Porcelain Beauties: New threads just for us!


Well-known member
If you girls want a super light foundation i found one. It's a mineral foundation but wow is it light. It's so light I can't wear it...lol

'Buff-Fair Neutral
Ideal for the most porcelain skin with earthy ivory undertones. If you have never found a foundation light enough, this may be for you! This adaptable shade can also be used to lighten up darker foundations."


My shade is olive-fair which i found suprising but it works.

you can get the free sample kit (you have to pay for shipping) And in that kit you can get 3 different foundations and they have 4 different finishes to chose from. I sound like a sales woman..lol! I'm serious girls i lost hope on foundation untill I found this site and they have a lot of fair shades to chose from!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Greta
Hi, I am Greta. I am brown-eyed and my hair is brown too, but since I dye it with Henna, it turns out a reddish dark-brown. My complexion is neither warm, nor really cool and both of the lightest MAC-shades are still too dark for me. My skin tends to be oily. At the moment, I am trying out mineral foundation (Geografx, the shades Bermuda and Palma). I also use Ellen Betrix Soft Resistance 01 and mix it with white liquid foundation from Stargazer - but it's definitely not comfortable to do that every morning.

I loved A Streetcar Named Desire. We had to read for my theater class.


New member
All I can say is THANK GOD! Just signed up with Specktra today specifically for this forum. I've been blogging on other makeup sites for a few months now, and I haven't seen a specific category targeted specifically for "Porcelain Beauties". (Damn, that sounds good.

I'm Kira, 23, engaged to be married this August (Woo hoo!!!). Blonde hair, blue eyes, and was referred to as "Casper" in school... (nothing new to you folks) and I have inherited horrible blue under eye circles. (Still looking for a great concealer to help that situation. Any suggestions would be much appreciated!!!!) I used to wear MAC NW 15, but it was too yellow toned for me. I've discovered I'm "cool" skin toned (pink under tones) and so far the best foundation I've used is Estee Lauder's Doublewear Foundation in "Shell."

I'm still on the search for an even better foundation though. I've just experienced my first cream foundation from RCMA (http://rcmacosmetics.com), and it didn't agree with my skin very well. My skin got very dry and I'm wondering if it was the way I put it on that did it.... I used a foundation brush and blended with a damp sponge, like Eve Pearl did in her video on YouTube. *Sigh* Oh well, at least I didn't spend a lot.

My next venture will be in mineral foundation. I went to the site mentioned above (Everyday Minerals http://www.everydayminerals.com/). Just ordered today, and I'm very excited to try it out.


Well-known member
Ok, so I'm a little late to the game with this nifty thread...I've been hanging over on FOTDs and Recommendations most of the time, and finally decided to venture over here...where lo and behold, a thread just for us fair ladies!
I'm loving this idea...soo...quick intro, I'm Missy...I'd be an NC10, if MAC made one, with red hair and green eyes...and I've got a sweet little 4 and a half month old baby boy who was blessed with his mommy's fair skin, and his grandparents' red hair and big blue eyes.

So, aside from the obvious idea of lots and lots of sunscreen all the time (which I slather all year round anyway, to protect my tattoos), any of you lovely ladies have any tips on how you keep your skin porcelain and not dead? ...cuz I'll be honest, there are days where I just look sick...LOL


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ForgetRegret
Ok, so I'm a little late to the game with this nifty thread...I've been hanging over on FOTDs and Recommendations most of the time, and finally decided to venture over here...where lo and behold, a thread just for us fair ladies!
I'm loving this idea...soo...quick intro, I'm Missy...I'd be an NC10, if MAC made one, with red hair and green eyes...and I've got a sweet little 4 and a half month old baby boy who was blessed with his mommy's fair skin, and his grandparents' red hair and big blue eyes.

So, aside from the obvious idea of lots and lots of sunscreen all the time (which I slather all year round anyway, to protect my tattoos), any of you lovely ladies have any tips on how you keep your skin porcelain and not dead? ...cuz I'll be honest, there are days where I just look sick...LOL

A good concealer and lots of warm highlights! Vanilla pigment is my saviour.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Tahti
^ Have you tried Studio Fix N3? It's neutral, so you wouldn't get any of the pink/orange shades ^_^

(Sorry makeup_queen81 for butting in when Tahti's question was aimed at you!)

I usually wear NW15 Studio Fix powder, though it becomes too orange on me, so I tried N3 a while back. The MA I asked about it felt it was pointless trying it as she said neither was lighter than the other, but I felt that sort of missed the point.

Anyway, in the pan, it looks almost exactly the same as NW15 and when I apply it, it looks like a pretty good match for me. However, in some light, you can see it's just not right. It's difficult to describe, but it looked very obvious on my skin and made my face a much darker shade than my neck. Back to the drawing board!

My next port of call will be Illamasqua's powder foundation. Has anyone used both this and NW15 Studio Fix powder to compare? I think I'd probably be looking at 105.


Well-known member
^ I've got it, its awesome! Especially if you use it with the Cream foundation, OMG flawless skin hurrah! I posted some swatches of Illamasqua shades in comparison to MAC shades in product swatches, I think I swatched 105, 110 and 135 ^_^


My names Anastasia and i too am a -NC 15. Im Greek,turkish,and hungarian; and have natural blond hair and med brown eyes. when i visited family on our island in Greece i was a frigging anomaly, its been 3 years since iv been back and the people still talk about me!.

Its incredibly hard to find a foundation that's full coverage warm toned and super pale. MAC's NC-15 is Far too dark for me. :S


Well-known member
I have been using Clinique's Even better.. in Alabaster. I find that it is light enough but I still use my MAC Porcelain pro powder on top.. and that makes it work. I have the MUFE 117, which is there lightest shade and it works when I do a bit of bronzer and bronzey looks


Well-known member
Hello fellow pale ladies.

I am Haley and I am very pale. Now, when I say pale I don't mean NW20 pale. I mean I can't ever wear any MAC foundations (other than Studio Fix in NW15), or any other regular foundations for that matter, because they are all so dark on me. I am so pale that UDPP is too dark for me. There has only been one "normal" foundation that has actually matched my skin tone. It is the from the Carmindy line by Sally Hansen. The color is Porcelain. I have been wanting to try Aromaleigh for about a year now, so, when I get a job, I'll be saving for that.



Well-known member
I have very pale skin, I am an NC15 normally but when I tan I can get up to NC20. I have always been made fun of for being so pasty and it is nice to know that there are other ladies out their who have the same experiences. I think that there should be a forum group for "Porcelain Beauties" because we have our own makeup problems such as foundation colors, and we have trouble with colors that become too bright and too dark on our skin. I love my pale skin and I am happy to join the ranks of the porcelain beauties (not so sure about the "beauties" part for me though hahaha)

Teagan :)

I am also very fair, naturally a read head (damn you Irish genes), however I do TRY to tan, but I end up burning.
... I dye my very un-even red hair colour dark brown - it looks very striking with my skin! I have very light blue eyes and... oh, NC15 in SFF is too dark for me, but I'm able to make it work by adding a lighter powder on top

- Very cool thread, I like it xD



Well-known member
Originally Posted by SparklingWaves

I don't know about MAC, I can state confidently that other lines have changed what they consider the lightest skin tone in the recent past. A lady that I know that has been in makeup for 35 years says that many of the companies stopped producing shades that really matched my skin tone, because people started using self tanner, bronzers, and/or tanning beds.

I would guess this this accounts for the trend toward golden/orangey undertones regardless of how light the shade is. I have very cool-toned skin and a lot of times even the lightest shades are too yellow. I know NWs are supposed to be neutral to slightly pinkish, but even they are usually too orange for me.

Glad to see the love for N3. I'm always afraid it's going to go the way of the dodo, too.


So glad to have found this thread. I am Charlotte, NW15 in Studio Sculpt .
Strawberry blonde hair and blue eyes, lots of freckles.
I have been reading and I see alot of products that I want to try out.
I have some of that ruddy/redness in my face that shows thru most of the foundations I have tried, so far so good with the Studio Sculpt .

Little Addict

Well-known member
Hi there, I have a quick question for you guys (it may sound stupid but bare with me): is the C2 studio fix powder lighter than C3? c3 is a little too dark for me ...

anywho, hi everyone. My name is Andrée. I am lighter than nc15 in the winter and in the summer I am nc15 if I'm outside enough, since I normally tend to stay inside. I have dark brown hair (dyed red and some bleached to pink) and tend to burn after about a min / 2 minutes in the sun, so SPF 70 has become my friend.
Hi everyone! I am very fair-I wear Dior in 010 but it is still slightly too dark for me. A crazy man called me a vampire once-but I embrace my paleness. I recently purchased a Chanel blush in Narcisse and I just have to share my love for it, it is the most perfect pink for fair-skin girls!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Efionawade
I am the most "melanin challenged" person I know, it comes from being anemic and I find the BEST products for my skin are NW15 moisturecover concealer (it's much lighter than the NC15 and it's not as pink as most NWs are!) and NC5 select sheer loose powder!

Then of course, Vanilla pigment and Crystal Avalanche are great for highlighting and making my skin GLOW! I also really like using Pure White pigment from the pro store sometimes to set my foundation/blend with other powders, so that they aren't too dark for me. Even Light MSFnatural is almost dark enough to look like a natural bronzer on me!!!

Same! I do love NW15 moisturecover concealer though. I need to check out Illamasqua properly, it seems so perfect.



Well-known member
Not being near a pro store, I haven't used it, but Mac's airbush foundation comes in NC10. Did their regular line of foundations ever have 5 and 10s? I know some of the powders do. Full Coverage, which I know is just concealer in a larger pot, comes in W10, a very pale pink-toned color (the swatch is way off).


Well-known member
Yeyyy a Thread for us fair girls

I'm really really fair! Sometimes I can be in peace with it, others times I just want to paint myself.
I don't know which color from MAC i am, but maybe a NC15... I'm a cool shade and always the lightest one in every foundation I use.
I'm blonde (very light blonde) with hazel green eyes... But because it's summer, I use fake tan and dyed my hair medium blonde with low highlights! I can't lie... I always wanted to be a brunette... but I guess I'm out of that idea now:p

One of the worst things about being so white, it's the veins!!! I refuse to use a skirt, because you can see all my veins in the back of my legs... I'm searching for some product to make them less noticeable, but I can't find one.. if you could give me any suggestions I would be very thankful :)

For a bronzer... They always look like dirt on me, but recently I bough L'oreal Sublime bronzer powder in Carrabien Sun and I love it! It's so natural, I totally recommend... And it's cheap too!