with Fusion Gold, Pink Ingot, Plum Electric and Goldspice. Pink Ingot was an impulse buy when I found out Uppity f/l was sold out. /cry.

Thanks for the tip! My skin is pretty stark white in the Winter, so even the slightest hint of gold/pink becomes obvious :/ Swatches of both make them look so lovely, though! *tries to convince herself she doesn't need both*



Well-known member
Im not fond of glitter so I passed up on the liners.
However, I really like the creme shadows! I bought 5 of them...

Pure Ore
6th Sin
Plum Electric

I love love lovvvvvvvvvvve them!!!! Im thinking of going back and getting Cyber and Pink Ingot!
They do crease but I use bare canvas in paint and mac's eye primer and it doesn't crease at all. I guess it really depends if your eyelids are oily or dry. It will be different on everyone. You're just going to have to do trial and error and see what primer or base works best for you.


Well-known member
I bought Pure Ore, Metalblu, 6th Sin, Plum Electric and Pink Ingot. I got a sample of Goldspice but I'm hoping to pick up a full one. I also picked up Enbronze glitter liner.

I've been trying these without a primer just to see how they hold up on their own first and so far so good. My lids are neither oily nor dry and I haven't had any creasing. I apply them gently and in layers with my 242 or my finger. It takes a lil longer but I found it best to pick these up lightly and build build build until you get the desired color/opacity.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by GlamYOURUs
They do crease but I use bare canvas in paint and mac's eye primer and it doesn't crease at all.

Sorry if I didn't understand. Do you use both of these at the same time? I only have the bare canvas paint and just tested the two I bought today. I LOVE the colours but I see faint creasing. Would you suggest both the paint and eye primer and which order should I apply them?

I'm going to try wearing them tomorrow with a bit of light powder. Tested it at the counter by putting the MetalX cream shadow then some translucent powder (I think they used some loose blot) and it kept its intensity but set it a bit! Trial and error and I absolutely LOVE these! (Even if there is minor creasing!)--the MA also suggested putting some powder on before putting the cream shadow....many things to try!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lemurian
Thanks for the tip! My skin is pretty stark white in the Winter, so even the slightest hint of gold/pink becomes obvious :/ Swatches of both make them look so lovely, though! *tries to convince herself she doesn't need both*


I'm pretty pale year 'round. I used to try to get some color in the summer, but I'm part Irish and we mostly burn. So I decided I prefer not to end up wrinkly or with skin cancer and embrace the paleness.

Anyway, I wore Fusion Gold as a highlight today and the pink undertone is very subtle. Much love.

I also accidentally forgot to use UDPP and I've got some craptacular creasing going on. I think I'll blame the Advil PMs I took last night for all the grogginess and forgetting my beloved UDPP.


Well-known member
I wore the fusion gold with pink ingot all creasing, not even slightly. All I used as a base is the BE multitasking bisque powder first. It really does depend on everyone's individual skin.


Well-known member
It's not that they crease, it's that they crease in the fugliest way imaginable.

I tried on the purple and in a couple hours, i looked in the mirror and gasped. Quickly tried the pinky to crease trick. Normally, a light swiping makes everything nearly as good as new.

This approach backfired and the result was fuglier than ever. Splotchy-ness.... The horror!

Perhaps this was because the shadow itself is quite dark.

I think the pink ingot is lovely and will try that one next time. Creasing with a light color is much less noticeable. *hoping*

I loved the goldspice too.


Well-known member
Okay mine didn't crease today (well this is my definition of creasing: if when your eye opens and folds up--the folds of eyelid kinda make the shadow look separated). So if that's the correct definition of creasing then it didn't happen. But it reallllly accentuated the fine lines in my eyelid--could be worse that i put a paint pot, then some blot powder, then the cream e/s. so it started doing that then i put some e/s on top but that didn't help. I don't know, they're so pretty and I really don't get any creasing (I think) but the line definition bothers me so I think they're going back tomorrow and I'll pick up some reg. e/s. Ugh I tried, but don't want to wait weeks before deciding I don't want to keep them and have them not take it back or whatnot. I'm torn!


Well-known member
My store sold out of 6 of the 9 in less than a day! I only got Virgin Silver. It's pretty, and so far no creasing, but it's a light shade so won't show so much anyway.

Randy Rose

Well-known member
It's just occurred to me: the one thing these shadows would be brilliant for would be recreating the look on Frankenfurter at the end of Rocky Horror, after he gets out of the water and his blue cream shadow is all ravaged and splotched from crying and whatnot. That's about it though.


Well-known member
I bought Fusion Gold yesterday &tried it out today. I think the key is to NOT put the cream shadow in your crease in the first place. I covered my lid with it almost to the crease, but not IN the crease. I then used Constructivist p/p in the crease. Then I blended the crease into the lid with a brown Milani shadow & patted Shroom e/s over Fusion Gold & then on my brow bone. Its been more than 8 hours since application &so far, no creasing!

I'm waiting for the four other shades I ordered online.


Active member
Sorry if this has been discussed but has anyone used the pink one as a blush. I can't get to a store to check this out IRL so would love to hear your opinions on whether or not this can be used on cheeks before i purchase on line . Thanks


Well-known member
I got all them except Pure Ore, the MA forgot it.

I mixed mine with Fix+ in a palette until it was like a paste then applied. I had virtually no creasing even after 7 hours and the colour was still the same.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Odette
I got all them except Pure Ore, the MA forgot it.

I mixed mine with Fix+ in a palette until it was like a paste then applied. I had virtually no creasing even after 7 hours and the colour was still the same.

Ohh great idea, I'll have to try this.


Well-known member
omg, I have to say - This collection is utter junk. I'm sorry but I can't believe the sub-par quality of these metal eyeshadows. I think I once owned a Rimmel cream shadow that had better quality than these. I just looked at them in the store, tried them on, and was like - wtf.

Well, I guess that's fine if people like them, but I def didn't purchase anything. Big thumbs down from me.


Well-known member
I have to make sure they're warm, and put them on with a synthetic brush, and let them warm before trying to blend them.
Once the color is on, the payoff is gorgeous. It's just GETTING it there. :/


Well-known member
Originally Posted by redjellybeans
Sorry if this has been discussed but has anyone used the pink one as a blush. I can't get to a store to check this out IRL so would love to hear your opinions on whether or not this can be used on cheeks before i purchase on line . Thanks

I haven't but the MA at one of the counters in my area was wearing it when I went in. It looked very nice on her. She was white and quite fair in complexion but I am sure it would look great on a variety of skintones.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
I have to make sure they're warm, and put them on with a synthetic brush, and let them warm before trying to blend them.
Once the color is on, the payoff is gorgeous. It's just GETTING it there. :/

Yes!! I warmed mine up as well the day I got them. I put them right under my desk lamp and the results after that were amazing. It makes it much easier to work with to be quite honest.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by redjellybeans
Sorry if this has been discussed but has anyone used the pink one as a blush. I can't get to a store to check this out IRL so would love to hear your opinions on whether or not this can be used on cheeks before i purchase on line . Thanks

Yes you can! I bought all of them except the pink and the white one. I use Fusion Gold on my cheeks and brow bone as a highlighter and have got so many compliments because of it.