Pet Makeup Peeves


Well-known member
What are your pet makeup peeves?
Personally, I hate too-dark foundation and all-one-color bright eyeshadow.
Also dark lipliner+ pale lips. I realize that others think this looks great, and that's fine, but I personally don't care for it.
Anyone else?


Well-known member
I've been noticing girls doing SUPER-thick eyeliner, trying to pull off almost a "panda eye" (or smokey-eye gone wrong) and it looks like they got punched in the eye :-( The eyeliner is either flaky-lookin or smeared toooooo much!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SChotgurrl
The eyeliner is either flaky-lookin or smeared toooooo much!

I agree! I really don't like the look of rimming the entire eye with black liner, though when the line is thin and the wearer has the right coloring, it can look okay.Unless, of course, the wearer is using that horrible liquid liner that flakes. Ugh!
I also hate it when brows are over-plucked into what look like single-hair rows. I guess it's an attempt to make the eyes look larger, but it doesn't.


Well-known member
I don't like bushy/tadpole eyebrows, chapped lips, foundation that looks like a mask, and lime green/yellow eyeshadow - which if you can pull off i applaud you.


Well-known member
The winged eyeliner that is overdone. There's a girl that works at the CCO near me and she is a prime example. She wears nothing but these 2 huge wings on her eyes that stretches halfway up her lid. It looks awful.
I don't care for over-done or poorly done makeup. I've seen so many ladies with eyeshadow that looks like it was applied with a pond-skipping rock.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by flowerhead
lime green/yellow eyeshadow

Does canary-yellow eyeshadow look good on ANYONE?
If you have ever seen someone looking healthy and attractive in yellow or lime green eyeshadow, please share that experience with the rest of us.


Well-known member
crooked eyeliner, too much bronzer, clumpy mascara, too dark lip liner, creased eyeshadow, ... :p


Well-known member
Non blending/poorly matching foundation around the jawline, makeup that is applied very sloppy (might as well not wear anything at all since makeup is supposed to complement your features, not hack them up), heavy blush, clumpy mascara, too much glitter, and uneven application, heavier/lighter on one side vs. the other.....the list goes on, but that's the majority of it!


Well-known member
*tadpole eyebrows. Arches are a wonderful thing. (I have no room to talk right now because I'm growing my own out from being seriously overplucked, but still...I have NEVER had tadpoles.)
*caked foundation. It's really not flattering to the complexion.
*too thick lipstick/gloss/glass, whatever. It looks slimy and unkissable, and it leaves marks EVERYWHERE including smearing on the teeth.
*Eyeshadow that's too bright. I LOVE me some eyeshadow, I truly do. I don't love the MIMI look though. That's a bit much for me.
*Bronzer overload. Look at some of the pics of Christina Aguilera or ANY female walking the red carpet at Oscar time. The MUAs go CRAZY with bronzer and you can see, if you look, the line at the scalp/hairline.
*Unblended blush. It's not 'contouring', it's just sloppy.
*Super thick eyeliner. Jackie-O and Pricilla Presley are things of the past...for good reason.
*Too much "shine" on the face. It just makes the face look like a disco ball. Highlight? Yes. Reflective surface? Not so much.

Sad thing is, I KNOW I've been guilty of these things except the tadpole eyebrows and the bronzer, at some point in time or another.


Well-known member
*Spidery mascara! grrross!! Get yourself a lash comb, girl!

*Dark lipliner with worn off or too pale lipstick. Reapply and please match your lipcolor to your lip pencil!

*Pink, FROSSSTY lips, 80s style. 'nuff said.

*Line of foundation on the chin/neck line. A girl I hated in high school always had this going on and I never clued her in

*gobs of dark eye shadow that isn't blended and no highlighter on the brow bone. it really completes the look and takes away from that "playing with mommy's makeup" look.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by meihwa
clumpy mascara

I think the above may be one of the worst for me.
I *am* fairly generous with the mascara on my own lashes, but I go light enough so that they still look like lashes and not just random wads of mascara.
When I see someone wearing globs of mascara, I never think, "What beautiful lashes!"
I tend to think, "Who'd have thought a putty knife could fit into a tube of mascara!"


Well-known member
"So, like, I'm thinking rrrrrrrrreally dark eyes and, um, really nude lips. And bronzer! Lots of bronzer! Can you make me look, like, more tanned? I wanna be all sexy and tanned. I totally don't want to look like anyone else, though."

The faster the dark eyes/bronzer/nude lips thing dies, the happier I'll be. Congratulations, you look like you've slept in several pounds of mascara and someone hid your lips. Sexy.


Well-known member
when someone blinks before their mascara dries, and it gets all over their makeup and skin, and they leave it. ugh. if you're too lazy to start your eyeshadow over, at least cover the mascara marks with more eyeshadow or something.

but then i know tyra banks wipes mascara under her lower eyelashes to make them look thicker, and she looks good. so hm.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lara
Congratulations, you look like you've slept in several pounds of mascara and someone hid your lips. Sexy.

Thanks so much for the laugh!!


Well-known member
Perhaps it's not so much a makeup thing, but please don't OD on the self tanner! Orange skin is hardly attractive!

Cakey/Clumpy anything

Wearing a super dark panda eye/smokey eye during broad daylight. Hardly ever looks flattering during the day!

Poorly shaped brows

Overly and poorly filled/drawn on brows (they're supposed to FRAME your face, not distract from it!)

a cool toned lip with a warm cheek or vice versa : i've seen it done beautifully, but most of the time it clashes -- in a bad way.

FILMY SLIMY LIPS! Please don't overload on the gloss. You know when there's SO much lip product on there that everytime they part open their mouth, it's like pulling apart grilled cheese!? Gross gross gross!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lara
The faster the dark eyes/bronzer/nude lips thing dies, the happier I'll be.

I SOO agree!
Maybe I'm just something left over from the 80s, but I'm ready to see some color!
I mean tastefully done color, of course, not striped neon eyeshadow.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by spam_musubi_

but then i know tyra banks wipes mascara under her lower eyelashes to make them look thicker, and she looks good. so hm.

Tyra Banks can get away with a good many things that we mortal women can't.
It would probably be pretty difficult for her to NOT look good.
It must be a horrible fate.


Well-known member
urm. Have you guys seen her lately on the red carpet? Weave lines, unstuck lashes, caked foundation, a mustache, armpit hair, things of that nature.