They work great!
The primers are absolutely worth it!
The face primer goes on with a small shimmer, acts like a silicon, and reallly helps your foundation and powder stay on longer. Plus, it doesn't take much to cover the face, and you can put it on before your moisturizer (if you have oily skin you really don't need a moisturizer with it.)
The eye primer is good if you aren't into the paints (although those are an essential if you want your makeup to look good, but I know some people have problems with the paints.) The primer reduces the red in the eye and also helps the shadow stay on longer.
The lip primer is the BEST! I use before liner, after liner, and after my lipstick right before I put the gloss on. My lips don't fade for hours, if then.
The lash primer is good if you use pro-lash, pro-long lash, and mascara X. Zoomlash works so good as is, it really doesn't need a primer, but some people have lashes that don't stick to the mascara, so the primer is great for acting as a magnet for the mascara.
All these work, and aren't as expensive as other lines.