Photo Retouching vs the Real Picture


Well-known member
Originally Posted by glam8babe
EURGHH!!!! she looks rotton! like anorexic ewwww i dont see why they dont put abit of meat on them and be curvy like real women not fuckin stick thin like a male child - yeh she actually looks like an 8 yr old boy

Originally Posted by flowerhead
I even have a better waist than her! Haha and she thinks she is so amazing...

Originally Posted by Raerae
And some of us skinny minny's like not haveing huge hips. Size 0 is where it's at =p

Originally Posted by Shimmer
yes size zero is where it's at.
Let me go barf my high protein and complex carb lunch now, so I won't have the energy to walk my dog, chase my kids, or climb the ceiling tonight so I can fit into your ideals of beauty.
In doing so, I'll go ahead and ruin my hair, my skin, and my nails, because the lack of nutrition will take its toll, because hey, size zero is where it's at right? And, having an athletic body that's actually USEFUL for something besides being a clothes hanger is obviously not attractive.

No wonder we* have issues with beauty standards today.

Everything is telling you that you have to fit this supernaturally perfect standard of beauty and we're not doing anything to discourage it - in fact, we're subscribing to the very kind of beliefs that spur the cycle on and on.

Does it make me not a real woman if I naturally don't have curves? However, I have to be toned and have a defined waist and curvy hips, men's magazines are telling me I need tits and an ass or no one will want me. But the high fashion industry is telling me I need to be thin to look good in these ultra-skinny jeans - so, um, curvy, but in moderation? Wait, but if a size 0 is where it's at, then I'm going to have to shave these hips down to size, all the while maintaining my toned arms and legs, and my defined waist, and big boobs and perky tush, and....

It's all so contradictory, and instead of being able to see through that, we're all getting caught up in it. Beauty Mark is right, the general standard of what's "beautiful" these days is so artificially enhanced that it's become nearly impossible to naturally look like that. I wish that being genuinely healthy was considered beautiful- being healthy, eating right, and accepting your body in all its many small "imperfections." But who knows when that will happen?

[* = we being people in general, not meaning to point fingers at anyone on this board]


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
If it's obvious it's not going to fit, i really doubt their borderline.

Anyone who's worked women's clothes in retail would understand. It's just another "go back" you have to waste your time with after they leve it in the dressing room.

All hail the internet, where I can shop without being judged. I'm a borderline girl, between a size 8 and 10 US or a size 12 and 14 in the UK. If you haven't picked up that we exist, then you weren't paying attention. Either way, you cannot demand to be treated with respect for your size and then get pissy at women who aren't sure what their size is from store to store, brand to brand.

And if you're annoyed at having to do parts of your job, such as pick up the dressing room and get different sizes for a customer, you should quit and find a new career. Your job is to help ladies find the correct size, pick up unwanted items from the dressing room, and be cheerful and helpful to often-confused and vulnerable feeling women. From the way you describe your job online and the ladies who get to experience your 'sales technique', your attitude stinks.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ♥MiCHiE♥
The Kelly Clarkson "transformation" is really too much. The girl is stacked and is constantly cut in half via photoshop.

I thought that was the saddest pic of all, to be honest. It's proof that the media just cannot accept curves on a successful woman; they are actively pushing an image of thinness onto the population that, in the case of Kelly, equates with the ability to go from an average girl to a megasuperstar. I love that she is a very beautiful, but very average-sized woman. Her body is actually quite comforting. She and Kate Winslet are inspirations for those of us in the size 6 to 10 range who wonder whether we need to lose weight. Winslet recently interviewed that the pictures of her in a recent magazine are the product of two hours of makeup and hair, a great deal of retouching, and the fact that her skintight Valentino gown had to be professionally taken out because it was "miniscule". Love her candidness and the fact that she's up front how hard it is to maintain a good self image in today's weight-obsessed society.

I don't think anyone really knows what's 'normal' and 'pretty' and 'right' anymore. The goal posts change daily and whip us up into a frenzy of jealousy, fear and depression. Then the plastic surgeons and the luxury brands come in and offer all the things we suddenly feel we need to feel 'normal', 'pretty', and 'right'. They make a lot of money off of us, and we end up just as confused and unhappy as before, and poorer for the joke.

The reason I posted this thread in the first place was just in the hope that some Specktra members would see it and have a nice day in their bodies, no matter what shape, colour or gender, and not get upset by magazine covers or gossip blogs or whatever.


Well-known member
It's sad. And it has gotten to the point where I've seen "candid" pics, and they were airbrushed, too!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ♥MiCHiE♥
It's sad. And it has gotten to the point where I've seen "candid" pics, and they were airbrushed, too!

Like the Britney Allure 'outtakes', right?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by faifai
No wonder we* have issues with beauty standards today.

Everything is telling you that you have to fit this supernaturally perfect standard of beauty and we're not doing anything to discourage it - in fact, we're subscribing to the very kind of beliefs that spur the cycle on and on.

Does it make me not a real woman if I naturally don't have curves? However, I have to be toned and have a defined waist and curvy hips, men's magazines are telling me I need tits and an ass or no one will want me. But the high fashion industry is telling me I need to be thin to look good in these ultra-skinny jeans - so, um, curvy, but in moderation? Wait, but if a size 0 is where it's at, then I'm going to have to shave these hips down to size, all the while maintaining my toned arms and legs, and my defined waist, and big boobs and perky tush, and....

It's all so contradictory, and instead of being able to see through that, we're all getting caught up in it. Beauty Mark is right, the general standard of what's "beautiful" these days is so artificially enhanced that it's become nearly impossible to naturally look like that. I wish that being genuinely healthy was considered beautiful- being healthy, eating right, and accepting your body in all its many small "imperfections." But who knows when that will happen?

[* = we being people in general, not meaning to point fingers at anyone on this board]

I'd buy you a beer if I could.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ratmist
And if you're annoyed at having to do parts of your job, such as pick up the dressing room and get different sizes for a customer, you should quit and find a new career. Your job is to help ladies find the correct size, pick up unwanted items from the dressing room, and be cheerful and helpful to often-confused and vulnerable feeling women. From the way you describe your job online and the ladies who get to experience your 'sales technique', your attitude stinks.


I worked at WetSeal when I was 19 for like 6 months. I got paid min wage with no benefits, no comission, just like every other girl who worked there. With a schedule that was different every week, sometimes every day.

Why would I care? It was a college job for a little extra spending money, and an employee discount. You know the girls, the ones that get annoyed when we had to stop chatting to help you get the shirt that was on the rack way at the top? That was me.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
Like the Britney Allure 'outtakes', right?

Yeah, no shit...seriously, I'm a whore for websites like Perez Hilton and X17...and I've seen some recent shots of her out in her backyard with her kids or running around Hollywood and I guarantee her belly isn't THAT flat and/or her obliques that trim. period.

And to address the comment about taking stuff into the fitting room: Seriously, give me a break. I'm fairly large on top (pre pregnancy 34C and now that I'm pregnant I'm a 36D) and have a fairly small to average waist, so I ALWAYS take a small, medium, and a large into the fitting room to see which will fit my boobies and still be trim around my waist without losing my waist completely, so a big "kiss my ass"
for assuming that I'm "pretending" or "wishing" I were a smaller size.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
I worked at WetSeal when I was 19 for like 6 months. I got paid min wage with no benefits, no comission, just like every other girl who worked there. With a schedule that was different every week, sometimes every day.

My heart bleeds buttermilk. Also, it's 'commission'.

Originally Posted by Raerae
Why would I care? It was a college job for a little extra spending money, and an employee discount. You know the girls, the ones that get annoyed when we had to stop chatting to help you get the shirt that was on the rack way at the top? That was me.

I understand totally, sweetie. Doing a job anyone could do badly, and very few people can do well, is so very hard! But it also apparently gave you good fodder with which to carelessly insult a great number of women on a message board. So at least your time wasn't really wasted.


Well-known member
I don't think it's hypocritical to call someone out on bad or disrespectful behavior. No one wants to be treated badly, or be disrespected, and there's nothing wrong with saying "I don't want to be talked to or about that way."


Well-known member
Haha, dude, if you think you had it bad? I worked at the Disney Store on Christmas Eve. Screaming crazy adults fighting for the last Finding Nemo plush, yelling at me and my pregnant manager about the price of items, demanding discounts that don't exist, a line to the end of the store, children throwing everything all over the place (including playing with toy cars on the floor. safety hazard!), pajamas in piles.. It was actually hilarious in a kind of terrifying way. People are INTENSE on Christmas Eve.

That's retail. It ain't always pretty. Suck it up or work somewhere else. No reason to take it out on the ladies who try on multiple sizes...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MxAxC-_ATTACK
wow. I see we have a few hypocrites on this board!

What exactly is hypocritical? To me it seems everyone is stating their point of view. I fail to see how that makes anyone a hypocrite.


Well-known member
The touched up photos look really fake compared to the real ones! And we thought these stars were so much better than us!

As far as size goes, I think overweight women do feel a lot of pressure to be smaller even if they deny feeling it. I'm 5'10", and 175 lbs. Basically a size 10 or 12 and I worked in a plus size clothing store for a while. I got hated on a lot in there for being smaller than the clothes I was supposed to be selling. I'm not small in general, just not a size 14. I don't know why its supposedly ok to give skinnier women a hard time about their size but not overweight women.

And men like ALL kinds of women. No matter what you look like there is a man who will like it. Finding that out is a part of growing up. You can't make statements like "guys like women like THIS or THIS." It's ignorant.

I have worked and used some self discipline to be the size that I am (down from a sixteen) so I tend to view really overweight women as lazy. I realize this is awful, I'm just being honest. I feel like if I can do it so can they.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
Curvy like real women?

I wasn't aware that having hips, or not haveing hips was a requirement to being a women. Just because she doesn't share your body type, doesn't make her any less attractive.

well to be honest, guys like curvy girls. Even in magazines we are classed as 'real women' i had a friend who was like size 0 [UK 4] she didnt have an eating disorder and i stuck up for her when people called her anorexic n she was like "they are just jealous of me because im soo skinny =) " like rubbing it in my face anyway who do you think got the attention from boys? no it wasnt her it was me... boys say she looks disguisting and gaunt and wouldnt dare touch her with a barge pole which is kinda funni because she thinks shes gorgeous because shes 'skinny' and i tell u she does look DISGUISTING! she thinks shes gonna be the next Kate Moss i mean come on yes shes skinny but shes not pretty and i dont think kate moss is either. It just goes to show you whats attractive and what is. Men like REAL WOMEN!!! with bits of meat on them, with hips, with an ass, with thighs not stick thin boy look-a-likes like eva longoria whos is a US size double 0! [below size 0] i think victoria beckham looks terrible and i only like her personality and the way she dresses... i never hear men say 'god shes sexy!' they like women with curves. and yes for those who are naturally thin that cant be helped but dont think you are better than us curvy girls because we are just as attractive. and thats my opinion!


Well-known member
I may be reiterating someone else's comment, but I think it's worth mentioning it again; this is so disturbing to me. I get 4 magazines a month: Vogue, Harper's Bazaar, In Style, Marie Claire, and Parenting (yeah, yeah, yeah! LOL!). Although I had a pretty good idea that mostly everything is airbrushed in all of them...well, maybe not Parenting as much, it just makes me really sad that it's come to this. It's sad that our culture now has to stoop to this never ending inability to achieve the "look" that a certain celeb has when said celebrity doesn't even look that good. How can they not be screaming and yelling about this? Don't *they* look in the mirrors and see that they're not as perfect as these magazines are making them out to be? I've heard of people like Keira Knightly pitching a bitch because they've enhanced her boobs for a movie ad (it was a knights of the round table movie, but for the life of me, I can't come up with the title), but I can't recall a whole lot of others complaining about this...