New website


Well-known member
Hi guys! Seriously, I have been in Specktra withdrawal! Since the site had updated, I haven't been able to log onto Specktra for almost 3 weeks. So I was going thru some major withdrawals here!

Now that I'm back, there are tons of things to catch up on! I missed reading everyone's posts! I seriously didn't realize how much I was on Specktra all the time until I couldn't even go on the site.

Anyway back to the topic, I saw the new MAC website. I absolutely HATE it! They need to change it back to the old site. This one isn't user friendly and I hate having to use the search button to find things. It seriously sucks so much I emailed MAC about it. But I doubt they'd listen to little old me!


Well-known member
I just went before I saw this thread, and I came back to see if anyone had posted about it. I no likey. It's just..... too extra. I preferred the clean, basic setup of the old site.
I never buy from the MAC website. Simply because there is no website for my country (Belgium). Anyway I like to make lists of things I need with the help of the MAC website and then go to my local store.

I really will miss the option to sort colours by finish or alphabeticly.

Black doesn't show on the black background. For example: if you look at the mascaras, at first glance it looks like they only offer them in brown. You need to blindly click next to the brown for the black to appear.

The color play option can take time to appear. It's great to search colors with the same tone, but it should also give for example contrasting colors that work well together.

I love the videos but why do they keep the lighting so low and shadowy, that was already something I thought strange with the MACPRO videos. This "clair-obscure" thing doesn't work for tutorials.

I'm sure this new website must have cost a lot, but I feel like they should have tested it more with consumers before putting it live. Anyone from this forum could have warned them about the size of the swatches, the black on black problem etc...

Last year Chanel tried a new version for their cosmetics website in french. It was in the style of the Dior website for France: all flashy, slow downloading and easy to crash. Though impressive looking, after a few weeks Chanel went back to the older version. I hope this won't happen with the new MAC site, they just need to work things out.

rocking chick

Well-known member
Now that I am more familiar with the new website, I find it alright to use. But one thing which I dont like is that there are no more "triangle of death" besides the LE colors.


Well-known member
urgh i hate having to hover over the swatches.. like im able to pinpoint which color im looking for x_X also, my purchase history only contains 2 products.. im sure its missing a whole lot more


Well-known member
the shade descriptions are shitty. I hate how the colors are displayed now with those crappy little squares that you have to click. I prefered when i used to be able to see all the colors at once and scroll up and down the page, cause it allowed me to compare and go through things faster to find what I wanted.. I also dont like the main page where they display the promo images for the new color collections.. I couldnt see all of the Dame Edna promo pic cause my resolution wasn't set high enough.... I gree the flash site is to much.. the new black background is kind of nice, and its nice to have new features, but i would have prefferred some tweaking of the old site as apposed to this total revamp of everything.... Thumbs down...

that being said.. I really hope they don't change the Canadian one to that format!!


Well-known member
we should have a poll.. that way they can see a better representaton of how many people like vs dont like the new site!


Am I the only one who actually like the new website? LOL
To clearify my statement, I only love the visual design of it. After play around with it, I found it hard to navigate.
Especially when I was looking at the eyeshadow colours/foundation colours.

Although it was hard for me to distinguish those brushes, but I do love the brush pages.


Well-known member
I do not like the new website because it is harder to find the color I am looking for. The tiny boxes that have the digital swatch, stink.


Well-known member
I'll be buying elsewhere. Maybe even switching cosmetic lines to things sold on the big S. I live in the sticks & have the choice of either a strict FAP or dialup. Either way, the website is a no-go.


Well-known member
MAC cosmetics online redesign

I hope there isn't another topic on this.

I knew about it happening for a while but it's finally here.
Check it out

Browsing is really cool now, there's a colour spectrum bar and if you click a colour in it,it shows a bunch of products that are similar to the colour you clicked.

M·A·C Cosmetics | Offering a large selection of makeup, skin care products, and nail care items. Also offering cosmetic accessories

Here's a picture cause it doesnt seem to be working for everyone



Well-known member
^ The Canadian site has been unchanged, that's why we have a new URL now, I'm actually REALLY curious to see this hot mess.

I have seen the screenshot (whoever posted it earlier, thanks!) and it looks horrible! I mean, MAConline swatches are crappy enough to begin with, but now with the little blocks of colour that don't even represent the actual product - BLEH. I guess I will further have to rely on Specktra for real swatches now =_=


Well-known member
Re: MAC cosmetics online redesign

It's kinda wierd how it's been working for some people but not for others... I thought I was starting to go crazy wondering if the site I was seeing was the "new" one which it definately is not haha... Thanks for the screenshot! I hope I can browse the new site and of course order some stuff just to make sure it works haha... Any excuse, right ladies?

Miss QQ

Well-known member
It is good that when clicking on the product, there is no pop-up window for the swatch. But the colours become is tiny I don't even want to look for the one I want. Everything else is no good for me. The black and white combo makes it hard to read the words. I have to use Lager text size instead of Medium, otherwise, the words are too small! I used to surf MAC's website for fun too, but I don't think I'll do it often now.


Well-known member
It looks good and there are some cool new features, but the little color blocks are pretty useless. And it's hard to find a color when there are so many (like for the eyeshadows).


Well-known member
i'm sad a little bit about how shitty the new site is... and i miss the triangle of death
it's too hard to navigate and takes FOREVER to load on my computer

i wrote mac an email about it...


Well-known member
My only real pet peeve is that since the pre-hover swatches are small dots, it's hard to tell what you already have/know you don't want without hovering over everything individually.