"Skinny Model Ban" in Madrid

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Well-known member
Originally Posted by MarniMac
You are 100 percent right hyperrealgurl. I will admit, there was a time in my life when I wanted to be a waif (lol, can you guess when? when I was a teenager)...but then I discovered that my body could be so much more amazing as I became athletic (rockclimbing, mountaineering, hiking, cycling, etc.). Plus, I realized that beauty could come in ANY shape, size or color. I think those kinds of realizations are signs of maturity and wisdom (in my very humble opinion, wahaha!). But yeah, bottom line...skinny models mostly appeal to one very vunerable group...teenagers (or women with teenage mindsets, who have low self esteem). It kind of scares me when people make statements like "Everyone wants to look like those models or be a size 0." I seriously don't. I need to eat more than crackers to climb mountains. Size 0 models don't cycle centuries either. Size 0 models aren't mothers (ok, very often aren't mothers. damn you heidi klum...but I don't think she's a size 0 anyway). I'd much rather be me, thank you. I am more than the number on my jeans tag...thats something you realize as you get older, I guess.

HERE it is broken down.

Originally Posted by MarniMac
. Plus, I realized that beauty could come in ANY shape, size or color. I think those kinds of realizations are signs of maturity and wisdom

OK here... She states that beauty comes in EVERY size. and this is very true... I haven't read one post here where someone said that thin people are ugly. . but somehow A few people here have percived it that way..

Originally Posted by MarniMac
It kind of scares me when people make statements like "Everyone wants to look like those models or be a size 0." I seriously don't.

she said that SHE doesnt want to BE a size zero.. She never said that NO ONE thinks that skinny girls are attractive.
Originally Posted by MarniMac
I need to eat more than crackers to climb mountains. Size 0 models don't cycle centuries either

MODELS.. See those Pictures up there? THAT'S what she is referring to.I'd like to see one of those girls ATTEMPT to climb a mountain with no muscle mass.

Originally Posted by MarniMac
I'd much rather be me, thank you. I am more than the number on my jeans tag...thats something you realize as you get older, I guess.

Just like you, She is happy with her size. Is that bad? I don't think it is. I think it would be wonderful if every , woman, and man, could be happy with themselves.

Wether your BMI is 17, or 30 If your happy with yourself.. Thats all that matters.. .Right?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by hyperRealGurl
There are plenty of men out there that loves their wives just the way they are.

Loving their wives for what they are, and settling for what they got because they can't attract a better looking woman are two different things.

Typically (not always, but typically) you attract a mate that is on the same level of the attractiveness scale as you are. Assuming you know nothing about the person.

Plenty of men love their wives, but still fantasize about more attractive women, watch porn, talk to their buddies about how they would love to give it to whatever woman in their office, pay for attractive escorts, etc.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
Actually I do know people who look like that. Both on-line and off. And realistically, you or I really dont have anything to do with it, and wont be able to help them. They have to help themselves.

Severe anarexia is a problem, and I dont think a designers clothing line really has much to do with that. The girls who choose to do that to themselves have their own personal reasons for doing so. I think we can both agree that that type of look isn't attractive. However, ana girls obviously do.

A neighbor at my parents house, her daughter is on that road. She's already been in the hospital a few times because of it. They have spent well over $60,000 trying to treat the issue. To what end? She lives in a little trailer by herself, paid for by her parents. She doesn't work, has 0 friends, and really doesn't do much of anything.

But personally, I think people who dont have anarexia, who try to treat anarexics, are treating the wrong things. All they do by trying to help, is make the person they love and care about sicker. Now thats imho a catch 22. But I think it's because they treat the wrong things. Society also is trying to treat the wrong things to help these girls. Trust me, telling girls like that, thay they can't work isn't going to suddenyl make them wanna gain weight to participate. If anything it will make them want to lose more. The more you tell an Anarexic that she will look better by gaining weight, the more weight she will lose.

Please dont go into speaking about Severe anarexia... i personally have dealed with this for years and with out the help and support of my family , and friends and loved ones i would not be here today. Yes you have to be willing to help yourself at the same time. But to say that there is nothing you can do to help is sad IMO

And you may be right about designers clothing line not having nothing to do with the weight issues... but designers request certain looking models.. once that is done the seed is placed and angencys tell their girls to (loose weight) (you can drop about 5 pounds).... this happens all the time....


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
Loving their wives for what they are, and settling for what they got because they can't attract a better looking woman are two different things.

Typically (not always, but typically) you attract a mate that is on the same level of the attractiveness scale as you are. Assuming you know nothing about the person.

Plenty of men love their wives, but still fantasize about more attractive women, watch porn, talk to their buddies about how they would love to give it to whatever woman in their office, pay for attractive escorts, etc.

Hahaha settling.. thats funny honey men dont settle, and all men watch porn.. not just men that has wives with a lil meat on their bones.

little teaser

Well-known member
you really are in deniel hyperrealgurl love and sex are two diffrent things and im not saying they dont love there wives and i didnt say ALL men but most of the ones i talk to dont find there wive AS attractive after she lets herself go and i dont care how good there wife looks or how much they love her they will still have there fantasy girl

little teaser

Well-known member
Originally Posted by MxAxC-_ATTACK
HERE it is broken down.

OK here... She states that beauty comes in EVERY size. and this is very true... I haven't read one post here where someone said that thin people are ugly. . but somehow A few people here have percived it that way..

she said that SHE doesnt want to BE a size zero.. She never said that NO ONE thinks that skinny girls are attractive.

MODELS.. See those Pictures up there? THAT'S what she is referring to.I'd like to see one of those girls ATTEMPT to climb a mountain with no muscle mass.

Just like you, She is happy with her size. Is that bad? I don't think it is. I think it would be wonderful if every , woman, and man, could be happy with themselves.

Wether your BMI is 17, or 30 If your happy with yourself.. Thats all that matters.. .Right?

sorry hun but that made no sense i didnt need you to point out or break anything down i know what she said and all the things you tried to point out was not what i was refering to

little teaser

Well-known member
Originally Posted by hyperRealGurl
Ic... once again we are talking about emaciated looking models... ive said time and time again nothing wrong with being thin, skinny size 0 or 00 or whatever. I do undertsand some ppl are naturally thin and thats alright. And yes i also think that comment about the crackers might have been a bit sarcastic... but i dont think it was directed twards you. SHe was just generally speaking.

i understand hyperrealgurl that she was generally speaking but when generally speaking on a hot topic like this it can be offensive im sure if i was in another thread speaking about overweight woman i would have to choose my words correctly when generally speaking to not offend someone like dam that fat chick ate like three plates and desert


Well-known member
Originally Posted by little teaser
you really are in deniel hyperrealgurl love and sex are two diffrent things and im not saying they dont love there wives and i didnt say ALL men but most of the ones i talk to dont find there wive AS attractive after she lets herself go and i dont care how good there wife looks or how much they love her they will still have there fantasy girl

lol you're right in some cases Love and Sex are 2 different things... but in most its the same.. When your married u have LOVE and with that LOVE there is SEX.... Then you have SEX... without LOVE which is just fking IMO....

And fantasy is just that a Fantasy.... Every men has them and every female has theirs.

There is no denile in my part i assure you... Ive been married for 5 years to a man that thought i was banging hot weighing 260 pounds after having my second child... to him still thinking that im baning hot weighing 125pound now. So either way it goes... im sure these men dont get into theses realationships or marriages thinking (ohhh wow my lady is off the chizzle) thinkning she is going to look that same forever.
Thats just crazy.. kinda like saying... " not weight related" your in your 20's and ur looking all fresh faced... then aging with wrinkles on ur face and ur husband not being attracted to you anymore.. sounds dumb doesnt it.. "through thick and thin" for better or worse.... call me old fashion but i take my vows serioiusly ... and if there are some men out there that doesnt b/c their wives dont have the flat abs and the tight ass like they use to before having kids.. not to say u cant get your body back that way after having kids..... needs to re-evaluate their situation. We are not plastic...... ppl change everyday for that matter with weight, looks, and attitudes..

If you think skinny is healthy then its all good... never said being skinny is unhealthy.. once again we are talking about ppl that look emaciated.. if you husband/lover/boyfriend and yourself thinks that you look beautiful the size that you are then that just gravy and more power to ya..


Well-known member
Originally Posted by little teaser
i understand hyperrealgurl that she was generally speaking but when generally speaking on a hot topic like this it can be offensive im sure if i was in another thread speaking about overweight woman i would have to choose my words correctly when generally speaking to not offend someone like dam that fat chick ate like three plates and desert

i do agree with you on that one

little teaser

Well-known member
Originally Posted by hyperRealGurl
lol you're right in some cases Love and Sex are 2 different things... but in most its the same.. When your married u have LOVE and with that LOVE there is SEX.... Then you have SEX... without LOVE which is just fking IMO....

And fantasy is just that a Fantasy.... Every men has them and every female has theirs.

There is no denile in my part i assure you... Ive been married for 5 years to a man that thought i was banging hot weighing 260 pounds after having my second child... to him still thinking that im baning hot weighing 125pound now. So either way it goes... im sure these men dont get into theses realationships or marriages thinking (ohhh wow my lady is off the chizzle) thinkning she is going to look that same forever.
Thats just crazy.. kinda like saying... " not weight related" your in your 20's and ur looking all fresh faced... then aging with wrinkles on ur face and ur husband not being attracted to you anymore.. sounds dumb doesnt it.. "through thick and thin" for better or worse.... call me old fashion but i take my vows serioiusly ... and if there are some men out there that doesnt b/c their wives dont have the flat abs and the tight ass like they use to before having kids.. not to say u cant get your body back that way after having kids..... needs to re-evaluate their situation. We are not plastic...... ppl change everyday for that matter with weight, looks, and attitudes..

If you think skinny is healthy then its all good... never said being skinny is unhealthy.. once again we are talking about ppl that look emaciated.. if you husband/lover/boyfriend and yourself thinks that you look beautiful the size that you are then that just gravy and more power to ya..

i think you know what i was saying anybody can be whatever they want if they put a lil effort and there mind to it all woman can get back in shape after haveing kid's i was refering to the men saying there wife does nothing and let herself go i never said we are plastic or suppose to be perfect or need to be a certain way but there are woman who are lazy and let there self go


Well-known member
Originally Posted by little teaser
raerae after reading all the post in this thread i have to give credit wheres it's due i have the upmost respect for you to not be weak and brown nose to score specktra points i think people are in deniel when they say NO ONE finds skinny models or people attractive because reality those people are attractive and what sales or there wouldnt be requirements in the fashion world or hollywood to be thin it's what they want and i hate to give this BRAKING NEWS but thats what most men want to all the guys i talk to said they like thin petite woman and are not as attracted to there wife after haveing kids and leting there self go and yea we may not fit into the normal look anymore because america has become obest and that is a proven fact so inorder to justify and make there self feel better they want to say being thin isnt healthy or look good but i guess the ones pointing the finger would quickly give that index finger up to be thin and desired

Likewise don't justify yourself by saying how everyone who is not thin is jealous or would give anything to be thin. Its EXTREME thinness people think is unacceptable not thinness in general.

You get all huffy if someone dares to say thin is not attractive yet you imply that larger people could never be desired or percieved as attractive?

And here's some more BREAKING NEWS some guys you know do not represent the entire male population. Some men do understand what giving birth implicates (mentally and physically) and that taking care of a baby is time consuming and looking good or getting back to your pre-baby weight is sometimes the last thing on a woman's mind. Not all men are mysoginists with 1950's mindset.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
Oh.. One thing I forgot to ask...

To all the people who are more than their jean size. If your so turned off by thin models on the runway, and so secure about your personal weight and size. Why does it matter to you what size model a designer uses to show off their clothing? If it's not effecting your self esteem and self perception and your personal interpretation of what beauty is, why do you care?

Because I have a daughter who hasn't figured that life lesson out yet.

Because I have a daughter who is entering an age bracket where she's marketed to EVERYWHERE and where she and her friends will have all manner of discussion and discourse when I'm not around (which, admittedly, is rare).

Because there are millions of other daughters just like mine who haven't learned that lesson.

THERE is my vested interest RaeRae.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by little teaser
what comment was that??? i was refering to marnimac comment maybe you need to go back and read befor you jump my ass and befor you judge me you need to go back and read all the snotty comments regarding thin people

Actually snotty comments regarding "thin" people are at a minimun in this thread.

Comments regarding women who are obviously unhealthy are wholly different matter.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
Loving their wives for what they are, and settling for what they got because they can't attract a better looking woman are two different things.

Typically (not always, but typically) you attract a mate that is on the same level of the attractiveness scale as you are. Assuming you know nothing about the person.

Plenty of men love their wives, but still fantasize about more attractive women, watch porn, talk to their buddies about how they would love to give it to whatever woman in their office, pay for attractive escorts, etc.

Whoa. Now you're opening ANOTHER can of worms.

Can't attract a better looking woman? Are you sure that's how you want to word that statement?
"Same attractiveness level"? You're kidding right?
Fantasy is part of a healthy sex life, btw, google can provide you with numerous links and articles to that effect.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by little teaser
you really are in deniel hyperrealgurl love and sex are two diffrent things and im not saying they dont love there wives and i didnt say ALL men but most of the ones i talk to dont find there wive AS attractive after she lets herself go and i dont care how good there wife looks or how much they love her they will still have there fantasy girl

I absolutely cannot believe I read this post.

Are you serious?

What about the husband who lets himself go? Sure, she may not be able to fit in the cheerleading uniform anymore but guess what? The belly's got a pot to it and the forehead is getting taller. The "sex" he's so hot to give is more akin to rooting around in the bed poking her with a raging hardon that will give him 2 minutes of pleasure and to hell with hers. That's the man you're talking about because I can guarantee you're not talking about a man like my husband, my brother, my father, and a lot of the husbands of the wives on this messageboard.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
That's the man you're talking about because I can guarantee you're not talking about a man like my husband, my brother, and a lot of the husbands of the wives on this messageboard.

Abso-fecking-lutely. And anyone that thinks that losing weight post-partum is easy has obviously never tried it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by hyperRealGurl
Ummmmmmmmmmm totally NOT TRUE.... Id rather look at someone that has some meat on their bones or some type of muscle definition than to look at some whos body is "skinny" in which case the topic we are on is about models that look emaciated... I dont understand why u would think that 'genreally speaking" women see skinny models as being pretty... and being thin is attractive... Thats not fair to say, in your eyes you might think that "Skinny Models" are atractive and you might think.. (in your eyes thats what being attractive is) but you cant sit there and say " all women feels the same as you".. and im not sure what type of (Greek) Statues you are looking at.. but the vast majority of (Greek) Statues of men and women have some type of curvature to their bodies expecially the women statues. You see the statues with hips, thights, mid sections, (meat on bones) not Super duper Skinny (Greek/Roman) Statues. Nor do you see emaciated looking statues, where the pelvic bones are pratruding out.. lanky legs with no meat on the thighs. Its one thing being thin and healthy IMO i dont see problem with that.. But i do see a problem with young girls seeing some of these famous ppl.. and models walking around looking like "they are about to roll over and die any day because of their emaciated bodies.
( Eat a Hamburger)

This is not Attractive Nor Pretty.. Im sorry but its not..

Sorry to butt in when I haven't even finished reading the thread...but those pics are both doctored- I've seen them on the pro-ED sites many times, and I've also found the real version without the top girl's ribs sticking out. Both are thin, but neither are as emaciated as those photoshopped pics make them look.

Yeah, I haven't read the whole thread, maybe it's already been addressed. However, I'm trying not to trigger my own weight issues.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissMarley
Sorry to butt in when I haven't even finished reading the thread...but those pics are both doctored- I've seen them on the pro-ED sites many times, and I've also found the real version without the top girl's ribs sticking out. Both are thin, but neither are as emaciated as those photoshopped pics make them look.

Yeah, I haven't read the whole thread, maybe it's already been addressed. However, I'm trying not to trigger my own weight issues.

those pictures were posted as an example... it doesnt matter to me either way if those were doctored or not... there are ppl and models out there that are that severly thin.. that was just a visual point i was trying to get across


Well-known member
Originally Posted by little teaser
but there are woman who are lazy and let there self go

This is not true in all cases.... you have women that love thier pre-pregnancy size and embrace their post pregnancy size.... this does not mean that these women has let themselves go. (or lazy for that matter) These are what we call "A woman that has enough self confidence to embrace her new found curves" and is happy with it.. self love baby its all about self love
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