People always ask for my _____


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My skin... it's actually insane how much I get pulled from here to there by women esp when i walk by cosmetics counters, to show my skin off... I just smile and wave.... haha


Originally Posted by joey444
I'm intrigued now...what mascara DO you wear?? lol

Don't tell my customers, but I use Prescriptive's False Eyelash Mascara and it really does live up to it's name


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Originally Posted by xStarryEyedX
my skin+ my eyeliner.

and i never give them the answer they want to hear, haha.. i work damn hard to have perfect skin (consistancy, cleanser toner moisturizer. mask+scrub twice a week. peel once a week.)... And as far as eyeliner, practice. I think they want to hear " well we have this magic $2 cleanser that I use. Oh and my eyeliner, we have these stickers...."...sorry loves, but it's not easy. I spend a shitload of money on skincare



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Originally Posted by Nyla2120
Same here! They want my skin, yet they don't want to put the work into it that I do. First off I already have pretty good skin, then I take really good care of it. I stay out of the sun, I don't smoke & I have a really good skincare regimen. I use good foundation, concealer & brushes. People really think there is just 1 miracle product that will give them my look. Or there are the 40+ ladies who come in smelling like walking ashtrays & looking like they spent their entire lives in the sun wanting to know what foundation I use. Then I put it on them & they have the nerve to say "Well, mine doesn't look as good as yours!" Honey, if there was a foundation that would make your super damaged skin look perfect then cosmetic surgeons would all be out of business!

haha that is so true! the other day my manager was helping a girl that wanted to know what foundation i used and when i told her what i used she was like what the hell?! i was like this is alot of work girl

most people ask me how to do my foundation, lips, and eyebrows


Well-known member
Originally Posted by tvsnow
Don't tell my customers, but I use Prescriptive's False Eyelash Mascara and it really does live up to it's name

I love that stuff too....I was so delighted that the CCO sells it for $13.50!! Because it is not cheap!


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welll.... I'm not a makeup artist.... JUST YETT hehe

But people always ask me about my facial routin... Moisterizer foundation blah blahh.... and i always get complients on my eyesss


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People ALWAYS ask me where I get my tattoos...I think they pay more attention to those more than my


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when i got my makeup done at the mac counter, the girl said she wanted my face because it "carries makeup well," but usually people want my eyes. i guess green is a popular colour. and my eyebrows when they're made up! when they're not, i don't even want them.


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I always get asked about every part of my eyes; shadows, liners, mascara, brows. Then they also want to know about my hair; cut, color, conditioner


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Originally Posted by DirtyPlum
My NC40 skintone .. "you have such wonderful colouring", otherwise eye MU and liner.

people LOVE NC40 i get so many people asking what colour foundation i wear they can be nc20 and want to buy it because they like the colour of my face, i then proceed to get my arm out and put it next to theirs to indicate the difference haha

also, its different things for me depending on what im wearing!!