Pet Makeup Peeves


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Originally Posted by Beauty Mark
Lining only your bottom lid. I can understand only lining the top, but the bottom only looks really strange

Ugh. You're right; that looks awful. What I do is use a darker, more pronounced liner(ususally Blacktrack) on my upper lid, and a very thin line of brown or gray on my lower lid. This seems to make my eyes look bigger and brighter.
I've tried going without liner on the top lid, and I hated the way it looked.


Well-known member
i hate it when people use thick bands of bright shadows all the way up to their brows and then don't even blend. i see alot of "scene" kids do this. it breaks my heart, all that wasted makeup.

or platinum blonde hair and black eyebrows! makes me want to buy a whole bunch of MAC Fling brow pencils and share the damn wealth. a little darker brow colour is fine, but BLACK when your hair is almost white? are you serious?

glah! and too much blush/bronzer. oh geez. i see this all the time, ladies runnin' around with an entire pan of like Dollymix on or something, and it's just so abrasive and nasty looking. if it's blended, it's bordering on okay...but unblended? ew!


Well-known member
I'm an older woman so I can say this
but I really, really hate when an older woman wears too much of the wrong kind of makeup.

When you have lines around your eyes and mouth, you really need to be careful about your application. I'm 37 and I still wear bright colors & shimmer but I make sure everything is perfectly blended and not seeping into my lines. During the day I also check that my eyeliner hasn't decided to go south.

Nothing is more sad than a woman who applies her makeup hoping to look like someone on ANTM but ends up looking like Bette Davis in Whatever Happened to Baby Jane.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Beauty Mark
Lining only your bottom lid. I can understand only lining the top, but the bottom only looks really strange

ugh, yes. this is awful.
Lots of matte foundation to even out skintone, then no blush. It looks really odd and unnatural.

Single line eyebrows drawn on with metallic blue liner. I see this a lot with older women here in Florida. (I could say something here, but I'll be nice.)

Caked on foundation. I work for a chiropractor and after some women lay face down on the tables then get up, literally there are massive flakes of foundation. It's gross.

Gaps between eyeliner and the lashline. Even just a little skin is usually obviously between black liner and black mascara, especially with uncurled lashes.

It's not really a makeup peeve so to say, but I can't stand it if there is something on my face or something wrong with my makeup and my friends/family/coworkers don't say anything. It makes them think that they hate me when I discover a smear that was probably on my face for hours. To me, it's much more polite to discreetly let me know.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Cruella
I'm an older woman so I can say this
but I really, really hate when an older woman wears too much of the wrong kind of makeup.

When you have lines around your eyes and mouth, you really need to be careful about your application. I'm 37 and I still wear bright colors & shimmer but I make sure everything is perfectly blended and not seeping into my lines. During the day I also check that my eyeliner hasn't decided to go south.

Older woman?
At bloomin' 37? I scoff, I jeer!
I'm 42, and I still wear bright colors on lips and cheeks and shimmer on my eyes.
I know what you mean, though. Once you get to a certain age(and obviously that varies), you have to start being reeally careful. You can't take as much for granted as you might be used to.
And(wheeze!) you young things out there: Listen to your doctor, and wear sunblock, and knock off the cigarettes and the booze. Your skin will thank you later!
It's a good idea to choose your genes carefully, too.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by THE ANTHEM
i see this all the time, ladies runnin' around with an entire pan of like Dollymix on or something, and it's just so abrasive and nasty looking. if it's blended, it's bordering on okay...but unblended? ew!

Confession time: I love to wear the brighter/deeper blushes, like Deep Pink, Magenta, Frankly Scarlet, Dollymix, Lovecrush.
However, I use a good fluffy Mary Kay brush, apply lightly, then go over it with my enormous powder brush to blend.
It seems to work fine.
But bright, unblended "clown spots?"
Heaven forbid!


Well-known member
People with pale complexions that use frosty violet or pink lipstick, it just looks like they just died and someone forgot to tell them.

My sister has been doing this for at least 10 years. No matter what my mom and I have tried to tell her. bless her heart.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lara
"So, like, I'm thinking rrrrrrrrreally dark eyes and, um, really nude lips. And bronzer! Lots of bronzer! Can you make me look, like, more tanned? I wanna be all sexy and tanned. I totally don't want to look like anyone else, though."

The faster the dark eyes/bronzer/nude lips thing dies, the happier I'll be. Congratulations, you look like you've slept in several pounds of mascara and someone hid your lips. Sexy.

You really need to write a book. I'd be first in line to buy it!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by maxcat
You really need to write a book. I'd be first in line to buy it!!!

I'm SO thankful to have discovered someone else who hates the overdone bronzer/nude lips thing.
It's so rampant!
EE-NUFF already!
Yeah, Jennifer Lopez is beautiful, but is that any reason for the rest of us to go around looking like we fell head-first into a vat of Q-T, and lost our lipstick in the process?


Well-known member
Eyebrows.. it's amazing how something so 'simple' can be done so badly
Non-existant brows with intense eyes... it makes your face look unbalanced (and your forehead huge). Super skinny hairs.. not brows, but like 8 hairs that somehow form 2 arcs above your eyes. Shaved brows drawn in with black eyeliner. Dark brows with super bleached hair (triple points if they have an inch of roots to boot). Two perfect semi circles... those are just fun. My major pet peeve is the shape. Eyebrows are supposed to express emotion... not give you an emotion. If you can classify your eyebrows by a feeling, (ie. angry or surprised (or quizzical.. that's always a fun eyebrow shape)).. instead of "high arch," "low arch".. etc.. there's something a little bit wrong.

And I'm just angry at the whole smokey eye/black liner dealio. I don't understand why people think slathering your rims in kohl is a universal look. Sorry hon'... but eye shape DOES come into play. Triple points if the liner is thicker than their eye OR they don't wear mascara...

But really.. the thing that gets me is the middle school/high school porn star look. Super smokey eyes, a pound of black eyeliner and mascara, glossy nude lips, super sparkly bronzer, razor thin brows and french acrylic nail TALONS.

Grar.. not a makeup nazi... nope.


Well-known member
I'm not a beauty expert by all means but....

Mismatched foundation - foundation that's lighter than the actual skin tone. Also being asian, I find a lot of us who are yellow based are still using foundations with a pink undertone

Over compensating small eyes - sometimes I see girls trying to compensate for small eyes by drawing a thick black liner and just darken everything around the eye so it looks like two big black coals. I'm sorry, it doesn't make your eyes look larger, it just looks harsh.

Black lipstick - Only works for goth chicks or if you're dressing up for Halloween.

Lipstick on teeth - self-explanatory. Always keep a mirror on you or check often

Too much Mascara - don't get me wrong I'm all for sexy vampy lashes. BUT I have seen some super scary over done I-am-obsessive-compulsive-about-my-mascara-I-can't-stop-applying-for-the-50th-time-in-just-the-past-two-hours-I-need-help kinda lashes.


Well-known member
Oh I just had to post mine!

Bad eyebrows are one of my biggest peeves. And I HATE frosted pink lipstick so much.

ORANGE TANS. They look so unnatural it's frightening. And this thread reminds me of a girl that used to work in a shop by my house. She honestly used to wear just the darkest red/blackish lipliner and what seemed like a slick of nude gloss on her lips. Why? I never understood it, it looked so wrong, like she hadn't finished putting her make-up on. And she was really pretty too. I wonder if she still wears it like that now. It's only been a few months since she moved.

Er..thats all I can think of right now


Well-known member
Makeup on any girls (or guys!) under the age of 14, it's a slightly disturbing look and they almost always go too over the top with it. I also don't see why they need it at that age, maybe I'm just an old stick-in-the-mud!

'Go faster stripe' style blusher. I know a few girls that put one streak of bright pink blusher on the hollows of their cheeks and leave it UNBLENDED! I just want to run at them with a big 'ol brush.

That thing some people do with liquid eyeliner where they draw swirly, curly lines coming off the the outer V of the eye. It's quite common in the Goth community where I live. It looks terrible on most because their 'handiwork' is shakey and they just end up looking like they've drawn a tree on their face.


Well-known member
Another blush thing here.
Really pale pastel pink blush applied way too heavily and unblended ON THE JAW LINE directly below the apples of their cheeks in one big circle. Its really bad when the girls doing it are really tanned - orange tanned...

Who the hell told them that looks good? It looks like theyve some kind of tumor growing out of their face at a distance, and close up it looks like they got in a fight with their blush pan - and lost!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MizBrightFuture
bright colored lipgloss applied unevenly so natural lipcolor shows in probably the only person who thinks that

Nope, that one irritates me too.
I want to get a lip brush and fix it up for them.


Well-known member
cum lips (super pale lips) on really tan skin.. that irks me to no end and screams NEW JERSEYY!! (im jk.. love u jerz girls! but i wasnt joking about pale lips lol)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Amy_Atomic
Oh I just had to post mine!

Bad eyebrows are one of my biggest peeves. And I HATE frosted pink lipstick so much.

ORANGE TANS. They look so unnatural it's frightening. And this thread reminds me of a girl that used to work in a shop by my house. She honestly used to wear just the darkest red/blackish lipliner and what seemed like a slick of nude gloss on her lips. Why? I never understood it, it looked so wrong, like she hadn't finished putting her make-up on. And she was really pretty too. I wonder if she still wears it like that now. It's only been a few months since she moved.

Er..thats all I can think of right now

i HATE orange tans! ya wanna go tanning? awesome.. but dont overdo it.. like this girl lol


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