People always ask for my _____


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Originally Posted by TwiggyPop
I always get asked about every part of my eyes; shadows, liners, mascara, brows. Then they also want to know about my hair; cut, color, conditioner

yes!!!! hair aswell! i had a girl from hollyoaks asking me about my hair just today! random


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Um... I would say EYECOlOUR. I have lighter eyes for a Chinese girl, they are light brown with a bit of red? Not dark brown like most asians so I always get asked if I'm wearing contacts.


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Originally Posted by shorty
people LOVE NC40 i get so many people asking what colour foundation i wear they can be nc20 and want to buy it because they like the colour of my face, i then proceed to get my arm out and put it next to theirs to indicate the difference haha

I go through the same thing. I'm an NC40 & people always say they want my want to be my color. Whether they are NC20 or NW45. I am always like "Thanks, but we need to find you a foundation that is *your* color so it looks natural." Some people really do think that they can just become whatever color they want by picking a certain foundation LOL!


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Originally Posted by DirtyPlum
^^ ooh, who Shorty??

ive no idea who she is, shes a regualr but i only found out the other day that shes in hollyoaks... you dont understand how many minor celebs i serve without having a clue, every other day!!!


Active member
Originally Posted by Nyla2120
Same here! They want my skin, yet they don't want to put the work into it that I do. First off I already have pretty good skin, then I take really good care of it. I stay out of the sun, I don't smoke & I have a really good skincare regimen. I use good foundation, concealer & brushes. People really think there is just 1 miracle product that will give them my look. Or there are the 40+ ladies who come in smelling like walking ashtrays & looking like they spent their entire lives in the sun wanting to know what foundation I use. Then I put it on them & they have the nerve to say "Well, mine doesn't look as good as yours!" Honey, if there was a foundation that would make your super damaged skin look perfect then cosmetic surgeons would all be out of business!

You said it sister! It is amazing how people think that it happens with one product!


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I'm not a MUA, but I always get asked if I'm one because of my eye makeup, and compliments on it (which makes me VERY happy, and confident that I could one day do it!). And people say I have flawless skin (not quite!) so that's very nice.
Of course when I tell them you have to religiously apply sunscreen on the daily, they don't want to do that...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by glitterkitten
You said it sister! It is amazing how people think that it happens with one product!

well, beacuse advertisement tells them so. call now to buy this superduperallinoneproduct and all your problems will magically disappear, a large amount of money will show up along with ageless beauty and a prince riding on a horse. for only 99.99$!

last week a customer asked me for a soap, that would cleanse, moisturize, scrub and leave a lovely scent on the skin. im sorry, ma´am, but we do not offer miracles here.

i got asked for my hair pretty often, but after my new haircut i still have to figure out how to look good like before. i mean, my face looks better now, but my hair is out of the focus...


Well-known member
I use the same one Prescriptives False Eye Lashes first coat and after I use prescriptives here to stay!!! You can't imagine how long and full your lashes will look (not that I have long lashes LOL) thanks to these two mascaras!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by looovemac
I use the same one Prescriptives False Eye Lashes first coat and after I use prescriptives here to stay!!! You can't imagine how long and full your lashes will look (not that I have long lashes LOL) thanks to these two mascaras!!

I really really wanna try these now!!


My eyebrows. Always! But no one likes it when I tell them it took years of plucking to get the shape right. An instant result is what people are after!

Lashes too and eye liner. I tell them Its actually just Diorshow giving the illusion of a perfect line of eyeliner. No one believes that either.

Lastly is skin. People inquire as to how I keep my skin smooth and blemish free and the answer is....... soap actually! I have an appalling skin care routine and I'm actually glad people think I'm lying when I say Palmolive hand wash is my choice of facial cleanser


Well-known member
my eyebrows! i get asked about/complimented on my eyebrows several times a day while im at work.

i think i should name them.


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I've never worked at a makeup counter, before, but I get asked quite regularly about my eyeshadow. I like to wear jewel-tone purples from NYX and Milani, they make the green in my hazel eyes really pop! It's very amusing and quite flattering to me.

I have very long strawberry-blond hair (used to be a light blond, but as I'm getting older my hair is getting darker
). My hair reaches to the back of my knees, no joke. I get stopped ALOT and asked about what shampoos/conditioners I use, when the last time was that I cut my hair, IF I'll ever cut my hair, how I use the toilet without dirtying my hair, or if I sit on my hair alot, as well as 'how' I wash my hair, etc.
-every time I get stopped my fiancee rolls his eyes. He's gotten used to it and is very patient if not continually amused. It's always the same battery of questions, never anything new.

Otherwise, that's it for me.


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I don't work in the industry but people always ask for my skin. I don't wear foundation or anything.


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I am always asked about my eyeshadow and complexion. It's funny when I am at MAC and people ask for my help...I'm like yeaaa I need to work here! lol


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lashes. I change my mascara quite a lot, but I get asked most when Im wearing zoomlash (lol nope dont work for mac

People always ask what I use for eyeliner too :p but as said above - its more practice than product!


Well-known member
I just get asked how I stay so pale/why I'm so pale/why don't I tan.
And I also get asked why I don't dye my hair (I've discovered that in Ireland having red hair is a bad thing.)
I get told to eat more also.
Sometimes I get asked about my eye makeup.

So nothing positive really ;/