Pet Makeup Peeves


Well-known member
Wearing black eyeliner without mascara, especially if you have light lashes.

Loads of foundation over dry skin is possibly the most repulsive thing ever. A bunch of girls at my school do this because they think it will hide their scabbing acne. No honey, it just makes your face look like it's decaying. I just wanna take a makeup wipe to their faces and hand them something to exfoliate and moisturize with.

Girls with skin that has yellow undertones wear a foundation with pink undertones.

Hot pink, racing stripe blush.

All but the most sparingly applied bronzer.

Lining the waterline and then drawing a really think line of eyeliner under the lower lash line. With no other makeup.

Unblended or overly blended eyeshadow.


Active member
There are some things that i see that i think look really bad, but don't bug me too much (clumped lashes, happens to the best of us)

but things that literally BOTHER me when i look at them are:

* lots of eyeshadow/eyeliner with NO makes you look like your lashes disappeared!

* The neon blush thats goes in a stripe from temples down the cheekbone. Hun it looks like war paint.

* too thin looked good in the 90's but we like em thicker now! that is thicker but still groomed!


Well-known member
Some things that really get on my nerves:

COLORED IN EYELIDS! Ughh, must I say I hate these too. Especially little middle school girls running around with it all over their eyelids who try and act older than you. Seriously, watching them put it on hurts. They take the liquid eyeliner and PAINT the top of their lids. Always comes out rocky and uneven and just NOT good. Sure, it might look KIND OF okay when you're looking directly at someone, but as soon as you look down and everyone sees your lids? :confused: :confused:

! What's up with the girls running around with eyelash perms that look like an L? Especially for the girls with shorter eyelashes, LEARN HOW TO USE MASCARA+CURLER! or false lashes. Eyelash perms that look like you gelled yur eyelashes into an L just don't look good.

DRAWN ON EYEBROWS IN UGLY SHAPES Ewwwww. Please don't shave off your eyebrows and draw them in a V, flower vines, and just ugly shapes. Looks greasy at the end of the day. Orr when people have brown hair and draw on devil eyebrows with red LIPliner. There's a reason eyebrow pencils don't come in straight red!

UNBLENDED EYESHADOWS! I hate this! I've seen people put on a thick cat's eye liner, solid cream shadow above the crease. NO it does not blend into the eyeliner, NO it doesn't blend ANYWHERE! and NO it doesn't look good.

WEIRD CATS EYE? I like the cats eye. I do it. You guys do it

Buttt, doesn't it bother you when someone just draws in the wing? a thick one, with NO other eyeliner?

+++ does it bother anyone else when they see a girl take out a q-tip, swirl it in their mouth, then fix their smudges at the bottom of their eyes? Eww.


Well-known member
my pet hate really pales in comparison, but I hate it when girls don't blend their highlight properly with their crease. or even worse, I know a girl who wears eyeshadow, but doesn't ever do an underbrow highlight. I get so distracted by it everytime i talk to her! Then again, she always has chipped black fingernails as well so i guess each to their own!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Chelly
i HATE orange tans! ya wanna go tanning? awesome.. but dont overdo it.. like this girl lol


Oh my god that is out of control!!!!

I'm with all of ya on the orange tans and bad eyebrows. Eeeek, I know mine aren't perfect but I try! From the caterpillars to the sperms to the drawn on chola brows, bad brows drive me nuts!


Well-known member
I agree with most everyone about the eye brows. They make it so easy to have a well groomed eye brow with the stencils (sp?). Also I don't think that some people know the power of a good eye brow wax.
I have a friend who has so over plucked her eye brows that the beginning of the brow starts at the beginning of her pupil and doesn't end far after.
My brows are not perfect by any means but the over plucking has got to stop!


Well-known member
Mixing different textures without blending them well enough, for an example when you wear veluxe pearl with a matte shadow, half of your lid is very glittery and the other half completely different, ick. I do think too much glitter is equally nasty but seriously blend blend blend if you're gonna mix 'em.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Using what appears to be liquid eyeliner to draw in your eyebrows. I saw a woman on the bus with that look.

Wearing makeup without considering what your going to be doing and taking the precautions. For instance, people who wear a lot of makeup at the gym, work out, and let it melt off their faces. They'd look so much better without it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Korms
Makeup on any girls (or guys!) under the age of 14, it's a slightly disturbing look and they almost always go too over the top with it. I also don't see why they need it at that age, maybe I'm just an old stick-in-the-mud!

Agreed. Now, I must admit that I started experimenting with makeup when I was about 13, but I wore Bonne Bell Dr. Pepper Lipsmacker, a dab of Bonne Bell pink gel blush(oh, to have those pores again!), very sparingly applied beige eyeshadow, and a single swipe of mascara.
I don't know why I bothered.
The other girls would wear heavy frosted blue or purple eyeshadow and clear lip gloss and that was IT. It looked really odd, and sort of trashy.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SWEET LUST *
+++ does it bother anyone else when they see a girl take out a q-tip, swirl it in their mouth, then fix their smudges at the bottom of their eyes? Eww.

that bothers the fcuk out of me


Well-known member
- Too much mascara: So many coats it looks like the poor person has 4 eyelashes because they are all so stuck together!!

- Too much makeup on really old ladies: It's like something out of a nightmare. I'm talking about full on eyeliner and mascara with bright red cheeks, blue eyeshadow, red lips etc... Yikes!

- Wearing foundation + powder that is too light in order to look more light skinned: WTH!? Be happy with your colour and stop looking like the undead.

That's it really


Well-known member
Originally Posted by stellarx1587
Sharpied Eyebrows... 'nuff said.

Please tell me you don't mean "Sharpie" as in " fine-point permanent marker, available at office supply stores everywhere."


Well-known member
Originally Posted by coachkitten
I have a friend who has so over plucked her eye brows that the beginning of the brow starts at the beginning of her pupil and doesn't end far after.

Brows can really make or "break" an entire face.
If I thought for a second that I could get up again, I'd go down on my knees right now and thank God for giving me my brows. They have a natural arch, are thick but not overly so, and they require minimal maintenance.
All I do is pluck a few stragglers once in a while, use a brow brush and clear brow gel, and I'm good to go!
Maybe not everyone is as blessed in this department as I am, but I think that just about everyone can have brows that look at least decent, if some restraint can be practiced when plucking.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by spectrolite
- Too much mascara: So many coats it looks like the poor person has 4 eyelashes because they are all so stuck together!!

- Too much makeup on really old ladies: It's like something out of a nightmare. I'm talking about full on eyeliner and mascara with bright red cheeks, blue eyeshadow, red lips etc... Yikes!

- Wearing foundation + powder that is too light in order to look more light skinned: WTH!? Be happy with your colour and stop looking like the undead.

That's it really

I laughed when I read “too much makeup on really old ladies”. I’m 50 yrs. old and I’ve always said I’ll stop wearing eye shadow when I get crows’ feet. I can’t stand to see MU on women whose faces are really lined and the makeup amplifies and calls attention to the lines – also, lipstick that flows above and below their lip lines in the wrinkles – eewww, there are products that can fix that!! My 85 yr old mother wears it and her lipstick never runs and ALWAYS look perfect!

Also, I’m African-American and I don’t know if this is a cultural thing, but I know of several A-A women who go to a barber shop to get their eyebrows groomed!! The barber uses a razor (YES, RAZOR) to groom and shape their brows. (some beauty shops now offer this “service”). I have a sister and friend who get their brows groomed that way! Their brows always come out looking harsh and masculine….Why, oh why!! Then, they want to know why the hair grows back so fast and mine doesn’t. I’ve given them and anyone who asks me the name of my aesthetician several times.

Any woman who has so much hair on her face that it is visible from across the room needs to get it removed. Do they think everyone is blind that we don’t see the mustache, sideburns and sometimes stray chin hairs underneath the ton of foundation – and by mid-day, it’s clumping and flaking off? Eeewww!! Some co-workers (all men) and I went to lunch one day and the hostess who seated us had very hairy side burns. One of the men commented I needed to tell her about the problem. I said no way….I’m never good at offering that type of advice to other women….The only time I speak up is if it’s something really embarrassing – like visible blood, dress caught in panty-hose – that kind of thing.

And always the ubiquitous not wearing mascara and not wearing mascara while wearing eye-makeup. Might as well skip it all!


Well-known member
My 85 yr old mother wears it and her lipstick never runs and ALWAYS look perfect!
She sounds cool!
When my maternal grandmother was into her 90s(she lived to be 93), she still wore makeup, fixed her hair, wore stylish clothes and heels!
When I was in my 30s, I remember sitting with her in church and comparing her legs to mine, and they didn't look very different!
I'm praying that it's hereditary ...



Well-known member
Originally Posted by lsperry
My 85 yr old mother wears it and her lipstick never runs and ALWAYS look perfect!
She sounds cool!
When my maternal grandmother was into her 90s(she lived to be 93), she still wore makeup, fixed her hair, wore stylish clothes and heels!
When I was in my 30s, I remember sitting with her in church and comparing her legs to mine, and they didn't look very different!
I'm praying that it's hereditary ...


I agree....I'm always told my mother doesn't look her age! I hope it's hereditary for me, too. But I didn't inherit her nicely shaped legs. Gawd! What I would have given to have her legs. Out of her 5 girls, I'm the only one who inherited my maternal grandmother's stick legs!


Well-known member
I need to add glittery, shimmery, white, blinding brow highlights

even worse, the ashy looking matte white brow highlight.... sometimes i feel like telling ppl to step away from the nylon, gesso, or frost pigment on the browbone!

its very 90's... haha as my trainer says, "that look is so played"


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SARAHluvsMAC
I need to add glittery, shimmery, white, blinding brow highlights

even worse, the ashy looking matte white brow highlight.... sometimes i feel like telling ppl to step away from the nylon, gesso, or frost pigment on the browbone!

its very 90's... haha as my trainer says, "that look is so played"

I agree, though I must admit that it can be a bit tricky.
Many's the time I've highlighted my browbone with shimmery silver or gold, looked in the mirror, cringed, and lunged for my blending brush.
I guess the moral to this story is: You can always add more, and never leave the house without taking an objective look at yourself in a good light. Unless the place is on fire. In that case, don't bother.
I do give a panda look sometimes, but that's only the days when I feel like scaring people.
Nothing says "Back off or I will castrate you with a bread knife" better then some black black eyeliner.

But I rarely ever put eyeshadow above the crease of my eye.

I know few girls that actually do that, but there is that fraction that do.

Sometimes, I do have trouble with my eyeliner, but I always cover it up.
Especially those little "bird feet" tracks that happens when wet mascara touches your skin!

Chapped lips need to die.
Sparkle needs to die
Baby Blue and Pink need to die.

Sometimes, you just wanna hit the girl that wears make up wrong.

Knock some sense in her.