Mothers who buy LV's for their 8 yr old daughters. URGH!


Well-known member
While we're on the subject...I did a girl's makeup for her Bat Mitzvah (well, as much makeup as a 13 y/o would wear to look presentable..which wasn't much!)....she brought 4 of her girlfriends along, bought everything I used on all of them, and tipped me $50 (spending Daddy's money must be fun!!!
...she spent approximately $700 on MAC stuff). She had a diamond Rolex on (
), a Fendi Spy Bag (
) and 1 carat diamond studs on each ear. She told me her party was a black tie affair for 500 at the ritziest hotel in the city and that her parents were sending her, 4 of her friends and her nanny to Europe for the entire summer. All that at the heck can you top that? You wonder what her parents are going to do for her wedding....

Miss World

Well-known member
hey ^_^ congrats on the job offer @ stila ^_^

IMHO, if the parents can afford it, its fine, but as long as its something reasonable... a kid carrying an LV could seem odd and awkward but to some people, its pretty normal. Parents, no matter rich or poor, have the responsibility of teaching their kids the value of money. its not something you are guaranteed to have for the rest of your life. my late father being a business man has taught me tspend reasonably, and value it. now that he's gone, and I can no longer depend on him, I had to get my own job, and put everything I've been taught into action. its a great thing to teach your kids, and in my case, I'll be forever thankful that my father had taught me this.


Well-known member
I don't even have a Barbie doll when I was a little girl... and I do buy LV now, but not only LV, there are Prada, Guess, Dior... Oh you name it all.. BUT those are COUNTERFEIT in GRADE AA.... LOL... and now my Prade wallet is torn, gonna get a new one... haven't think of what brand yet... what will you suggest? LOL...

and $400 could do lots of things to me, pay rent, buy foods, pay electricity and water bills, phone bill, and buy 2 eyeshadows of MAC... LOL... and that's for a month bills and needs...

but nowadays kids are demanding and they know what LV, Dior and those branded stuffs are... yet I think, it's all back to the parents... how they teach their children about differences of "NEEDS and WANTS"...


Well-known member
I guess it's really up to the parent in the end... If you have money to burn and think that LV purses are what matters in life, I suppose there is not much any of us can really say about it. To people who are filthy stinkin rich, buying a $400 purse is like us buying a $25 purse - it's all relative, but not that I am making excuses...

Myself, I would never, ever on God's green earth buy a $400 purse for my child. This is strictly because I was not raised in a family that had money to burn. We were middle class but never had that kind of cash. To me, filling your life with expensive frivolous items (not to say that all LV purses are frivolous) is a cover for other things that are really missing. I am focused on teaching my children (when I have them) the realities of the world and the need for humanitarian-minded citizens. If they learn these skills and still decide they like LV, that is OK with me cause hey, I like nice purses, too! My only wish for my children is for them to have social and environmental consciousness and understand the impact that material items have on our earth.



I have a 12/13 year old at the school I work at (after school child care at a middle school). She came in one day with a LV bag in a good, solid size, keeping her pens, pencils, glasses, etc. in it. I was shocked beyond shocked. Her family must have money somewhere, as she said it was a gift. She didn't know what LV was, or it's significance. She may not have known that it was an expensive item. I told her that it was a special gift and to take good care of it, because it is a classic and will be in style forever...I haven't seen her with it but once or twice since. I think she took my advice and stopped using it to tote around school supplies.

There is hardly any purpose in buying a younger child an expensive designer bag. It more than likely would just teach the child to only want designer things. I work hard for my "expensive" things, and it feels great to treat myself to things like small-yet-expensive Coach bags.
I don't think that wealthy people who have any intentions of staying wealthy drop $400+ like it's nothing. My best friend comes from a very wealthy family, and she and her mom usually shop at middle-type stores like Khol's, AE...mall stores. Occasionally, they go for J. Crew or better, but they usually wait and save their money to spend on cruises for vacation, which is 100x more fun than a bag made from a dead cow.

Shows like Super Sweet 16 just make me depressed. My family and I are working to afford a beautiful yet cost-efficient wedding for my fiance and I. Most of the Sweet 16 parties are more than I could ever hope for my wedding to be.


Well-known member

i can agree with some of the points made so far but really i think when your'e younger you cant appericiate things as much as you can now. for example when i was like 10-12 i used to put all my christmas/birthday money into my bank account (god knows why) but now im really grateful cos now i have like £1000 to spend on something actually worthwhile like putting towards a house etc (ok long way to go obv but £1000 is alot) and i really think that giving 13 yr olds like fendi bags and everything they want is wrong because they assume money is not a problem and will always be there. i only hope they end up with a job when their old enough/part time and dont get pocket money

hah just a off topic add to the convo i was in harvey nicks today and can barely afford to even LOOK at the bags was scared to touch lol, i dunno what it is i was looking at all the D+G, dkny, etc clothes and they were nothing special to me personally i would rather have loads of great items for the same price as something id be scared to touch or wear
but hey maybe thats just me. saying that i DID have some cheap designer clothes when i was little (like 10 ish) like dkny, calvin klein etc that were bought from outlets with like 75% off and looked at them the same as my other clothes just because they cost the same.


Well-known member
I'm just glad that my daughter who will turn 6 on Sunday is asking for a regular two wheeled bike! She sees that mommy likes makeup and has a lot of it, but she also understands it's just for fun. I don't leave my house wearing makeup everyday.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by giz2000
While we're on the subject...I did a girl's makeup for her Bat Mitzvah (well, as much makeup as a 13 y/o would wear to look presentable..which wasn't much!)....she brought 4 of her girlfriends along, bought everything I used on all of them, and tipped me $50 (spending Daddy's money must be fun!!!
...she spent approximately $700 on MAC stuff). She had a diamond Rolex on (
), a Fendi Spy Bag (
) and 1 carat diamond studs on each ear. She told me her party was a black tie affair for 500 at the ritziest hotel in the city and that her parents were sending her, 4 of her friends and her nanny to Europe for the entire summer. All that at the heck can you top that? You wonder what her parents are going to do for her wedding....

13??? oh god. buying such expensive items for an 8 yr old is abit extreme, my father died and mums a single parent. we've always got what we've wanted but within limits, i bought a DKNY bag the other day for £150 and mum screwed even though it was money saved from my part time job. it feels soo much better when u earn the money and buy something for yourself. my kids will definantly not have everything on a plate regardless of whether im loaded or not


Well-known member
LV is such a commercial brand - and i almost expect every little girl where i'm from to have all that. (i live in a VERY superficial area) who cares though? really, its not that serious. who cares what a person drives or what they wear or what their income or their parents income is? why does everyone who doesnt have what someone has think that they have a say in how that person should spend their money? its kind of silly really. pretend you had a million dollars for a day.. what would you spend it on? if you say that you wouldnt spend it on luxury items your a liar.

as for an 8 year old havin a LV bag - it just looks stupid for a little kid to have a luxury item that they'll probalby ruin. at least wait till they're in their teens and have a half a clue whats going on.


Well-known member
I don't presume to tell ANYONE how to spend their money. Ever.
But I will look at someone with incredulity if/when their child is a screaming brat because s/he doesn't comprehend the meaning of the word "No."


Well-known member
I do agree that people don't know the difference between need and want- I have my moments when I feel like I need something when it's really just a deep lust. Everytime a new MAC collection comes out...cough

I also love the Cosby mentality someone mentioned here, if I ever have a lot of money I will tell my kids this all the time!

I'm in compliance with just not raising spoiled brats... no matter how you do it. I also really want my child to appreciate what I am giving them... I don't think someone at that age can truly appreciate the value & price of an LV. If my child idolized it, especially if I toted one around.. I would get her a knockoff.

I agree that for insanely rich people it's easier to drop 400 on whatever but you aren't teaching your kids the value of money and posessions. Like all these rich celebrity kids that are doing halfass things with their lives and riding off their parents name... do you think anyone would have really wanted to make perfume, clothes, whatever if you weren't a Hilton? No.

The only luxury worth money to me is traveling... because that just makes you a completely different person.. it enriches your life, you learn, you take a break, you become more accepting of different cultures, you try new things, reduces stress and you get to tell your kids about all these different experiences.


Active member
Originally Posted by Onederland
So i was in MAC today, buying some paints, pigments, eyeliner, and stuff...

While i was in line, this HUGE breasted italian woman with stilletto's a tighter than spandex shirt, and a white fur coat, with Chanel Sunglasses came in with her 8 yr old daughter, Carrying with her a 400 dollar Louis Vuitton Bag, thats no bigger than 5" x 5" x 3", i kidd you not! It wasnt even big enough to hold a cell phone. And 400 bucks for that?!!?!?!?!?!

Urgh i HATE women like that, women who feed of their husband's money.

Just had to get my rant, how many of you have seen the type, and know what im talking about?

And all the MAC MA's were all "oohing and awwing" over the little LV, except my MA, she just stood there and whispered to me, "Urgh..."

Hahahaha i <3 her.

And i side note, i was offered a job at Stila today. I am proud.

D: There's a girl like that that I knew of at my school... She's quite a bit younger than me (She was in 7th or 8th grade when I was a senior in HS) but HOLY MOLEY. The first time I saw her, she must've been in 3rd or so grade, and she had a FULL FACE of really gross pancake makeup and RED LIPSTICK... She wore Chanel sunglasses at recess that were entirely too big for her tiny face and wore Roberto Cavalli Kids clothes. We do this "March of the Fairies" dance on May Day at school (you know, May Poles, and stuff) and we have these dresses that you have to wear to participate. They are supposed to be made of solid-colored pastel cotton broadcloth, with stripes of cotton calico at the bottom, and you carry a "May Hoop," decorated with real flowers, mine always had daisies and like, ivy we cut off of our creeping ivy on the side of my house. Pretty much everyone else's hoops had something similar on it, since it is MEANT to be a festival for god, and you AREN'T supposed to look gaudy or anything.

i attended the dance one year that she did it... she had a FUSCHIA SILK may dress, WITH COUTURE BEADING, AND FRENCH BATTENBURG LACE as the stripes. my god! and she had a may hoop decorated with FIVE DOZEN RED ROSES. Jeeeeez! It was quite funny though, she was a very little girl, and she had serious trouble holding up her hoop, since it was so heavy with flowers! haha!

Her mother is the biggest joke-of-a-lawyer in my home city, always wears 5" stillettos and Chanel suits to court... which frankly, doesn't make her OR her client look all that good, in the long run.


Well-known member
I agree that it's a bad idea to give kids ridiculously expensive things like LV bags, but I have a problem with your assumption that the woman was simply using her husband's money...What if it were HER hard-earned money? It's quite possible! In my relationship I am the more successful partner, and it would really bother me if people thought I were supporting my crazy MAC habit with my fiancee's money.

little teaser

Well-known member
my aunt and her husband own there own nail salon and both make good money and there daughter which is 12 years old has lv and chanel bag's but the little girl helps them at work and home she makes good grades so honestly i really dont find anything wrong with it when you have alot of money 400 really isnt that much they were poor growing up they work hard to get where there at so they enjoy life that includes 'THERE KIDS" it's not like you can take it with you when your gone


Well-known member
There's a saying to be remembered when we see crazy things like little girls with $400 purses (and the crazy people who buy it for them): 'Too much money, not enough sense'! Lol!

little teaser

Well-known member
Originally Posted by Fairybelle
There's a saying to be remembered when we see crazy things like little girls with $400 purses (and the crazy people who buy it for them): 'Too much money, not enough sense'! Lol!

im sure if people could see our train case they would think we are crazy too


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Fairybelle
There's a saying to be remembered when we see crazy things like little girls with $400 purses (and the crazy people who buy it for them): 'Too much money, not enough sense'! Lol!

Actually it's called, it's only $400.00...

To a LOT of people $400.00 isn't a lot of money.

It's only a lot of money if you dont have a lot of money to spend. It's all relative to your disposable income. If you think $400.00 is a lot, it's because your dont have enough disposable income (or you grew up poor, and have new money, so your perception on whats a lot of money isn't relative to your actual income).

To me, $400.00 is 1/2 my rent.

To other people it's a pair of shoes. And a cheap pair at that.


Well-known member
Having a wealthy set of parents does NOT equal spoiled. Dad's a MD and Mom's an RN. I go to the cheapest uni in Canada, and anything that isn't essential (tuition, food, ect) I pay for myself. AND I do research to make sure I'm saving my parents' money. Back in high school I had a few part-time jobs, and my friends would laugh at me and say "you don't NEEEEEED a job!" So they thought. If I EVER, in my LIFE, asked for an LV bag my daddy woulda taken a baseball bat to my knees.