Race Issues


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Originally Posted by Raerae

Whats ethnic anyways? Were all ethnic.

There is a really interesting book by Richard Dyer analyzing "whiteness" that says as much. His thesis is that a lot of racism comes from the misguided notion that whiteness is the norm (which white people perpetuate by saying, "Oh, I'm so boring and ordinary because I'm white") and ergo everything not white becomes an "ethnic" deviation from the norm by default.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by quandolak
Yes we are all ethnic. But in this case its used for someone who is not from the majority race. So in america,uk, Australia its someone who is not white.

Of course you take the white person to say south america and tada ur ethnic and exotic. Odd world.

Galley girl whiteness is the norm here. Blond/brown hair blue eyes people are a majority.

Offtopic sorry.

Depends where you are really. I live in a majority Latino community in Southern California, and I am by far and away not the norm here. In California actually the Latino/Hispanic population is the "ethnic majority" according to census figures.
Regardless of who is in the majority however, no one should be considered "the norm." That was my point, it is a problematic and dangerous concept no matter who it is referring to because it automatically implies that there is a deviation to that norm.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by quandolak
I wanted to add one more point. Me putting the word *norm* in one of my previous posts was a mistake.I didnt mean it in accepted norm sort of way.. I meant how its more common in Adelaide to be white than it is to be from any other ethnic group.
It was misuderstood . Although it wasnt a typo , but i couldnt think of the appropriate word to use...

I know what you mean, when I was writing my thing the other day, I kept going back to edit because its hard to come up with terminology that isn't loaded or easy to interpret several ways, lol.
And I agree that the ethnic majority usually dictates what the perceived norm is - like where you are in Australia where it is mostly caucasian, even if certain suburbs or regions have a different ethnic majority from the national one.


Well-known member
to be fair, Indigowaters, your MA may not have passed you up based upon your race
MAs often prioritize by who comes to them more often, or even who spends the most money (because of comission)

i think people get others wrong most of the time, racism is NOT natural, it is taught. and i feel like most people (of all races) immediately judge others to think that they must be racist. i'm white, but i just like everyone else, have experienced racism. not only from blacks, or Hispanics or Asians, from everyone...there's racists within every racial group. i know what i'm trying to say, but i don't think i worded it very well there hah.

but anyways! about the original post, that is just downright horrible...your an MA wth the same trainging, tools and expertise as everyone else at that counter..that's BS for them to want someone else just because of race. but at least you can rest in the fact that you are a bigger, and better, person because you don't have such a clouded mindset that you have to look down on someone of another race


Well-known member
In response to the orginal post of this topic, sorry that had to happen to you. In some ways though, I can relate to the lady who did not want you to put your foundation on her. Now don't get all hot and bothered when I say this but this is just in MY experience only. Whenever I go to MAC for a makeover and it happens to be a MA who isn't Asian (I am Asian, BTW), they never make my eye makeup look all that nice. That's why I would usually go to an Asian MA to get my makeup done. And I'm not trying to say that ALL MA's don't know how to work on Asians, just the ones who have done MINE.

So I understand why that lady may have not trusted you about the whole makeup situation. It doesn't mean she is racist though. Because if she was, why would she have let you touch you in the first place?!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by THE ANTHEM
to be fair, Indigowaters, your MA may not have passed you up based upon your race
MAs often prioritize by who comes to them more often, or even who spends the most money (because of comission)

Well, I would like an MA to correct me if I’m wrong, but I thought they were supposed to treat everyone equally regardless of them being a regular customer. She was working on a woman’s face and stopped and I was in line to be helped next. This lady just waltzed from out of nowhere and walked in front of me and expected to be waited on. Mind you, I hadn’t set my money out on the counter and said "I’d like to spend $200", but she didn’t know how much money I had. On top of that, the lady only got two items, while I walked out with a list of things. So you (not you, but in general) can’t always judge a book by it’s cover.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
It doesn't mean she is racist though. Because if she was, why would she have let you touch you in the first place?!

I beg to differ. If you're judging someone and choosing someone based upon their race, it is racist. Racism has many layers to it and most are subtle.


Well-known member
I'm from Hawai'i where the minority is the majority (Over 1/2 of us are Polynesian/Asian). Yet, both my fav MA and my hairdresser are white. I used to subscribe (don't shoot me!) to the idea that "Asians know Asians better", but I quickly got rid of that when I met these two!

If my favorite MA isn't there and for some odd reason I need my makeup, I'll go to someone who has the makeup that I like. Granted, this usually means "someone with the same no-crease eyes as me". (People with creases tend to make me look like someone really hates me and punched me in both eyes or they try to "create" a crease on me) If they can do it on their own face, by all means-- have at mine.


Well-known member
Look at all the major makeup artists - Pat McGrath, Dick Page, Mally Roncal - all of them are where they are because they can work on a variety of different ethnicities.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by quandolak
Ooops i pressed thanks intead of quote...no problem ...

What you are describing is in my mind just another womans rudeness. People push inline allthe time and whoever is serving them cannot alway be bothered to tell them that its infact someone elses turn.
Also if you dont say something to the women pushing in the MA is unlikely to do much about it.

I cant see anywhere in the several accounts you have made on this any obvious reason for it to be racial.

MA's maybe are meant to treat everyone the same. But that doesnt always happen. Its the same for all proffesions people dont stick to the guidelines.

I don't think I ever said the woman pushed in line. I said that she came from out of nowhere, the MA stopped doing a woman's face, knew I was next, and went to the woman and asked her what she wanted. Both the person who was getting the makeover and myself are black. The MA and the customer were white. What don't you get?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Indigowaters
Well, I would like an MA to correct me if I’m wrong, but I thought they were supposed to treat everyone equally regardless of them being a regular customer. She was working on a woman’s face and stopped and I was in line to be helped next. This lady just waltzed from out of nowhere and walked in front of me and expected to be waited on. Mind you, I hadn’t set my money out on the counter and said "I’d like to spend $200", but she didn’t know how much money I had. On top of that, the lady only got two items, while I walked out with a list of things. So you (not you, but in general) can’t always judge a book by it’s cover.

true that you shouldn't judge a book by it's cover, but i for one now that at my MAC counter, most of the MAs do. if i walk in there all made up, dressed nice, i'll get waited on hand and foot. if i walk in there with no makeup, my hair pulled back and rockin an old Army sweatshirt, i practically have to chase someone down to buy stuff. it's a shame, but it happens


Well-known member
Originally Posted by THE ANTHEM
true that you shouldn't judge a book by it's cover, but i for one now that at my MAC counter, most of the MAs do. if i walk in there all made up, dressed nice, i'll get waited on hand and foot. if i walk in there with no makeup, my hair pulled back and rockin an old Army sweatshirt, i practically have to chase someone down to buy stuff. it's a shame, but it happens

I know exactly what that is like! I have the same issues. I go in there all made up. and wow. "can I get you something?" but if i go in there no makeup in a hoodie and jeans, its like a desert wasteland.. lol


Well-known member
Originally Posted by THE ANTHEM
true that you shouldn't judge a book by it's cover, but i for one now that at my MAC counter, most of the MAs do. if i walk in there all made up, dressed nice, i'll get waited on hand and foot. if i walk in there with no makeup, my hair pulled back and rockin an old Army sweatshirt, i practically have to chase someone down to buy stuff. it's a shame, but it happens

WHAT?! That's horrible, I guess I'm lucky that my counters aren't like that ... at least the ones I frequent the most. One counter I went to near my cousins house ... which I will NEVER go to again ... totally had me waiting for like 15 minutes and I have over 20 eyeshadows picked out. I got so pissed I just left and went to my usual counter and bought them there.