Pet Makeup Peeves


Yeah, a thread like this is bound to cause some tension, but if you like the way you look than don't worry about it.

I do alot of the things that people have mentioned on here (bright eyeshadow, glitter, black liner all around my eyes) and not a day goes by that I don't get complimented on my makeup...especially by guys so maybe I just blend it well, who knows?

Either way...these are just personal opinions and not meant to hurt anyone's feelings. I'm sure for every crazy makeup trend that can look awful on most people, there is atleast someone somewhere who can pull it off amazingly.

I personally look awful with eyeliner in my waterline, but for most people it looks great yet I'm told everytime I wear neon green eyeshadow that it looks amazing yet most people say they couldn't wear it so whatever it just depends on who you are whether it looks good or not.

Now the tadpole eyebrows may be an exception........


Well-known member
i really hate it when i see people who don't blend their eyeshadows well. i work with a few girls who don't blend, and it looks horrible. and they use certain colors that just can't be "slapped on," they have to be carefully applied so that it looks okay.


Well-known member
Eye boogers! EW! Just wipe ur eye or use a q-tip/cotton bud! I hate seeing the little clumps of make up settle in the tear duct area! And people with black eyeliner usually suffer this disgusting mishap!


Well-known member
The "HI! I'm wearing a make-up mask" look. UGH! I can't stand that. I don't understand how people can't see that LINE at their chin.

Also, splotchy/cakey foundation. Use less or get something that works!


Well-known member
Hmm, I know I can pull off dark/light brown lip liner and pale lipgloss....blended together, of course.

I'm still a newbie in the make-up world, so I may fall victim to some of these plights, but I think the worst is the wrong color foundation. Especially when the neck is 4 shades lighter or darker than their face. But this used to be me so I can't "hate" too much. LOL!! Thank God I've learned...


Well-known member
i dont like it when girls completely shave off thier brows and fill them in with some wierdass unnatural random rainbow color.

sperm eyebrows! seriously, 5 bucks is what u need to get them done.. i cant get my best friend for the life of me to go to a waxer/threader.

dark lipliner, not one shade darker but like 3 to 4 shades darker, come ON now.

light ass foundation on someones face "hi, my name is geisha"

unblended shadows and blunt lines.


Well-known member
ITA with the eyebrow thing, but what gets me is when people draw them in and they're like 2 totally different shapes/thicknesses--I understand they brows are sisters not twins but lordy, they shouldn't be 3rd cousins twice removed!


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Over-doing the fake tan



I feel bad posting photos of someone.. but seriously.. this is just crazy insane over done tanning. From her older Myspace pics it looks like she had white skin and blonde/light brown hair....


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Well-known member
Originally Posted by DaisyPie
Over-doing the fake tan

From her older Myspace pics it looks like she had white skin and blonde/light brown hair....

I just want to hold her down and scrub her with a loofah!!!


Well-known member
One of my clients does the same thing. Her body is as dark as hers, but her face isn't. It is so not cute---especially in the dead of winter.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by purrtykitty
I just want to hold her down and scrub her with a loofah!!!



Well-known member
i dont like it when girls completely shave off thier brows and fill them in with some wierdass unnatural random rainbow color.

sperm eyebrows! seriously, 5 bucks is what u need to get them done.. i cant get my best friend for the life of me to go to a waxer/threader.

dark lipliner, not one shade darker but like 3 to 4 shades darker, come ON now.

light ass foundation on someones face "hi, my name is geisha"

unblended shadows and blunt lines.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MACisME
i dont like it when girls completely shave off thier brows and fill them in with some wierdass unnatural random rainbow color.

sperm eyebrows! seriously, 5 bucks is what u need to get them done.. i cant get my best friend for the life of me to go to a waxer/threader.

dark lipliner, not one shade darker but like 3 to 4 shades darker, come ON now.

light ass foundation on someones face "hi, my name is geisha"

unblended shadows and blunt lines.

You already posted this earlier today?


Well-known member
daisypie, that's just scary. *shiver*

i hope it was a mistake in application the she decided to grin and bear.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by redambition
daisypie, that's just scary. *shiver*

i hope it was a mistake in application the she decided to grin and bear.

Unfortunately it seems to continue for months


Active member
I have to say I hate when I see a girl wearing substantial eye makeup, and then a totally nude face! it's one thing when she has a pretty tan, but its especially bad for the girls with uneven complexions. I mean, i totally understand not wanting to cake it on or have too much but at least a little powder to look a little cleaner? also i hate great eyeshadow and clumpy, uncurled lashes.


Well-known member
^^ Mine are along the same lines. I dislike when someone has a full face of great makeup, and then they leave their lips completely bare. To me, putting something on the lips finishes the look. I also dislike uncurled lashes & drawn on eyebrows.


Well-known member
  • Way too thick eyeliner
  • Dark Lined Lips with nothing else or just clear gloss
  • Caked on Foundation
  • Too Dark / Too Light Foundation
  • Packed on blush that is no where near blended .. imagine two big bright pink circles on someones
    face (just saw this the other day lol)
Ehh all I can think of for now.. I've seen some awful m/u around !
[*]Bad Fake Tan .. esp way too orange ( WTH @ the pic in the previous post.. she looks like shes in desperate need of a SHOWER! gross - has to be the worst tan I've seen)

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