"Skinny Model Ban" in Madrid

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Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
Actually, the Greek statues are a more 'curvy' woman than what is the ideal today.
Those statues, and the women modeling for them, have breasts, and waists, and hips, and curves. The women walking the runway today do not.

Like it or not RaeRae, it's a legitimate standard being applied on countless scientific studies stating the unhealthy effects of having a BMI lower than 18.
It's not necessarily the BEST standard, but it's a standard that essentially demands that the models be of some level of health prior to walking the runways.
Given the image conscious state of their chosen professions, the decision to be over or under a certain point lies with the model. If she wants to work, she'll maintain her figure at what the scientific and medical world has deemed the approximation for healthy BMI.

Thank You Jamie for Clearing that up.. Gheeeez u post faster than i do lol


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
That said, it only undermines the content of the post when the writer (whether that's me, you, or the girl next door) is not motivated enough to make sure the opinions are presented in a cohesive and coherent manner.

I agree, assuming thats the object of the post. I'm not trying to change anyone's opinions about anything on these forums. And i highly doubt that the message I'm trying to convey is severly effected by using "your" instead of "you're"

If anything I KNOW for a fact they know what I'm saying, because they took the time to point it out. You would have to understand the meaning of what was typed to correct it.

Call it a flaw in the medium.

While you may view this as something higher than recess chatter, I and many others, don't.

I spend enough time making sure my spelling and grammer is legible at work when submitting proposals to clients. When chatting on Specktra becomes like chatting with clients... Lets hope it never happens =P


Well-known member
It's a whole other thread but when did bad grammar, spelling, and poor sentence structure become an acceptable way of speaking???? urgh.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
Actually, the Greek statues are a more 'curvy' woman than what is the ideal today.
Those statues, and the women modeling for them, have breasts, and waists, and hips, and curves. The women walking the runway today do not.

I was thinking more along the lines of the David when i typed that, actually dont think thats Greek lol. Since it was done by Michelangelo. But of the ideal body. However there are similar greek statues of that perfect idealised physique.

Probably not the best choice due to the context of the conversation.

My bad? lol


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
It's a whole other thread but when did bad grammar, spelling, and poor sentence structure become an acceptable way of speaking???? urgh.

Like omg, it's like always been that way? Typically whe people are talking informally in a casual setting, they have terrible sentance structure and grammar. Because it doesn't matter. Remember, were not giving a speech to a crowd of educated individuals on an important political topic here. This is playground chatter. The formality of what is acceptable/not acceptable is dictated by the atmosphere. I would agree with you if this was a website for say Nuculear Physics, and we were discussing the pro's and cons of methods for splitting atoms (or hairs like in these last few posts).

So your (Oops I did it again! And now I have Britney in my head lol! I played with your heart! Got lost in the game of love! Oh baby baby!) telling me that you speak with perfect grammar?

A lot of people type like they talk. Unless you sound like a female Ben Stein?


Well-known member
In informal conversation, yes I generally do take the time to speak with some semblance of correct grammar pattern and syntax, I was raised to do so.
Saying "ain't", "over yonder", "thangs", "me and you went", etc. is unnatural feeling and sounding to me, and I don't allow my children to use phrases like that either. Sound like the intelligent person you are, I tell them.
It doesn't matter? IT DOES matter. It does matter that our society as a whole has started sounding unintelligent and uneducated, I can't imagine why anyone would think it doesn't.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
In informal conversation, yes I generally do take the time to speak with some semblance of correct grammar pattern and syntax, I was raised to do so.
Saying "ain't", "over yonder", "thangs", "me and you went", etc. is unnatural feeling and sounding to me, and I don't allow my children to use phrases like that either. Sound like the intelligent person you are, I tell them.
It doesn't matter? IT DOES matter. It does matter that our society as a whole has started sounding unintelligent and uneducated, I can't imagine why anyone would think it doesn't.

Doesn't "Y'all" fall into this category?

Not to make light of this very passionate conversation but I really am enjoying "listening" to two highly intelligent chickies putting their views across. Awesome that you both stick to your guns and defend yourselves and your opinions to the end. Good one.


Well-known member
"Y'all"? Hmm. It might. I'm really not sure...I don't consider it any different than "you guys" or "you people" but I can see your point.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
Actually, the runway is about the designers vision of how they want their clothing to be displayed. Not about some beauty standard. We choose to look at the women on the runway and decide for ourselves if we like their appearance or not.

What if a designer is designing clothing for women with severe Anorexia? Using anarexic models would be appropriate, yet now at least at that fashion show, they would not be allowed. On the flip side their are designers hat design for larger women. I highly doubt they model their clothing line on skinny skeletal models.

Women see skinny models and want to be skinny because they are pretty. Thats not going to change. Thin women are attractive because being thin is attractive. Look at the greek statues. They were carved to ideals which are nearly the same as they are today.

You are generalizing way too much. A lot of people do not find skinny women attractive. There are whole cultures that do not value thinness in women. SOME people find skinny women attractive. Obviously, you do, and there's nothing wrong with that. But to make a blanket statement like " Women see skinny models and want to be skinny because they are pretty. Thats not going to change. Thin women are attractive because being thin is attractive," is YOUR opinion.

I, personally, do not find skinny women attractive. I personally find an athletic build in a woman (think Maria Sharapova, Gabi Reece, the Bowflex chick, Angela Bassett in "What's Love Got to Do With It?") much more attractive than ultra-thin models. I just want to feed those girls a cheesburger (or 10...they need it...but that' s just me being a mom!). That's just me, and I am not ragging on anyone who thinks differently. To each their own....


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
It's a whole other thread but when did bad grammar, spelling, and poor sentence structure become an acceptable way of speaking???? urgh.

When 13 year olds took over the internet.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Bre
Doesn't "Y'all" fall into this category?

I would argue that y'all doesn't fall into the category since it is a contraction of two words that can legitimately be used together whereas "ain't" really isn't (or ain't LOL).

Personally, I can't pay attention to someone's argument when my mental red pen is going nuts.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
I'll be sure to check my p's and q's next time I'm posting on a message board for something more educated than MAC Cosmetics. I promise.

Cosmetics ≠ low educated.

Please try to avoid generalising and demeaning the entire messageboard's collective intelligence.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Ladybug10678
When 13 year olds took over the internet.

Good point. :/


Well-known member
You are 100 percent right hyperrealgurl. I will admit, there was a time in my life when I wanted to be a waif (lol, can you guess when? when I was a teenager)...but then I discovered that my body could be so much more amazing as I became athletic (rockclimbing, mountaineering, hiking, cycling, etc.). Plus, I realized that beauty could come in ANY shape, size or color. I think those kinds of realizations are signs of maturity and wisdom (in my very humble opinion, wahaha!). But yeah, bottom line...skinny models mostly appeal to one very vunerable group...teenagers (or women with teenage mindsets, who have low self esteem). It kind of scares me when people make statements like "Everyone wants to look like those models or be a size 0." I seriously don't. I need to eat more than crackers to climb mountains. Size 0 models don't cycle centuries either. Size 0 models aren't mothers (ok, very often aren't mothers. damn you heidi klum...but I don't think she's a size 0 anyway). I'd much rather be me, thank you. I am more than the number on my jeans tag...thats something you realize as you get older, I guess.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MarniMac
I am more than the number on my jeans tag...thats something you realize as you get older, I guess.

Amen to that....

little teaser

Well-known member
Originally Posted by MarniMac
You are 100 percent right hyperrealgurl. I will admit, there was a time in my life when I wanted to be a waif (lol, can you guess when? when I was a teenager)...but then I discovered that my body could be so much more amazing as I became athletic (rockclimbing, mountaineering, hiking, cycling, etc.). Plus, I realized that beauty could come in ANY shape, size or color. I think those kinds of realizations are signs of maturity and wisdom (in my very humble opinion, wahaha!). But yeah, bottom line...skinny models mostly appeal to one very vunerable group...teenagers (or women with teenage mindsets, who have low self esteem). It kind of scares me when people make statements like "Everyone wants to look like those models or be a size 0." I seriously don't. I need to eat more than crackers to climb mountains. Size 0 models don't cycle centuries either. Size 0 models aren't mothers (ok, very often aren't mothers. damn you heidi klum...but I don't think she's a size 0 anyway). I'd much rather be me, thank you. I am more than the number on my jeans tag...thats something you realize as you get older, I guess.

im sorry to rain on your parade but i have to disagree im a size 0 and im far from being a teenager or do i have the mind set of a teenager AND im a mother of two and i dont care if you or anyone else dont think a skinny person like me is attractive iam comfortable in my own skin oh by the way i eat more than crackers more like steak potato's cupcakes and pies and i dont obsess over the number on my jeans tag other people do when they ask your so tiny what size are you i dont walk up to fat asses and ask them and say your soooo fat what size are you and i dont have low self esteem im old enough and mature enough to not give a dam what people think anymore you dont have to like my size attitude or anything else for that matter but if your gonna try and insult me i will tell you bout your self and just cause some ones petite thats what we like to be called by the way does not always mean were insecure the ones that make rude comments are the insecure ones..


Well-known member
Originally Posted by little teaser
im sorry to rain on your parade but i have to disagree im a size 0 and im far from being a teenager or do i have the mind set of a teenager AND im a mother of two and i dont care if you or anyone else dont think a skinny person like me is attractive iam comfortable in my own skin oh by the way i eat more than crackers more like steak potato's cupcakes and pies and i dont obsess over the number on my jeans tag other people do when they ask your so tiny what size are you i dont walk up to fat asses and ask them and say your soooo fat what size are you and i dont have low self esteem im old enough and mature enough to not give a dam what people think anymore you dont have to like my size attitude or anything else for that matter but if your gonna try and insult me i will tell you bout your self and just cause some ones petite thats what we like to be called by the way does not always mean were insecure the ones that make rude comments are the insecure ones..

I am sorry...I don't think her comments were rude at all...but that's neither here nor there...the fact that you are comfortable in your own skin is what's important here. MarniMac is also comfortable in her own skin, and that's what matters....that everyone is happy and self-confident to admit that they like themselves, no matter what they look like, what they eat or what size jeans they wear.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MarniMac
I am more than the number on my jeans tag...thats something you realize as you get older, I guess.

I completely agree! That's a wonderful way of putting it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by hyperRealGurl
scary skeletons, oh my!

Now I know that there is ABSOLUTELY no way that those models are *naturally* that thin. Now that is the kind of stuff that needs to be prohibited from the runway. It's one thing to natually be a little underweight. But it's another thing entirely when girls start looking like they are about to die. Those girls don't need to be on a runway. Those girls need to be in a hospital.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Cosmopolitics
It's one thing to natually be a little underweight. But it's another thing entirely when girls start looking like they are about to die. (

And its ANOTHER thing when 6 year old little girls talk about needing to diet and being fat because society perpetuates the idea that looking like a coat hanger is good.

I know there are natually slim people out there but being slim and rail thin are too completely different things. There are lots of women that eat like horses and can't put on a pound just like there are lots of women who are scrapping by on 1200 calories a day and can't lose a pound. I am willing to bet that 99.5 percent of those models don't fall into the first category, rather they fall into the I-live-on-saltines-and-cigarettes-and laxatives category.
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