Pet Makeup Peeves


Well-known member
Something that bugs me is when people have a lot of eye make-up, like five shadows, liner and mascara, but have totally plain/nude lips, it looks weird and makes your face look sort of "unbalanced".

Also dark lipstick without lipliner, it looks tacky.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Ambi
Something that bugs me is when people have a lot of eye make-up, like five shadows, liner and mascara, but have totally plain/nude lips, it looks weird and makes your face look sort of "unbalanced".

Also dark lipstick without lipliner, it looks tacky.

I think so, too!
There's a lot of talk about "balancing" the face by wearing pale lipcolor when you wear fully "done" eyes, but I don't get it. I think it looks UN-balanced.
Case in point: Recently when I went to the dentist, I wore on eyes MAC "Shroom" shadow, "Sunnydaze" Pigment, "Shroom" shadow, thin lines of Blacktrack liner, black mascara, a little "Breath of Plum" blush, and no lipcolor.
I looked ill.
That's ONE of the reasons I hate going to the dentist!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
urm. Have you guys seen her lately on the red carpet? Weave lines, unstuck lashes, caked foundation, a mustache, armpit hair, things of that nature.

I have noticed those weave lines on her talk show, and you would think SOMEONE on her staff would tell"armpit hair"?!? WTF!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by cno64
Does canary-yellow eyeshadow look good on ANYONE?
If you have ever seen someone looking healthy and attractive in yellow or lime green eyeshadow, please share that experience with the rest of us.

hey hey hey i happen to love my chrome yellow! it looks awesome and whenever i wear it to work tons of customers want me to do their eyes just like mine

blended with the right combo it looks great

but my pet peeve is creased eyelids!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SARAHluvsMAC
hey hey hey i happen to love my chrome yellow! it looks awesome and whenever i wear it to work tons of customers want me to do their eyes just like mine

blended with the right combo it looks great

but my pet peeve is creased eyelids!

To each his[her] own!
I'll take your word for it about the yellow shadow.
Creased shadow drives me nuts, too, especially on ME!
Since I have very oily skin, I never leave the house unless I'm wearing UD's "Primer Potion." Even that has its limits, tragically, but it keeps my eye makeup going for a good long time!


Well-known member
sperm/tadpole eyebrows; dark lipliner and no lipstick or light coloured lipstick; overdrawn liplines; cakey foundation; mascara/eyeliner eyebooger in the coner of the eye; overly tanned; overly done contouring...the list goes one, majority of the time, those people just look much better without makeup


Well-known member

Foundation that is a gazilionth times darker than the person's skin tone and cakey foundation/powder.

Unblended blush or heavily defined hot pink blush.

Loud blue mascara, I HATE IT!

Creamy pearly eyeshadow that creases 10 minutes after you leave the house and just makes you look like a greasy clown.

People that flood their lids up to their brows with JUST frosty white eyeshadow with tanned complexions.

Lipliner that doesn't match the lipstick ie: dark red liner with neutral lipstick, some people still think it looks good.

Gloss that has been so abused that it looks like the person just ate a bucket of greasy chicken wings.

Pseudo-wannabe-goth girls and boys that think that smudging black eyeshadow with their fingers (badly blend) and poorly applied liner looks misterious and sexy, it doesn't, it just looks ridiculous.

People with pale complexions that use frosty violet or pink lipstick, it just looks like they just died and someone forgot to tell them.

People who wear loads of greasy foundation that go into department stores and try on clothes and leave them stained or ruined.


Well-known member
I think application makes the difference.

I mean, if we see some poor hapless soul walking around with poorly applied goth/alternative makeup...pretty much collectively, we have that sudden intake of breath and expulsion where we sigh "Oh, honey..."

But if it's put on with skill and done well, it may not be my cup o'tea but I can acknowledge the skill.

Or the porn star look. On Pamela Anderson, even with the darker liner on the lips, it works, and she looks okay that way. But if it's done's skurry.

Application. It's all about application.

*that's not to say tadpole eyebrows look good on anyone, because they don't!


Well-known member
* ungroomed brows
* chapped lips/ flaky skin
* wrong foundation/powder/bronzer colour
* smolder/engraved/ ebony/blacktrack overkill


Well-known member
Oh, how I LOVE this thread!!
The superdark lipliner with light or frosty lipstick, and heavy eyeliner (yes, worn together) on someone NOT intending to go for a dramatic look like the 'Chola' look described in another section. I've seen this even on suburban moms at Wal-Mart...
Wrong foundation shade
Unblended blush
Too much self-tanner (Oompa Loompa look)
All makeup too frosty on too-tanned skin (Hey, I live in Florida so I
see this all the time)
Tatooed eyebrows, eyeliner, and lipliner (my mother-in-law does this and it looks HORRIBLE, especially since the artist was a little 'off' on the eyes, and the brows are crooked!! Not kidding!)
Facial hair, upper lip especially. I have seen TOO MANY mustaches on women who otherwise have great makeup.
Ladies who could use a bit of makeup, but refuse and then ask why I wear makeup. UGH! That is a pet peeve of mine.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer

Application. It's all about application.

*that's not to say tadpole eyebrows look good on anyone, because they don't!

I couldn't agree more, about both tadpole brows and good application.
For example, I look terminal in brownish lipstick/blush, but I've seen women(often redheads) who'd carefully applied those very colors, and they looked super. It wouldn't matter, though, how skillfully the same colors were applied to my face; I'd still look ghastly.Even the right colors can look pretty bad, though, if poorly applied.
I think it's about finding the colors and techniques that work for you.
Is makeup really that difficult?
I guess I'm fortunate that it's always seemed easy and fun to me. I've had no formal training, but quite a few friends ask me for makeup advice. I'm always startled, thinking, "Why do you need me?"
Is it really that difficult to do makeup well?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by kalice
overdrawn liplines

I SO agree!
I think, in general, that attempting to "correct" the shape of your mouth with liner just does not work.
Confession time: When I was in my teens, I was self-conscious about my full lips and followed the current "beauty advice" of "lining just inside the natural lipline with a brown pencil to make full lips look smaller."
I just looked like a full-lipped girl who didn't know how to use lip liner.
Besides, I look awful in brown.
These days I outline my lips using a brush dipped in my lipstick color, fill in with the same color, and get compliments on my "beautiful mouth."
How things can change!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by cno64
Does canary-yellow eyeshadow look good on ANYONE?
If you have ever seen someone looking healthy and attractive in yellow or lime green eyeshadow, please share that experience with the rest of us.

on itselve, no! but I love waeing it on combination with greens, limegreens that is
and I think I pull it off pretty well


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Sanne
on itselve, no! but I love waeing it on combination with greens, limegreens that is
and I think I pull it off pretty well

If it truly flatters your eyes, wonderful.
My objection to bright yellow and/or green eyeshadow is rooted in the suspicion that people would be thinking, "Yikes! Look at her eyeshadow!" rather than, "What beautiful eyes she has!"
But that's just me.
Anyone who really likes any color of eyeshadow, whether it be egg yolk yellow, screaming orange, lime green, bile green, tar black, stoplight red, or just anything, is certainly free to go for it!


Well-known member
this a a great thread! i personally cannot stand:

poorly groomed and not filled brows and tadpoles or just an even line drawn in to resemble an eyebrow. it's arched but the same thickness throughout.

dark lipliner and a nude lip or liner and lipstick and don't match.

too much eyeliner that usually is smudged beyond belief.

poor blending of eyeshadow and colors paired that don't go together.

too much gloss. here, please suck on this tub of glittery vaseline. :confused:

spidery lashes. ew, get a lash comb and buy better mascara and use less!

too much bronzer. you have something on your face. a little dirt maybe?

too light or too dark foundation that isn't blended at the jawline. are you wearing a mask?

no blush? WTH?! do you actually have any blood in your body?

cheap false lashes with huge black bands. false lashes are not supposed to look that fake!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by jessiekins1
i personally cannot stand:

poorly groomed and not filled brows and tadpoles or just an even line drawn in to resemble an eyebrow. it's arched but the same thickness throughout.

I feel your pain!
I realize that there may be valid medical reasons why a person doesn't have eyebrows, and I'm certainly sympathetic, and I don't blame someone in that situation for trying to compensate by artificial means, but there's gotta be a better way!


Well-known member
Oh, where do I start?

I hate when people shave off their eyebrows, and then paint them on with eyeliner. It almost never looks good.

Very nude lips, almost like you just slapped a bunch of concealer on them.

Light pink frosty lipgloss. I'm sure it seemed like a good idea after you saw that Alexis Vogel infomercial, but it's really not.

White foundation, like goth chicks sometimes wear. If you're not that pale, just accept it and work with your actual skintone. You look ridiculous with that greasepaint on.

I really don't like looks that are too matte. Like, if you're gonna do all-matte eye makeup, at least wear some lipgloss, or maybe some blush with a slight shimmer to it.

Speaking of which, I also personally don't like the look of foundation that is too matte. It looks really unnatural, to me.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by jenii

Light pink frosty lipgloss. I'm sure it seemed like a good idea after you saw that Alexis Vogel infomercial, but it's really not.


Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Visible lip liner: It looks really unattractive, IMO
Black lip liner on pale people with pale lipstick: Super unattractive for the most part.
Glitter overload- They look like Christmas ornaments
Missing fake nails: It looks really bad if you only are wearing half of the nails you're supposed to have.
Lining only your bottom lid. I can understand only lining the top, but the bottom only looks really strange


Active member
When I see older ladies (60's-70's) who have white hair with obviously penciled-in thick brows that are some crazy color, I can never take my eyes off their brows. Today it was a lady who had some whitish-blond hair with thick AUBURN eyebrows. :confused:

And I used to work with a lady who didn't wear any makeup other than mascara, and it was always smeared around her eyes. I worked with her for 5 years and she was a friend of mine but I couldn't get up the heart to tell her.

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