Most cliche'd day at MAC ever?


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Originally Posted by BunnyBunnyBunny
I dislike how everyone always asks me where other departments are. I understand that I DO work in Macy's so I SHOULD know where everything is, but like... I just don't. It was really funny the other day though. I was cleaning around the shadows and a man walks up to me.
"Hello, where are gourmet foods?"
Me: "Huh... um hold on let me ask my co-worker..." -Asks-
She's like, "Gourmet foods, sir? What do you mean by that? Like a restaurant, or maybe utensils to make food?"
Man: "No, like, food."
Co-worker: "You mean like food to eat?" Honest question right. To investigate if he means like does Macy's sell food.
Man in RUDEST VOICE EVER: "Well, yeah. Generally food IS eaten lady."
Haha, it was so funny. She was just like "No. Macy's doesn't sell food. Sorry." So he says "Well in New York they sell foods like packaged cheeses." And she says in a sort of rude voice "Well this isn't New York" and walks away. It was the funniest thing ever. But maybe you had to be there to find it funny. Haha, I love/hate my job. =) I love the makeup part. But I hate like... retarded rude jerks.

So I haven't even STARTED my job yet (Friday...WOOOT) but I've ALREADY had one of these! When I was doing my demo (during my counter's Antiquitease friday night event no less...) I had at LEAST 5 people ask me where the different departments were...and one where the food court was.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Emmy84
Same here, my Mom didn't work in retail, but we were raised to be polite. My Mom would beat my ass to this day [and I'm 23] if I was rude like some of these people are!

Exactly! I don't work at MAC (I wait tables, just as bad probably lol) and it ASTOUNDS me that some of these people act the way they do in public! My mama would die if I ever did it!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by BunnyBunnyBunny
Often I get called a she. ._.
I dunno, I guess they're trying to be respectful?
I'm just like "Lol, I'm a HE. =)"
My girls at my counter often harass peeps that stare at me. =D They loves me.

I honestly think people are staring at you because you're so beautiful!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Nyla2120
Here a new favorite. People asking for specific shades that are made by other brands.

Customer: Do you have Reggae Red lipstick?
Me: No, we don't have a shade by that name.
Customer: It's made by Fashion Fair.
Me: *Blank stare* LOL!

I am getting this more & more. "Do you have such & such eyeshadow?" "No, sorry we don't." "Oh, well it's made by Lancome, maybe I'll try over there."

Where do these people come from?

i do understand if people are looking for something they dont know which company came it from... like "ive seen such soaps in animal shape. do you carry them?" no, we dont, sorry "well thanks and goodbye" thats alright. but please stop telling me what we are supposed to carry, when clearly, we have never done so before.

"i am looking for this soap that was with x and smelt like x." we dont have such a soap, im sorry. "well i bought it in one of your shops in *insert city name close to our city*" we dont have a shop in that city. "well sure you have, it looks like yours and they have the exact same products."

#1: yes there are many cosmetic shops who look similar. yes there are many who got creative input by walking in one of our shops/got the same idea miraculously.
#2: they dont have the same products as we do. they just dont. believe me. i know it. they do not have the same products as we have. repeat with me. they do not have ...

on a more lighter note: im looking forward to the holiday season, when people really consider getting christmas gifts. right now they are just browsing, and i dont like it when every customer i offer a consultation snares at me that they just wanted to look and can read for themselves. well thanks for your friendly reply. try to work on that attitude.


Well-known member
I may have screwed up with one of the MA at my counter one night, but it seems okay now. She's always super nice so I feel kinda bad.

What happened:
A few weeks ago I realised that my favourite lipstick was going to run out fairly soon. It's a non-MAC lippie and I'd like to replace it with a MAC lippy that is as-near-match-as-possible. I go to the counter thinking I have the lippie in my purse and it's not there. Cue me getting a little frantic and in the end having to decide whether to go home first to find the lippy or try to match based on my memory alone. Then I see the Antiquitease poster and go, "Ah HAH!" because the lipcolour on the girl in the poster is the exact shade I want. Red-gold with gold tones that can be toned down a bit if wanted.

Now, in Britain, you tend not to get approached by staff. It's considered rude and it's very difficult to get it right. Cosmetic counters are the only place where it's considered correct form to be approached by the salesperson, but even then, British folk tend to hate being approached, and they hate approaching others. It's not uncommon for the approach to start out as, "Sorry, can I help?" or "Sorry to bother you, but could you help me with this?" It's always an apology first around here, I guess it's just a cultural thing.

So eventually my MA approaches and says, "Can I help you?"

Me: "I'm looking for that lipstick. *points to the Antiquitease poster* Is it a lippy and a lipgloss, or a lippy and a liner and a gloss? Or in a palette?"

She says, "It's from this limited edition range, let me show you."

She shows me the colours and swatches all of them on her hand immediately, and after a few moments of looking at the colours I say, "Um. Sorry, but none of these seem to match the colour she's wearing."

At first the MA disagrees, but when I point it out again she is forced to concede that the lipcolour on the girl in the poster doesn't look like what the range offers. She offers to check the facechart for the look, and comes back to say it's Antiquitease l/s with Corsette l/g, with an unknown lip liner (hers didn't show what liner was used for the face).

I say aloud, really kinda incredulous, "Wow, are you serious? It doesn't look anything like the red-gold colour in the photo."

She says, getting a bit frosty this time, "That's what they've used."

I look at her, and say, "But ... do you believe that's what they used? Because it doesn't look similar at all." She stares at me and says, "Yes, I believe that's what they used, because that's what they said they used."

Then she kindly explains about skintone and skincolours and how colours will look different on folk depending on tone. She says, "They probably used a liner that changed the tone a lot." I say, "Ah..." and accept what she says. We chat for a while and we swatch a bunch of different l/s on my hand trying to find a colour I like. I eventually walk away without purchasing anything.

Now, her experience with me may be written up differently from her point of view. Stupid customer who doesn't get it, is rude, etc. I learned something from her anyway, and a few nights later I brought a friend and we did a B2M and I picked up Rage l/s, which for me is a close enough for the red-gold lip look from the Antiquitease poster, especially if I add a gold gloss on top.

She smiled and seemed happy to see me, but I thought about this thread and thought, "Ugh, I really hope she doesn't think I was being rude and difficult last time." Because I really wasn't trying to be - I was just a little ignorant about how products work on others. But in the end I came back because she handled me well - and I brought a friend. We also bought 3 tickets for the Antiquitease event, brought another friend, and all of us ended up purchasing at least £30 of makeup apiece.

I worry about how easy it is to offend the MA because in their opinion, the products are dead simple and easy to understand. For those of us that aren't MA, it couldn't be more confusing sometimes - especially with the huge, versatile range that MAC offers.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by II3rinII
my god i love you all!! im reading this thinking, "they must all work at my counter". its so nice to know im not in a twilight zone at work! everything in this thread has happened to me. heres some more:

-this lady comes in reaches over the counter and grabs a handful of sponges, she then procedes to dig the sponges in studio tech nw45, my managers says "ma'am can i help you?" the lady says shes fine and continues to fill the sponges with foundation. my manager says" did you need me to match you for a foundation?", the lady says" i told you im fine! stop staring at me! i work in the mall!! i work in the food court! i aint no theif!" as she sticks her "stolen" foundation sponges in her pocket and walks off. a few weeks later she came back and did the same thing, this time my manager told her not to so she satands there for a second and says "can i have a bag for my sponges then?" my managers like " oh OUR sponges? no you may not!"

-our saturday lash lady; every sat without fail here she comes "hey girl, i need my lashes done, my old lashes had done come off yesturday, now do em good, i need them all week" ew!!! so do you not wash your face? i can barely stand to wear lashes for a whole day, much less a week!!

- "oh i got me a coupon" no you dont, thats for max factor "oh thats not you" no, no its not

-" yall gonna lose me as a customer" why is that "yall dont give gifts with purchase like everyone else" well we dont need to bribe our customers with crappy samples of colors you probably wont use.

-customers that ask for a smokey but natural but sparkley but purple look that looks like a magazine but not like theyre wearing makeup.... what?

- "i want a red lipstick" oh god hear we go, me handing you every shade of red just to hear you say " whoa, thats red" well yeah, and you were expecting?....

-"does this lipglass match my foundation?"

-the people that buy their $50 worth of products to get their makeover for their wedding/prom/special event, only to return everything on monday.

-"photoshoot girls" im sorry sweetheart, just cuz you boyfriend takes pics of you sprawled across his escalade with a digi cam does not make it a photoshoot.

- the girls that come up to the counter and point at the shadows " i got that one, i got that one, i got that one..." ok thanks for the inventory would you like to add to it or what?

sigh, im sure ill come up with more later.

Story of my life...i think i might just add to this tonight!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by giz2000
I get a lot of those...I fell for it 1 time only...never again!! What I do now is that I use different colors on either side of their face (different e/s on each eye, etc). That way, they either have to wipe it off or go out looking like an idiot...

Ugh! I had a MA at the counter in Columbia MD do that to me! I'm military so I generally wear neutralish colors (pinks, browns) and wanted to step out of my comfort zone and try a blue smokey eye. She proceeded to do one eye. I can't really tell how I like something without backing up from the mirror and seeing my whole face. I asked her to do the other eye and she wouldn't. So I step back, and one eye is blue, the other nothing and I look retarted.

WTF?!?! I usually drop an average of around $300 a trip - I ended up leaving - completely pissed off and went to the counter in Annapolis and spent $500! Hope that girl didn't work for commission!!!


Well-known member
I dont know if I should go there...but my counter is mobbbbbbbed for lipstick. Mobbed to the point that we run out of stock of the popular colors VERY quickly....So, you know the drill at MAC, if we don't have it...we have to pull it off the display. That's all well and good but when our Lip stick diplay has maybe 12 of the Frost's and 13 of the Lustres and missing a few here and there in the other looks a HOT MESS (and I get afraid to show lipstick and try them on customers in fear that we wont have the shade...)

So! Last night, just to show that no matter what...we cant do it right, I get the customers that dont understand the concept that if we dont have it, we cant have it on display...and customers that want the stuff to try on...even if we dont have it because they can go get it somewhere else...



Well-known member
I worked at a counter for about a year (wasn't MAC though). It was a really slow Sunday afternoon and this woman wearing plaid PJ pants and a big hoodie and sunglasses came in (she looked kind of ragged, but nothing major). She asked for a certain lipstick and I got it for problems. When it got time to pay..

Customer: "I left my Macy's card at my house in Greenwich. Can you look it up for me?"
*For those of you who don't know, Greenwich is a really wealthy town in Connecticut.

So I took her ID and tried to look it up, but no accounts were found under her name and SS#. But she was INSISTING that she had an account here, and started telling me I should believe her because she "graduated from Harvard" and she "didn't wanna just hop in her Hummer and leave without her lipstick".

I get my manager to help her because there was really nothing more I could do, but this woman is clearly out of her mind and keeps name-dropping expensive things. Like "MAYBE I LEFT IN MY PRADA BAG...OR MAYBE MY GUCCI??", "MAYBE MY MAID STOLE IT OUT OF MY LOUIS VUITTON JEANS"

In the end it turned out she didn't have an account and she paid for it with a check.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Katura
I dont know if I should go there...but my counter is mobbbbbbbed for lipstick. Mobbed to the point that we run out of stock of the popular colors VERY quickly....So, you know the drill at MAC, if we don't have it...we have to pull it off the display. That's all well and good but when our Lip stick diplay has maybe 12 of the Frost's and 13 of the Lustres and missing a few here and there in the other looks a HOT MESS (and I get afraid to show lipstick and try them on customers in fear that we wont have the shade...)

So! Last night, just to show that no matter what...we cant do it right, I get the customers that dont understand the concept that if we dont have it, we cant have it on display...and customers that want the stuff to try on...even if we dont have it because they can go get it somewhere else...


You're telling me. We're still totally tapped out on certain staple items after the Christmas frenzy, and people just cannot wrap their heads around the fact that we don't have drawers and drawers of lipstick/mascara/that green eyeshadow in the mythical 'back room'.

They also tend to be the same people who, after you've offered to ring other stores, checked stock levels on the W/H link, and offered to take their details so you can let them know when stock arrives, huff and roll their eyes at you and sigh that I'm 'making things difficult'.

SERIOUSLY LADY. I know that everyone thinks make-up girls shit lipsticks and sneeze glitter, but I just can't physically pull a lipstick from my tuccus!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lara
You're telling me. We're still totally tapped out on certain staple items after the Christmas frenzy, and people just cannot wrap their heads around the fact that we don't have drawers and drawers of lipstick/mascara/that green eyeshadow in the mythical 'back room'.

They also tend to be the same people who, after you've offered to ring other stores, checked stock levels on the W/H link, and offered to take their details so you can let them know when stock arrives, huff and roll their eyes at you and sigh that I'm 'making things difficult'.

SERIOUSLY LADY. I know that everyone thinks make-up girls shit lipsticks and sneeze glitter, but I just can't physically pull a lipstick from my tuccus!


That would definitely be a great topic for the bathroom etiquette thread! Instead of finding floaters, they find an elusive LE lippie!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lara
...I know that everyone thinks make-up girls shit lipsticks and sneeze glitter, but I just can't physically pull a lipstick from my tuccus!



Well-known member
I feel bad cuz I was part of making a Sephora employee do my makeup for free (though i don't know what their policy is on it)

So my friend walks up to a MA and says " are you good at makeup?"
MA saya, "HELL YAH betch!" jk! she says, " well, i did take a cosmetology course so... yeah!"
my friend says, " can you do my friends makeup!" (this is back when i didn't wear makeup) The woman says okay so she grabs a whole buch of stuff from "Lorac" (its carol backwards. trippy huh?) and she does a wonderful job. Then she says, " would you be interested in buying any of these?" And my friend is like, " we're gonna look around!" and then 2 minutes later she snatches me out the door and says, " free MAKEOVER!!!" I felt kinda bad like we cheated the MA. :'(


Well-known member
Originally Posted by chocolategoddes
I feel bad cuz I was part of making a Sephora employee do my makeup for free (though i don't know what their policy is on it)

So my friend walks up to a MA and says " are you good at makeup?"
MA saya, "HELL YAH betch!" jk! she says, " well, i did take a cosmetology course so... yeah!"
my friend says, " can you do my friends makeup!" (this is back when i didn't wear makeup) The woman says okay so she grabs a whole buch of stuff from "Lorac" (its carol backwards. trippy huh?) and she does a wonderful job. Then she says, " would you be interested in buying any of these?" And my friend is like, " we're gonna look around!" and then 2 minutes later she snatches me out the door and says, " free MAKEOVER!!!" I felt kinda bad like we cheated the MA. :'(

...and this is one of the reasons why I continue to do just one side of the face on customers who give you that "vibe" that they're going to pull a stunt like the one your friend did. Don't get me wrong, if it's slow and I am tired of counting the ceiling tiles, I don't have a problem doing a makeover without a purchase. It's practice for me, fun for the customer and everyone's happy. But I am at work to sell, not just to play with makeup.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by LindseySullivan
Ugh! I had a MA at the counter in Columbia MD do that to me! I'm military so I generally wear neutralish colors (pinks, browns) and wanted to step out of my comfort zone and try a blue smokey eye. She proceeded to do one eye. I can't really tell how I like something without backing up from the mirror and seeing my whole face. I asked her to do the other eye and she wouldn't. So I step back, and one eye is blue, the other nothing and I look retarted.

WTF?!?! I usually drop an average of around $300 a trip - I ended up leaving - completely pissed off and went to the counter in Annapolis and spent $500! Hope that girl didn't work for commission!!!

It's actually called a focused demo, and usually done when the counter is busy or at peak times on the weekend. I always tell customers that if they want to "play" the best times are during the week, when the counters are usually slow and I can spend (and would love to spend) my entire shift on them! The problem is that a lot of the "I want to try (fill in the blank) customers come on the weekends, when we're swamped with appointments.


Well-known member
So this isn't really a cliche because it never happens but it made me giggle a little inside today...
These two girls came up with a big bag of empty boxes to B2M. Not empty containers but the boxes that the products come in. I explained to them how iB2M works and they got all rude. They insisted that someone told them it was just the boxes. I said I was sorry and they rolled their eyes and left. It's an innocent mistake but there's no need to be mean because you misunderstood something, ah well it made me smile a little.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ratmist

I worry about how easy it is to offend the MA because in their opinion, the products are dead simple and easy to understand. For those of us that aren't MA, it couldn't be more confusing sometimes - especially with the huge, versatile range that MAC offers.

I agree with this.
And sfter reading these threads I always worry a ton about what the MA's think of me when I go to my mac counter too. Although some of these customers sound absolutely ridiculous, you do understand that not everyone has the same amount of knowledge as you, right? The whole 'asking about applicator tips being cut off', really is not a dumb question. And it doesn't take a ton of time to explain. Cut the customers some slack. SOME of the things said on here are upsetting. haha


Well-known member
The last time i was in MAC I waited patiently for help while the lady being waited on in front of me, took her sweet ole time looking thru everything, and dragging the MA around with her, and making faces at me if I asked a question here and there. She had a child with her who was opening and touching everything, and ended up dropping a sharpener full of shavings on the floor, then stepped on them, smearing them all over the place. I felt so bad for the MAs who were so busy and starting to make faces at that lady, whos kid was screaming by this time. so I started trying to clean up some of the shavings on the floor, you know scooting them into a pile, because I was just standing there anyways, and the customer who wouldnt leave, finally decides she doesnt want anything at all, and walks by me making a comment about how clumsy some people are, and pointedly looked at me, like it wasnt her freakin kid that made the mess!!!!!

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