Originally Posted by Raerae
Thats a fairly ignorant statement about people with Anarexia. Have you ever spent time with them? Have you gone to visit a mothers daughter who's in the hospital because she weighs 65 lbs? Or truly gotten to know who they really are as a person?
To say everyone with a ED (model or not) is hideous inside with a bloated heart is a really insensitive thing to say. And considering how smart, loving, and nice of a person the girl up the street from where my Mom lives is, who is truly suffering from this disease, I think it's pretty easy to say there is more to someone's self esteem and self worth, than how little they weigh on a scale.
If anything from knowing her, it's what's on her inside that counts, not on the outside.
Yes, like I've stated I spent time in a clinic after having heart palpations from not eating & I have a lot of friends I met in there with very different experiences of the illness, not that that has anything to do with a medical understanding of the disease.
And yes, they (and myself) are hideous inside compared to a healthy person, that's nothing to do with their character or intelligence :/ And people who have anorexia DO get bloated hearts, that's not 'insensitive', that's just a fact.
What are you talking about? I know there is, I've realised that myself.
You've mistaken my honesty on the matter as scourn, and I find it bizarre that you think my statement was 'ignorant'. Nothing I wrote was an opinion, it was all fact. When I had anorexia my skin had a lovely yellow/grey tinge to it, my heart to this very day is dodgy and irregular, I sometimes had little control over my bladder, there's no point in pussyfooting around these things to appear more 'sensitive' - hence the advert!