New Aqua Liner


Well-known member
I just called my local Sephora store and they've just received these! I'm going to go pick up that blackened purple one!

My local Sephora must be tired of me calling, I'm going to give them a ring right now!


Well-known member
I just came from a Sephora and they had the liners. When I spotted them it was like the clouds parted and harps and angels started to sing. They are so gorgeous. The burgundy and black purple are absolutely stunning. Unfortunately, I couldn't spend my last few dollars, but in another week or two those liners will be mine! The MUA had the nerve to try and show me Stila's liners. Um, no. I am a Mufe girl and these things are tried and true. :nono:


Well-known member
I have the red,the black purple and the fuschia,they are gorge.oussss!I also have the lagoon green on it's way to me.


Well-known member
I got #3 Emerald Green and #15 Iridescent Anthracite . I used #3 yesterday for the first time and I was excited! #14 was sold out already but I know I have to get it!


Well-known member
There was only a #19 when they were first released. That was in the mufe boutique in NY. It was pulled shortly after that and before they were released to Sephora. It's no longer available anywhere in the US. I happened to be at the boutique the first day they were available and swatched #19. I almost bought it.

Really? WOW! I feel so cool now to actually have #19. I bought when they just came out from the NYC boutique. Here are a couple of pics of it in case you guys are curious. :)

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Well-known member
Some photos of the liners I bought recently.

From L to R> Iridescent Electric Purple (#8), Iridescent Fucshia (#9), Diamond Turqouise Blue (#5), Diamond Lagoon Green (#4) <no flash>

From L to R> Iridescent Electric Purple (#8), Iridescent Fucshia (#9), Diamond Turqouise Blue (#5), Diamond Lagoon Green (#4) <natural light>

wow! these look great with yoru skin tone! the green looks particularly stunning! :) great choices!


Well-known member
Got the blackened purple today and I am in heaven! MUFE is seriously rocking my boat right about now! Oh, and I just had to swatch that hot pink one... so pretty! But I still can't see (me personally) wearing it.


Well-known member
I got the black multi, the red and the irridescent purple this week. LOVE!!! I have 4 more that I want and 1 that popped onto the list after seeing it in person (the dark blue).


Well-known member
I went to Sephora yesterday and picked up the multicolor black, navy blue, and emerald green liners. I picked the "safe" colors to start out with. I pretty much want all of them, but I have to get the courage to start trying the bolder colors. Plus I am not really sure what I would do with the white.

I tried the green today, and I must say that I am impressed. I am going to use the black tomorrow.

My local Sephora had a relatively big display set up for these liners. Either they didn't get a lot of them in or a pack of make up crazed she devils already had at the display. It was almost empty. I got the last #14.


Well-known member
Weird, because my Sephora was also the same in this respect. They had 3 different displays featuring like 5 colors each. Many of the color slots were empty and I was thinking to myself that maybe the staff had gotten to them before the public (which I wouldn't think would be allowed). More than likely, they got the displayers but not all of the colors and, for the ones they did get, they maybe only got a couple each?

I went to Sephora yesterday and picked up the multicolor black, navy blue, and emerald green liners. I picked the "safe" colors to start out with. I pretty much want all of them, but I have to get the courage to start trying the bolder colors. Plus I am not really sure what I would do with the white.

I tried the green today, and I must say that I am impressed. I am going to use the black tomorrow.

My local Sephora had a relatively big display set up for these liners. Either they didn't get a lot of them in or a pack of make up crazed she devils already had at the display. It was almost empty. I got the last #14.


Well-known member
My Sephora had a display at the very top for the liners, but it was just testers and only 2 or 3 liners to buy. I freaked out. Then, I noticed another section, one shelf down and there was more. I think they are moving fast.


Well-known member
So I decided to live dangerously and ordered the iridescent purple & fuschia liners from Sephora. Now I will have a total of 5 of these liners. I have a serious make up addiction! LOL!

So much for my Surf Baby fund!


Well-known member
im thinking of getting the black multicoloured one from sephora online bt ill need to qualify for free shipping so prob have to figure out something else to buy.. any ideas ladies?? im thinking of popping in a mufe lipstick.. not sure which one though..

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