Shadesticks to be discontinued?!?!


Well-known member
Royal Hue is great for green eyes. When I am in a rush, I reach for the sticks. You can great a fast smoky eye with them. I like to line Royal Hue around my eyes.

I think the MAs didn't use them much. When I purchased several sticks in different colors, they looked at me like I was nuts.


Well-known member
I wish they didnt! I love these things... I have every one of them and use them alot I love them as a light wash over a ccb.. *sighs* I was hoping they would bring more out for LE but now they are DC them.. poor shadesticks.. they dont get the love they deserve


Well-known member
I never gave these a chance until on a whim I picked up four within a month of eachother... pink couture, royal hue, shimmersand and gentle lentil. I looove shadesticks--they are so fast, easy and at least for me, last and last and never crease on me.
I hope this d/c rumor isn't true, but it sounds like maybe the jury is still out? I just ordered overcast and am thinking I'll be gettin around to picking up a few more *just in case* LOL


Well-known member
I hate to sound skeptical but can everyone who has seen this with their own eyes or heard with their own ears from an update or MAC official that this is happening, say so? and say where they heard it from? My Dept Store still claims that it's not happening!

Also, please name all shadesticks that will be dying if its true.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by talk2mesun
I hate to sound skeptical but can everyone who has seen this with their own eyes or heard with their own ears from an update or MAC official that this is happening, say so? and say where they heard it from? My Dept Store still claims that it's not happening!

Also, please name all shadesticks that will be dying if its true.

i work at a macys counter, and these are the ones we rtv'd at the end of september:

gracious me
royal hue


Well-known member
I have one and it does nothing for me! Whyyyyy?


Well-known member
Re: Trying again: SHADEsticks question

I heard from A MAC Artist in my area that they will be discontinuing many until all of them are gone. I think Paint Pots are taking over. I love Paint Pots. They work so much better.


Well-known member
Re: Trying again: SHADEsticks question

Noooooooooooo! I love my shadesticks!
They can't disco these!!!!
They work AMAZING as a base. It just makes my E/S POP!!!
And amazing staying power.


Well-known member
Shadestick Rumor

Chat InformationWelcome to MAC Cosmetics Online. One of our Artists will be with you shortly.
Chat InformationHello. Thank you for your interest in MAC Cosmetics. My name is Marci. How may I assist you?
Sunny: Hello! I had heard from other MAC fans that I know that some shadesticks were getting discontinued. I wanted to know if this was true, and if so, which ones and when!
Marci: Just one moment while I research this for you. I'm not sure if, which or when.
Sunny: Thanks!
Marci: Thank you for your patience while I continue research your inquiry. I'll be with you in just a moment.
Sunny: No problem.
Marci: Thank you for waiting! It looks as though they have already removed the shades from the site. Blurblurry, Cedarrose, Crimsonaire, Mangomix and Shimmermint Shadesticks have all been discontinued.
Sunny: I knew that those were going to get the boot, but I also heard that more shades were leaving us such as Silverbleu, Gracious Me, Overcast, and Corn
Marci: I'm not seeing them on any of the lists that are currently available to me. Those shades are all listed as Ongoing. Regrettably, I can't confirm or deny.
Sunny: Thank you very much for your help today, Marci!
Sunny: I hope you have a good day


Well-known member

Me: will shadesticks be discontinued?
Jara: Let me check that for you...were you inquiring about a particular shade?
Me: nope
Jara: Still researching that for you thanks for your patience
Jara: blurberry, cedarrose, crimsonaire, mangomix, shimmermint.

me: are shadesticks being discontinued?
Marci: I haven't heard that they are being discontinued. Just one moment while I research this for you.
me: okay thanks
Marci: Thanks for waiting. I can find no information to confirm that we are discontinueing MAC Shadesticks. Everything I have refers to these shades as Ongoing.
me: oh
me: are there new shades coming out?
Marci: Not that I have seen at least through next spring.
me: okay thank you

so no new shades for at least a while but at least they won't be discontinued?
hope this helped!


Well-known member
Re: Trying again: SHADEsticks question

Originally Posted by thelove4tequila
I'm soooo glad I picked up Mango Mix when I did. I love that color. I probably should get a backup before it gets too hard to find it again.

I got a Mangomix at a CCO 2 months ago, you might want to check there before you pay full price.



Well-known member
So, my local counter and store said the paints and shadesticks are going to be slowly taken away.

At the store, the MA said Paint Pots will slowly take over, but the CCB's are here to stay.


Well-known member
For those people who say shadesticks don't work for you. Have you tried warming them up in your hands before applying? Also, remember they are like bases. You can put a color on top of them. Loreal HIP makes something like shadesticks. They have different colors like red, blue and black. I have red, black and gold. So check those out too.


Well-known member
im sorry hot mammas but word from the dallas mac PRO store is that regular paints and shades sticks are on the way out. paint pots are the replacments. bare study paint pot is the likely replacement for beige-ing shadestick


Well-known member
oh no!

shimmermint, lucky jade and sea me staples in my make up bag. i use one of them everyday. although they seem to last forever.



Well-known member
awww they discontinued gracious me??? i want that one ive been looking for it everywhere. sigh. You know, a lot of people say they hate the shadesticks because they are dry and not blendable, but i find that if im good about putting the caps back on, all i have to do is warm it up in my hands or blast it with my hair dryer and its wonderful... i love how convenient they are, you dont need a brush or fingers. i love the control.
they really make my eyeshadows pop and stay put as well...