People always ask for my _____


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I feel like whatever I'm wearing I usually sell a lot of. I feel like my eyes/lips/skin have been requested about equally, but seeing as I'm still rather new we'll see how that changes. Yesterday I wore High Tea with Instant Gold atop and sold a LOT of each color, and a couple of days ago I was wearing Cranberry on my eyes and sold a bunch of those and even replicated the eye look for a woman. I love it when this sort of thing happens, obviously it's very flattering but I think it strikes a nice note between you and the customer because you already have something in common. :)


Well-known member, eye makeup look, brows. it's flattering but when i explain the eye look to them, they get so intimidated by the 'bright' or 'dark' colors


Well-known member
Originally Posted by malaviKat
As of late I have been asked about my eye shadow and complimented on my brows. I was in Sephora and MAC on the weekend and every associate that came in contact with me asked me what I was wearing. A few asked if I did it myself and two even asked if I was a pro makeup artist. That's pretty flattering, I've gotta say, since I'm anything but. I jokingly told my bf afterward that at least the $$ I spend on makeup hasn't been a total waste and I don't routinely look like a clown. :p

I have also been told on occasion that I have DSL...even without product on them... I guess that's a compliment (if I'm not being offended).

On a completely unrelated note, I am (and have always been) asked about my handwriting. Recently I started taking notes for class in a hardbound journal. I typically write in black gel pen (very dark wet ink), though I've recently switched back to a fountain pen, and in one of my classes my classmates and prof thought it was a printed book. I've also been singled out in a class of 300 in undergrad because a prof wanted to know who was responsible for the writing on an exam. According to others, my day to day writing looks like calligraphy and I've been told I should turn it into a font.

wow amazing!!! i wanna see ur handwriting!! i have the worst handwriting ever! it hasn't changed since the 3rd grade. LOL. i just don't have good control and i like to write fast so it's becomes even messier.


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People always ask how I keep my skin so clear, then get all mad when I say that it's mostly genetics. I mean, some of it's also good diet and good hygiene, but honestly, it's mostly genetics!


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So far they've been asking a lot about whatever lipstick I'm wearing, eyes and brows and usually I sell a lot of whatever I tell them I'm using.


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How I line my eyes or what liner do i have on is my most asked q, how i apply my eye makeup, what foundation am i wearing, what am i using on my brows, what mascara do i have on (i get this question everyday), and sometimes what do i have on my lips or cheeks or nails.

I've been having purple bangs for a while now (can't get rid of it purple is my fave color!) and people ask me all the time what purple i have in or if i have extensions or clip ons lol

Yesterday I was dead tired to go to an early training at work and was going to be off for the day and planned on going back to sleep when i got home, so all i did was barely any makeup but always have to have liner, did some effortless short winged liner with UD 24/7 in zero and then one of my managers called to see if i can work for someone who called in and i was like oh man im tired and barely have makeup, not even foundation primer..but i sold a few UD liners just for ringing people out! Also sold the purple dye i use for my bangs =)


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..nail polish, strangely enough!
I tend to wear different polishes all the time so I tend to get asked about what colour it is, what brand etc.


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I don't work at a counter but a hair salon, but I always get asked about my skin and my my cheek highlight - copious amounts or Estee Lauder Doublewear and whatever highlight I'm loving for the months - this week it's Gana and Too Chic!