Pet Makeup Peeves


Well-known member
I love when someone criticizes my face and suggests bad makeup. I'm quite pale, and I embrace it. I'll wear a touch of bronzer to warm up my face upon occasion, but it is NOT obvious and looks like a bit of a kiss from the sun.

An example: my younger brother's friend recently suggested that I wear a darker shade of foundation to make myself look like I have more colour, or get a different bronzer and use more of it.

Yes, because I totally want to be orange and look like I don't have a sweet clue what I'm doing. That's where it's at, oh yeah.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by DaisyPie
Over-doing the fake tan


That's scary....!! Someone please take the Bundy rum from her and wash that poor girl!

Overdone tanning is bad. Tan spray was popular in summer and I saw a lot of 'walking oranges' on the street...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Mandypaul
I am just wondering what is tadpole eyebrows, i think i know what it means but am not really sure?

A tadpole eyebrow happens when the rest of your eyebrow is thin, but the inner eyebrow is thicker and/or roundish. If you look at a tadpole, they have a fat round head and skinny tail. hth
One color eyeshawdow, really bright or noticable, all over your eye from under the brow to the eyeliner area

When lipstick doesnt cover all of your lips, (the outside is bare)

Burgondy/Red lipstick with undone face/hair/clothes....And also when someone ALWAYS wears these colors.

Matching lipstick and eyeshadow exactly and brightly or very bold (not natural colors) Or mixmatching...Like I just saw a lady w/purple lipstick and gold eyeshawdow...the eyeshawdow also covered her entire eye...two of my pet peeves in one.

Blue eyeshawdow and red lips. IDK why I see this.


Well-known member
I hate cakey foundation, too much blush or powder, and too many colors on the face (if your eye look is dramatic and bright or colorful, I don't want to see your magenta lips + hot pink blush, sorry). Blush that isn't blended well--an old friend of mine's blush used to look like it was literally stamped on because her cheeks were just very distinct circles of pink or red that weren't blended at all. I hate pencil-thin fake-looking eyebrows... same thing goes with super dark lip liner.

I also hate how some girls put too much eyeshadow or don't know how to properly use a highlight/base color so they put the color so high that it almost looks like their entire lid area is all eyeshadow color. Or if their highlight is too shimmery. It looks like too much to me.


Well-known member
I hate seeing the obvious lip liner around the mouth. I have been guilty of this when I was new to lip liner. Lip liner needs to be blended, too.
*5 coats of mascara that make the lashes look like branches
*Fake tan, too much bronzer, too tanned, everything too-colorful on the skin
*Non blended blush with harsh lines
*Weirdly plucked brows (I see that a lot. If you can't do this, go to a salon to get them done)
*Heavy pasty foundation on problematic skin AND bright blush in the DAYLIGHT.
*Fake nail-acrylic with artwork-sparkles. It's fine for special occasions, but if you do that you'll have your nails like this for weeks. It's inappropriate in my opinion to go to school with something that extreme and obviously fake.
*Over plucked brows
*Anything that doesn't look good on you and yet you wear this because it's in style.
*Bleached dark hair that ends up looking neon yellow. Plus dark eyebrows.
*Weird hairstyle that OBVIOUSLY isn't pretty, but some stylist came up with it and now everybody has to have the same hair.
*It's not makeup but it's about beauty. General hygiene skipping, unshaved parts of body that can be seen, not wearing deodorant, dirty nails, teeth...
*Black arm hairs. Not everybody has to wax their arms, but girl, if your skin is light and your arm hairs are long thick and dark, it's ugly (this one gets a ton of excuses like, no I won't have them waxed because they'll grow thicker. What da???!!! But they already are!!!)
The list goes on.. What I hate the most is girls with no opinion or taste of their own, who would buy or wear anything that's seen in the magazine, doesn't matter if it looks nice on them. Makeup, clothes and hair included.
Ok I feel relieved. I love natural girls, clean, good smelling with nice neutral makeup (or even bold if they do it right and it suits them).


Well-known member
A lot of latinas who so liquid liner below lashline without smuging it, without waterlining, even without mascara! ugh!

Also the lip liner without anything else..... :/


Well-known member
Spider lashes (extra points if you get your bottom lashes to look as spidery as your top.
Harshly overdrawn lips (usually paired with so much sticky gloss stay flies get stuck in it)
Tide lines (unfortunatly I have been known to sport one of these from time to time, but i swear its not my fault, damn oxidation)
Sperm brows (extra points if there 20 shades darker than the hair on your head)


Specktra Bestie
There's a woman who works in my office- a very senior person in the company, who insists on doing her eye make with light neutrals over the lid and up to the brow, with a thick, smudgy dark colour in the outer corner and into the crease without any blending. It seriously looks like someone used a magic marker to apply that crease colour and it's really obvious because it shows so much darker than the other shades. She's well above me in the corporate food chain, but I'm constantly possessed with the urge to put her in a headlock and attack her with a blending brush...


Well-known member
Weird eyebrows that have unblended concealer all around them
One bright color of eyeshadow put on all the way to the brow
The wrong color foundation
Too much bronzer
Being over contoured because you really havent perfected the art yet

People who dont wear makeup, but complain about or turn their nose up to mine!!!


Well-known member
Cakey foundation, to where it starts splitting the frown lines on your face
Bright, unblended blush in perfect circles at the apples of your cheeks
Sperm brows.

Darker shade foundation that oxidizes orange ... up to the chin area.
Super dry, flaking skin and reapplying powder throughout the day.
Black, poorly done, penciled in eyebrows where your hair doesn't match it...
I don't mind drawn eyebrows if done awesomely - I'm a fan of Murderotic's look but I guess it depends on skill and style.


Well-known member
Not sure if it counts as makeup but circle lenses really freak my out and are uncomfortable to look at.
Oompa loompa complexions
Overdrawn lips, especially if they're posing with the duck face.


Well-known member
Makeup that is not applied well. I can usually get behind any makeup look, even if I'd never wear it, if it is applied correctly. Makeup is a form of expression for many so I don't care what colors people wear, how bright the blush, how thick the eyeliner, etc, just use good technique to get it on there, please. :)

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