Originally Posted by koolmnbv
Ok I understand its not good to spoil your kids, but if someone is wealthy why is there child not allowed to have nice gifts,things etc.?
I also do not think its fair to assume because someone has alot of money or expensive things they are spoiled etc. I know lots of down to earth ppl. that have ALOT of money!
i agree, thanks for saying this.
or as mac_obsession said, going off to school and not knowing how to do laundry. i'm sorry, but i don't equate that with being spoiled.
i don't mean to use you as an example for this, but you did bring up a lot of things that i hear a lot from people (so this isn't all a reply to just
your comment, just in general!
i didn't do my own laundry when i lived at home, same goes for most of my friends (who also weren't rich) -
it was just the way our families were. my mom didn't mind. my mother (and sometimes father) also prepared dinner for us every night - but if we didn't like it, tough. we ate it or we had to make something else. but it was never our primary responsibility to feed ourselves, and i don't think it should be for someone as young as 10.
just because someone's experience at home differs from yours does not mean they are spoiled, or had things given to them on a golden platter. i still learned how to do the laundry, so i know how to do it now that i don't live at home. i also learned how to cook.
my college education is paid for due to my parents' planning ahead and putting a little bit of money into an education fund every year, and i
constantly get sarcastic and bitter "lucky you
"s from people who have to pay out of their own pocket.
and i really resent it. i am not going to apologize for my parents thinking ahead for my future and wanting me to be all set and on my way to prepare for my own life. it really bothers me a lot.
and even though i got new toys every christmas and birthday, i still understood and was taught the value of money and taking care of my possessions. i have always saved my money from my jobs and never spent friviously - i even feel guilty if i leave MAC with more than one item.
again, different upbringings =/= spoiled, irresponsible and incapable people.
of course there
are people like that, since you have encountered them and as have i, but i also know people who had
nothing handed to them and had a hard life and are miserable whiney people who act like the world owes them something.
not having a family that did things like laundry or cooking for you as a child doesn't guarantee that you will grow up to be an independent, hardworking, grateful adult.
my friend's parents are constantly struggling financially, and my friend has to cook and do her own laundry and whatever else.
you know what she's doing right now? sitting in her room on her computer all day, barely graduated from high school, no plans or dreams to continue her education, intends on getting a factory job (as her lifelong career) but has
never had a job for more than 2 weeks her entire life and isn't even
trying to get one right now and she's been out of school for over a year. doesn't look like she'll be changing her ways anytime soon either.
here is someone who had nothing handed to her, no opportunities shown to her, and now she is an uninspired bump on a log who is depressing to be around.
imo it all comes down to
parenting and not necessarily how much money you have.