Price Increase?


Well-known member
i noticed this yesterday when i picked up some new stuff...i wonder what causes the increase, i wonder if the cost of production really goes up every six months...


Well-known member
It's not really a big deal. MAC isn't doing anything that any other makeup line isn't...even drugstore brands.

And it's not like it every product goes up every someone mentioned before-it kinda rotates.

And I dunno if everyone's prices are going up...the memo I saw was only for the US & Canada....there may be hope still.


Well-known member
Re: Price increase


eyeshadows are now 16.50, lipsticks are the same, MSFs are now 29.50 (

those are the only prices i knew off by heart (the original prices) so i'm not sure what else changed also...


Active member
Re: Price increase

Originally Posted by mrstucker
Prices CHOPPED! Many discontinued and LEs at retail! Please check out the sale!

MAC Sale

"Some days it's not even worth chewing through the restraints." !

This is really OT, so my apologies if this should be located elsewhere or if you want to move it. But I have a question. I wanted to click on the "MAC Sale" previous poster referenced above, but when I did, I got the following message:

Aerynna, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:
Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system?
If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation.

Does anyone know why this is?


Well-known member
Re: Price increase

i know most of us don't notice the extra $1...but it all sums up at the end of the year...its insane how much we spend on MAC every year...but it's an addiction i can't get rid of...i have to get my fix every week!!!! YES I have noticed I have been going to MAC every single WEEK!!!! it's insane!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TAXES DRIVE ME INSANE!!! dont even get me started on MAC international stores where the prices are hiked hiked hiked up all over!!! it's insane...yall are right MAC's probably gajillionaires!!! they dont need to increase their prices!!!


Well-known member
Re: Price increase

Originally Posted by Aerynna
This is really OT, so my apologies if this should be located elsewhere or if you want to move it. But I have a question. I wanted to click on the "MAC Sale" previous poster referenced above, but when I did, I got the following message:

Aerynna, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:
Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system?
If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation.

Does anyone know why this is?

Its because you need over 20 posts to access the Sales section of the forum. Which is where that persons link probably leads to

To keep on topic, as long as the prices dont go up waaay higher its all good for me


Well-known member
Re: Price increase

Originally Posted by jillianjiggs

eyeshadows are now 16.50, lipsticks are the same, MSFs are now 29.50 (

those are the only prices i knew off by heart (the original prices) so i'm not sure what else changed also...

That msf increase really got to me... I know I should've expected it, but... yikes! And I just got comfortable with adding them to my hauls!
I'm glad lipsticks didn't go up, but now there's no reason to b2m for them over shadows.


Well-known member
So I have read on a livejournal MAC community that someone was told by her MA that effective July 1st there will be a price increase at MAC. She didn't mention on what products, or how much of an increase, but I am wondering if anyone has heard anything about this? Anyone know if there is any truth in this?


Well-known member
I really hope not. I dont think they should have a price increase every year. I dont know much about this, but at this rate, MAC will become way too expensive for anyone. Thats probably why they did the F+F sale right now...right before the increase lol


Well-known member
I work for another EL brand and our prices are going up July 1st. We haven't had an increase in 2 1/2 years so I was waiting for this honestly.


Well-known member
Other brands seem to do it annually - I am surprised MAC has not done it sooner. Hopefully it will be somewhat nominal - like a dollar. Some brands increase almost every year at like a $1-2 rate.



Well-known member
Yeah but when does it end? they surely can't keep increasing it ever year. Imagine what we'd be paying 5 or 10 years from now. When does it stop?


Well-known member
Didn't there used to be a 50 cent increase every year? I KNOW some things have gone up since I got into Mac. I hope its not more than 50 cents!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by xbrookecorex
I hope its not more than 50 cents!

me too, but i'd rather have no increase at all. why would they increase prices with the economy in the state it is? but then again if you love mac is 50 cents gonna stop you. probably not.


Well-known member
They better not. But if they do, I will have to cut back big time. I mean I already have enough MAC to last me 5 life times or so. lol


Well-known member
everything went up either $0.50 or $1.00. you have to understand, the economy being bad causes these, imagine the cost of shipping products with gas where it is now, that paired with frivolous returns and theft lead to these increases. it sucks, but thats just how it is. we got the memo last month and we were so surprised to see that everything was increased.

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