share your freak!


Well-known member
this is an old topic we had before, like a bout a year ago, but since so many girls joined, I thought it would be a good idea to do it again!!!

Tell us what it is your weirdest phobia, or what is it that makes you wanna run away screaming?

me: I can't stand it when I have family members singing.... it freaks me out!! (no more church for me!!)


Well-known member
I am deathly afraid of ventriloquist dummies. The sight of one will literally leave me freaking out and I will be sure to have some kind of nightmare when I try to sleep.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Sanne
me: I can't stand it when I have family members singing.... it freaks me out!! (no more church for me!!)

The same over here! My mum is in her James Blunt-phase right now! So she turns up the volume, sings although she doesn't know the lyrics and does weird stuff with her arms and tries to dance where I can see her!


Well-known member
I won't use hand dryers in public bathrooms because when I was about 10 I saw something on TV about how there are all these pee particles in the air of public bathrooms from flushing the toilets that just get taken into the hand dryer, warmed up to get all the bacteria nice and lively, and then blown onto your hands.

Corvs Queen

Well-known member
I am DEATHLY afriad of water. I mean, if I even think of being pushed into water I feel like passing out and I start to shake and cry a bit. It's not that I can't swim or anything, and to be honest I don't know where I get this from, but still, I am terrified of it. I really hate the thought of being in water where my feet don't touch the bottom or if the water is over my head.

Oh my God! Just talking about it makes me heart race!


Well-known member
I must be the biggest freak: I am afraid of the dark, I sleep with a light on. I believe in the paranormal and once had a weird experience. Since that time, I always sleep with a light on.


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Originally Posted by jasper17
I can't watch or listen to people be in embarrassing situations.

Waaah! Yeah those people who are asked to dance or strip in talk shows.... HELP!!


Well-known member
im scared of rollercoasters..will not get on one..i start freaking the bag holder @ great scared of water too..ill go in but once i cant see the floor i start freakin out..scared of airplanes to an extent..i have to take a sleepin pill to calm my nerves if and when i have to fly..

oh and i HATE scared of them =/


Well-known member
Originally Posted by AlliSwan
I won't eat in my car because I'm terrified of choking, especially while driving.

I never thought about this one really until I was doing 100km down a super busy highway with nowhere to pull off and my son started making a funny noise. He had unscrewed a cap off a juice bottle, put it in his mouth, and proceeded to choke on it. Fortunately I managed to reach back and pull it out, but damn, I was so scared. No more food or drinks in the car. Ever.


New member
Driving or going long distances in a car. I get so nerveous I feel like I am going to pass out.
I get worried about being in a car accident so bad that I have had to pull off to the side of the road and wait for traffic to die down. I sat there for 2 hours!

I also have a HUGE fear of someone taking my son. It's not just one of those mom worries. It's so bad I won't let him play outside without me around, he can't go to someone's house without me knowing the parents. I have to watch him walk into his classroom, I get to school 35mins early so I can get a good parking space so he can see me and won't have to look around. I don't really like him spend the night at places and when he does I will call my mom several times if I know they will going out. I won't let him have his window open at night even though we have a house alarm that would trigger if the window was raised up more. My AC bill is crazy in the summer!!!
Oh, there's more but I don't really want to seem like a freak!

I can't eat and watch gross things on TV.
I also can not eat in public if a really old person is eating near me. Who knows what I am going to do when I am that really old person!

I do not like clowns. They freak me out!

I loved the ocean as child but since we moved to CA I can't even get in past my knee's.
I also loved rollercoasters but now I wouldn't even think of getting on one.

Well, that's enough of me being a freak! :p


Well-known member
Originally Posted by moonrevel
I won't use hand dryers in public bathrooms because when I was about 10 I saw something on TV about how there are all these pee particles in the air of public bathrooms from flushing the toilets that just get taken into the hand dryer, warmed up to get all the bacteria nice and lively, and then blown onto your hands.

this is a fact, I don't do that too, I'd rather wipe my wet hand clean on my jeans

Just like the last time I posted them, I'll share my real freak after a few people have posted, because it's embarresing

I have a penis-phobia! I don't want to touch them with my hands, they are soo scary to me.. okay now you can laugh!


Well-known member
i dont know if this is a phobia.. every single time before i walk out of my room, i have to check if my fly is done. Haha I just cant help it!


Well-known member
my room has a balcony so there is a screen door for it, and every night I have to make sure that its locked and the curtains completely cover any sign of the glass because I'm afraid that there's something out there lol. Also, I lock my closet because its scary at night. On the closet ceiling, There is a square opening that is covered with a board that you can push up to open it into the attic and on one of the corners is a crack/opening which scares me because I heard a story about how these little girls were being watched by possessed dolls through this same type of crack.


Active member
ok i am weird... i cannot stand to have anyone or anything touch the middle of my neck(where an adams apple would be). i don't know why but it reallly really freaks me out! i can't wear turtlenecks or choker necklaces, and i can't stand to look at guys adams apples. i hope i don't ever fall for a guy with one lol. and omg its so embarrassing the first time you make out with a guy and he starts kissing u can imagine. and oh yeah i also can't stand when someone touches any of my scars- thats just physical tho- it feels really weird to me bc there are no nerves on scars, so you feel like you should feel something but you really don't- i dont know it just creeps me out lol. ok now that you all think im crazy hehe.........


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Sanne
this is an old topic we had before, like a bout a year ago, but since so many girls joined, I thought it would be a good idea to do it again!!!

Tell us what it is your weirdest phobia, or what is it that makes you wanna run away screaming?

me: I can't stand it when I have family members singing.... it freaks me out!! (no more church for me!!)

omg Sanne i just LOLed so loud, not at your phobia but i think you just nailed one of mine.

i CANNOT HAVE a mirror in my room. well...i guess im afraid of mirrors in the dark. i mean in the bathroom is fine, with the light on is fine but i cant have a big mirror in my room while i sleep. i think its cause i dont like to see light or anything from outside reflect off the mirror while i sleep. when i was younger and i slept with my mom she had a huge vanity table with two HUGGGEEE mirrors and i use to cry if i had to see with them facing me so she had to throw a bedsheet over them.

mirrors give me the heebie jeebies


Well-known member
Originally Posted by professionaltart
omg Sanne i just LOLed so loud, not at your phobia but i think you just nailed one of mine.

i CANNOT HAVE a mirror in my room. well...i guess im afraid of mirrors in the dark. i mean in the bathroom is fine, with the light on is fine but i cant have a big mirror in my room while i sleep. i think its cause i dont like to see light or anything from outside reflect off the mirror while i sleep. when i was younger and i slept with my mom she had a huge vanity table with two HUGGGEEE mirrors and i use to cry if i had to see with them facing me so she had to throw a bedsheet over them.

mirrors give me the heebie jeebies

My gosh, we're related! I thought I was such a weirdo for feeling the same way! I can't be in a dark room that has a mirror. The same as above! On camp at high school, my friends kindly covered up the mirror in my room because they saw me getting freaked out.

Due to certain psychological issues, I can get mega-freaked out by crowds in public places. I find it overwhelming, and get dizzy and have gone into shock on the odd occasion. Weird...

I hate spiders, and I used to not be able to sleep in my bedroom unless the wardrobe doors were closed! It's passed recently.

Not exactly a phobia, but I won't go out alone to places where alcohol can be consumed unless there is a good friend going that I really trust - they are quite scarce and few as you can imagine.


Well-known member
How does karaoke sound for starters and the opposite, folks lip-synching (usually badly) to tracks of their favourite artist.