Originally Posted by Raerae
I do agree with most of your post. But, your ignoring the global political climate following 9/11. Is it a escuse? Maybe, maybe not. Hindsight is 20/20 so while it's easy to look back today after investigations and reports and say, that Nuculear Weapons may not have been present, it's also a question of, would they have been present again, just in the future? Sometimes the only way to prevent a threat, is to eliminate it before it is one. Not wait until it's too late (WW2 taught the world a valuable lesson, appeasement is a poor political platform). Also, personally, I dont think it takes a Nuculear Bomb for something to be considered a WMD. There are plenty of other clemicals and lethal substances that are equally destructive. And you can't say Saddam was exactly open with inspectors. He did everything in his power to make inspecting as difficult as possible. There is a lot of sand out there...
So because there MIGHT be a threat then the US should invade another country? Then there's a WHOLE list of countries they should be invading. I also don't think 9/11 is a good excuse either, yes I know the politicial climate after that day and how everyone went ape sh-ts and was paranoid out of their minds. I mean people today still think that Iraq had something to do with 9/11. I'm not saying Saddam welcomed them with open arms, I mean who would expect him to? That would be WAY out of character for him. I just think all the excuses that were thrown out as being the reason were bull. I mean everyone knows it's bull. Regardless of what people thought Saddam may have had or anything like that the point is that this war was not fought for the right reasons.
Originally Posted by Raerae
Regarding Israel. Israel isn't playing bad politics. What I mean by bad politics, is you have to look at who is the most influencial on the global political scene, when your a tiny little country with little global influence. The reason Israel isn't invaded by the US when they defy the UN? Simple. Israel isn't a threat to the US. Israel isn't fundung terrorists groups who bomb the US. A threat to countries in the region? Probably. There is no justification for the US to invade israel. Israel isn't a threat to the US. Yes Israel is percieved a threat to countries in the Region. But thats regional politics, not global. Which is why if other nations need to declare war on Israel, they can (hasn't stopped them from doing it in the past).
You think Israel is a little country with little global influence? Um, that couldn't be further from the truth.
"Every time we do something you tell me America will do this and will do that . . . I want to tell you something very clear: Don't worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it." - Israeli Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon, October 3, 2001, to Shimon Peres, as reported on Kol Yisrael radio.
You may think that Israel has little global influence but according to them you're wrong. Israel has plenty of influence in the world because they are the object of a lot of conflicts in the Middle East. The US feels that the Middle East is a big enough influence to invade the region. You may think Israel isn't a threat to the US but Iraq wasn't a threat either. Why not invade North Korea then?
Also, no other country in the world will ever attack Israel except maybe Iran because they're President is a lil out there. Israel is backed by the US, who wants to go up against that? Israel has one of the most powerful militaries in the world. The Arab leaders have become America's bitches and are too big of cowards to do anything. And even when they did things in the past it's not like they were trying to win. They were just standing up for the Palestinians so we couldn't say that they don't help us. Trust me, Palestinians are treated like dirt in other Arab countries. We're like a burden to them. Hell Kuwait kicked us all out of the country!
Basically the only power that can stand up to Israel is America, and I don't see them doing that because they need a friend in the Middle East. The Arab leaders are "friends" but it's all b.s. and it's all about money. With Israel, they're not going to turn on the US because both countries need each other.