Price Increase?


New member
What was all the pricing fixing about? I signed up that thing in regards to the cosmetic lawsuit but I never knew exactly what it was about.
I also never heard anything back on it either.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Zap2it
What was all the pricing fixing about? I signed up that thing in regards to the cosmetic lawsuit but I never knew exactly what it was about.
I also never heard anything back on it either.

I signed that too. It was a long time ago (several years I think) and I never heard anything either.


Well-known member
I doubt EL will ever get rid of MAC as its one of their biggest money makers, that and Clinique.

Yep they raise prices 2x a year, Jan and generally again in the summer, ( jun/july) the largest increase is in Jan, ( the most quantity).

Every year when I worked for EL we had complaints about this, why? what for? Im not buying it, Im going somwhere else, its not that price at so and so -- until customers figured it out its the same price everyhwere unless they went to the outlets and there you may or may not get your skincare new - I personally would never buy skincare there as most of its OLD - they have stuff there that 5yrs and older but check the date to be sure.


Active member
Originally Posted by martygreene
MAC is an Estee Lauder subsidary. This means they follow the guidelines for Estee Lauder and it's associated brands. EL raises prices on assorted products $0.50 every July 1st, and once in the winter (although that date is dynamic, not the same every year) generally for items not effected by the July price increase.

It happens every year. It is not directly effected by packaging changes, the market, returns, etc. as this is basically a method of pro-rating what the production cost increase will be over a certain time and spreading it out. It's also to prevent major class-action lawsuits as we had a few years ago in regard to price fixing.

If this practice is something that upsets you, contact MAC and inform them of your displeasure. The only way this will change is for MAC to return to being an independant company, and no longer an EL subsidiary.

no it doesnt upset me at all...i jus wanted to kno WHY....cuz i'm still a kid goin through high skool


Well-known member
So if they raise the price of mascara a dollar a year, by the year 2020 it will cost $24. I mean, it doesnt seem right to me that they raise *all* (or most) of the costs. If it costs 50 cents more to make an eyeliner or whater, then raise the price of eyeliner a dollar. But I guess from a Capitalist point of view, it makes perfect sense. Ggggrrr.


Well-known member
but in terms of the worth of the dollar in 2020...a mascara might need to cost $24...

a lot of price increases have to do with economics and honestly the stockmarket...EL is a stock traded company so they have to keep the profits positive to keep shareholders happy...

that's business...that's economics...prices go up on everything! not just cosmetics..

look i remember not even 10 years ago when i was in highschool and gas was $.89 a its $2.15...and that's fewer years of a higher percent increase than the $24 mascara in 2020 (which my fav mascara at Lancome DOES already cost that hehehe)

so, these price increases are typical...have been going on forever...its just that now you see it


Well-known member
it may also have to do with all the returns people make. i still can't understand why people buy just to return. weird ways. i mean, i understand if it's a damaged product, but just to return for the heck of it? never made any sense to me.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by foreveratorifan
look i remember not even 10 years ago when i was in highschool and gas was $.89 a its $2.15

little bit off the subject, but damn, i wish my gas was that cheap!! it's $2.70ish right now for unleaded, but toward the end of last year it was over three dollars a gallon. The gas cap got it to go down, though.

they said that the increase in price is for the price to get the gas here. i'm glad that they don't apply the same increase to my makeup!!


Well-known member
Price increase

As of 1/1/07 in the US and 1/7/07 in Canada there will be a price increase in all MAC product...

anywhere from .50 to 2.00 in alot of skincare items

just a heads up


Well-known member
Thankyou for the information. =)
In my opinion that is lame....I hope they don't raise the prices on everything.
They are zillionaires practically.
Oh xSparkage thankyou again for the Classical pic!


Well-known member
Christ, haven't they already raised the price of the skincare now that it's got new packaging?

It's so stupid.


Well-known member
I noticed on the website alot of things were already marked up like 50 cents. Bummer, but EL brands usually do that once-twice a year.


Well-known member
Yeah, every six months the prices get changed.

I got assigned the task of price checker yesterday....Most skincare, shadows ($14), all the Prep & Primes, CCBs, most foundations ($28.50), sponges ($2.50), MSF ($24) & some oher things...all together there was about a page & a half of changes


Well-known member
Originally Posted by temptalia
I'm pretty sure inflation ain't risin' THAT quickly to merit yearly price increases, or even TWICE a year.

ITA, and I sure hope that the prices don't change on the website BEFORE the New Year. We should at least get a chance to order first.


Well-known member
In time to come, MAC will become a HE brand price wise. I do not believe inflation happens that fast to jusitfy an increase once or twice a year.

Did anyone email them to ask about this?

If they keep on increasing prices like this I think I will have to stop buying sooner or later...

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