Originally Posted by Raerae
Thats why I say he played a bad hand of global politics and lost. But as a dictator, he kinda painted himself in the corner. For Sadam it was pretty much a lose lose situation. Chances are if he had started negotiating with the US, someone in his regime would go behind his back calling him a coward, and he would have been killed. But standing up to the US cost him his country too.
Kinda sucks sometime
Back to my point being that the US had no right to invade Iraq. Especially considering they lied to Americans and gave a bs reason like WMD. Saddam maybe a sick man ... I do believe he had MAJOR mental problems ... but he's not a dumb man when it comes to the game of politics. The Bush Admin. was going to invade Iraq no matter what. They knew Saddam wouldn't negotiate with them, why should he? They knew they could use that as an excuse to say he had WMD without having any proof. Now it's all blowing up in their face.
3 reasons. 1, there still talking. 2. The US is already involved in a huge mess in Iraq, another war? The president would never get enough support. 3. Invading N Korea is a much riskier indeavor, than invading Iraq ever was. While Iraq may have once had a fairly strong Military, by the time the invasion took place, it was a pretty pathetic army. N Korea on the other hand has a large military. And N Korea's military technology is more advanced than Iraq's. Not to mention their leader is a nut job too.
N Korea has cards in their hand that Iraq didn't. N Korea has the abiity to cause a lot of death in S Korea. While it's not US citizens (other than the military there) that has to be taken into consideration b4 attacking them. It was pretty obvious that if Iraq was attacked, no other countries would be affected.
N Korea has some form of a Nuculear weapon. Whether or not it can reach the United States at this point is irrelevant, it could probably reach S Korea, or Japan. Thats something else that has to be thought about b4 attacking N Korea. And considering the form of government, they would use the bomb. Dictators typically will do anything they can to keep power. Human life doeant mean anything to these types of governments.
So the US just can't invade N. Korea. They had their chance to fix the problem back during Veitman, and they screwed up. And now were seeing the results of that. |
I'm talking bout why they didn't invade N. Korea instead of invading Iraq?! You said it yourself, N. Korea is a much riskier. They are a larger threat to the US then Iraq and Saddam were. That's my point is saying why not invade N. Korea. If the US wants to be all nobel and rid the world of all evil then they should start with the real threats to the world. Just cuz they're scared of what N. Korea might do shouldn't be a reason. I hope you understand what I'm trying to say by using them as an example.