to be fair, Indigowaters, your MA may not have passed you up based upon your race
MAs often prioritize by who comes to them more often, or even who spends the most money (because of comission)
i think people get others wrong most of the time, racism is NOT natural, it is taught. and i feel like most people (of all races) immediately judge others to think that they must be racist. i'm white, but i just like everyone else, have experienced racism. not only from blacks, or Hispanics or Asians, from everyone...there's racists within every racial group. i know what i'm trying to say, but i don't think i worded it very well there hah.
but anyways! about the original post, that is just downright horrible...your an MA wth the same trainging, tools and expertise as everyone else at that counter..that's BS for them to want someone else just because of race. but at least you can rest in the fact that you are a bigger, and better, person because you don't have such a clouded mindset that you have to look down on someone of another race