Small rant: The Beauty Review Bandwagon


Well-known member
Mac-Whore....That is what makes Blogs like yours and Mischevious so great, experience, honesty and knowledge....You are not a fly by night operation!! I enjoy reading your blog and you always speak truthfully about your product experiences....Thanks also for reminding me about SonRisa...I adore her looks and she is a crazy talent!!!

Don't even start me about the know my experience with thieves as of late


Well-known member
Originally Posted by JULIA
Leelee, I was actually responding to MakeUpGeek's comment because she made it seem that it was a guru's fault the product she bought didn't work for her...Everything I said was related to people who do the same thing.

I understand that...but I think she had the same sentiments as I did, or at least that is how I read her post. I think she tried to "inform" herself as much
as any one of us do. But there are some things you try to "inform" yourself about that have been reviewed 20 times over, with a bunch of hype and no critique...all saying the same thing. That doesn't mean the critiques were truthful or factual...It could mean people are just "copying" vids/reviews they have seen before (not contributing much...just passing along hype). So as much as you try to inform yourself, the hype wears you down...and you end up buying things you hate. Is that your own fault? Sure you share in the responsibility...But I can see why someone would find fault in false/redundant/overly done hype that led them to "break down" and try something.


Well-known member
Nobody can make you do anything. You must take responsibility for your own actions in life. I can totally understand being pissed if you feel like you got the shaft b/c of a shitty review, but in the end, said blogger/youtuber did not grab you by the hand, make you buy a product and then keep it. In addition, perhaps the reviews might ACTUALLY be honest. We don't all like the same things. It is unfortunate that we don't all have access to brick and mortar stores, but you know what you are getting into with the reviews, obviously, or you wouldn't be posting/ranting about it here.

I am a makeup addict. That sounds stupid, I know. But, I have a SERIOUS problem with buying makeup and purchasing ANYTHING that someone states is even remotely decent. That being said, I could totally be pissed at quite a few people for "pushing their agendas on me". But, I'm an adult and the decisions I make, I own.

I'm sorry you feel this way and I'm sorry you feel you have had bad experiences with some bloggers/youtubers, but I don't think that this warrants any type of big ass retaliation from the general public to reform change regarding vbloggers. It is a free service, there is definitely "corruption" and it is what it is.

I hope you are able to find some reviewers that you respect. I really do. And, I hope this doesn't continue to plague you and that you can realize that those people who are actually being dickheads in the review process, aren't worth the words you wasting writing/talking about it. You deserve to be in better spirits than that.

Best of luck to you. I do understand, and I do hope you find what you need.


Well-known member
I totally take responsibility for my purchases and I take the blame.

And I still understand getting annoyed and bothered by reviewers who are dishonest or continue the overhyping trend. They aren't doing anyone any favors.

I think we all learn our lessons from trends like this eventually. I certainly have. And I think it's perfectly reasonable to ALSO say I wish it would change. It shouldn't be taken as a cue for people to assume that I/others are bitter and angry. You can't change things without
expressing your opinions and sharing in those opinions with other like minded people...and perhaps a few youtubers/bloggers out there (not to mention cautioning "newbies" who might
fall prey).


Well-known member
^^^I agree with you there. It is annoying and it the over-hyping is old. I guess I just have a tendency to want to make sure that people don't push blame on others for their misfortunes. I don't think you have tried to do that, and if you feel I think you did, I apologize.


Well-known member
I agree ...Also people should only watch and subscribe to the blogs they believe in...To be honest I don't even look at the fly by nights...I have about 3-4 blogs/youtubers that I trust and frequent...Just stop looking at the ones you don't trust or have a clue about the person or what they are saying. People watch because they want to not becase they are forced to..

Don't get pulled into all the Free Giveaways...that is only to get more subscribers ....


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1124
I agree ...Also people should only watch and subscribe to the blogs they believe in...To be honest I don't even look at the fly by nights...I have about 3-4 blogs/youtubers that I trust and frequent...Just stop looking at the ones you don't trust or have a clue about the person or what they are saying

Sadly, even some of the ones I trusted/respected have done the same thing recently with this "trend". So basically I am skipping all product reviews in youtube vids. It's not worth the time. I will watch for the swatch and that's it. Someone on Twitter just said "I am going to do my Sigma brush review even though you all will be bored since you have seen it so many times already"....Uhm. I wanted to ask "WHY do it then?" . I can't assume she is going to say anything that hasn't been said....even though I did like/trust this one. But eh, whatevs.

I just don't understand.


Well-known member
I think a lot of people are unfortunately trying to find "fame" in this industry. Youtube is their way of getting noticed and possibly getting a job in the cosmetics industry. What a lot don't realize, is that it is only a small population that "make it", much like in the entertainment industry. Just an observation of mine.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by rbella
I think a lot of people are unfortunately trying to find "fame" in this industry. Youtube is their way of getting noticed and possibly getting a job in the cosmetics industry. What a lot don't realize, is that it is only a small population that "make it", much like in the entertainment industry. Just an observation of mine.'s NILS (I mentioned it before... Name in Lights Syndrome)
Either that, or the need to get more free stuff (nothing wrong with wanting that, but it's still annoying to see 70 reviews of the same product, all saying the same thing)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by rbella
Yes, I forgot, you did mention "NILS". LOL. Now I have an acronym for it!

I love acronyms a little too much


Well-known member
Originally Posted by rbella
It is a free service, there is definitely "corruption" and it is what it is.

Yeah thats the point. I mean.. people shouldn't expect this to not turn like the world is like... willing to change that (what youtube is now) is like trying to change the world we now live in... not impossible but more then challenging.
Ego and profits are #1 in the desire and dreams of the ''modern'' country's.. It's a way of living industry's and governments are building since years now.
Yes it is revolting and non humanist, but then people have to change their way of leaving.. and dreaming.. and I'm not sure it can be done without major catastrophes first... and if you knew how much they put on developing marketing that make you do impulsive purchase... it's like the devil really wears Prada

Morale is: be aware of your surrounding and what you live in. Try to ask yourself why you do stuff because people say you should.. there's always people who try to make money, cause money is power, pure and simple.

Oh.. and just like that... I'm so happy for all the planet that Obama won this election... still almost can't believe it.


Active member
Originally Posted by LeeleeBell
I understand that...but I think she had the same sentiments as I did, or at least that is how I read her post. I think she tried to "inform" herself as much
as any one of us do. But there are some things you try to "inform" yourself about that have been reviewed 20 times over, with a bunch of hype and no critique...all saying the same thing. That doesn't mean the critiques were truthful or factual...It could mean people are just "copying" vids/reviews they have seen before (not contributing much...just passing along hype). So as much as you try to inform yourself, the hype wears you down...and you end up buying things you hate. Is that your own fault? Sure you share in the responsibility...But I can see why someone would find fault in false/redundant/overly done hype that led them to "break down" and try something.

Thanks Leeleebell - they were similar sentiments.
I am an ex-beauty therapist, and a mother who does research products as best I can before purchase - not a child, or an idiot. I didn't attack the people who misled consumers with hype (in my opinion false advertising), but I do feel I had the right to state my opinion here without being attacked for it, and spoken to as if I'm a halfwit. I named no names, nor did I ever attack the youtubers - I simply unsubscribed.

That's why I stopped responding on this thread, and why I will remain silent further. I gave my opinion, which I was entitled to do. If people wish to misquote / misunderstand my point...that's their problem.

But think on this - if you feel the need to attack people for stating their opinions...normally that means they have a point and you know it. It's interesting watching who is on the defensive throughout this thread - if we didn't have a valid point...why so defensive?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Casadalinnis
I have no problem with her personally because I'm over 18 but my sister copies too much. She wanted to do tutorials herself and 15 is too young and she's not an expert yet so I know how the community would react. ...

I agree with some of the points you are making but I think you're discussing oranges in a forum about apples. What you're describing is a parenting issue and a desire to keep, in your case, your sister, "free from harm" via the potentially corrupting influence of YouTube. I don't think it's the job of anybody online to parent for others (any more than I think it's Britney Spears' responsibility to keep her merchandise from being sought after by tweens). It is well within your right to monitor what influences your sister and I commend you for doing so, but to force YouTube (via a rating system or some other mechanism) to curtail freedoms would only serve to further hamper creativity - creativity which has already taken a beating due to copyright crackdown.

Both the video you mentioned by jpmetz, and the original which inspired it, are comedies. Both of the users in question state that they do parodies and sketch comedy...and they're YouTube "friends", for whatever that's worth. As I said, it's well within your right to parent a younger sibling (if that's the dynamic of your household) but to suggest that YouTube take over this responsibility is a little much, in my opinion. That's why there are parental controls for internet/computer use.

As for your sister being influenced by gurus & product hype, fair enough. But there are some (note: I am not saying this) that might argue that she shouldn't even be wearing makeup at 15...which would solve your problem. :p


Well-known member
Another pet peeve of mine? Sites that buy their traffic with constant giveaways. Once and a while is OK, but all the time? Meh...let your site speak for itself.

Oh, and regarding my comments about bloggers pimping readers for kick-backs on sites like Haute Look with "referral links", today you can buy your "referrer/pimp" some Perricone.


Well-known member
A friend of mine wrote her opinions about Blogs as she is a Blogger...I thought I would post...she is much more literate than I am lol...My typing sucks a *** seriously ..But I can copy and paste like nobody's business ...normally I would take the credit...but ya'll know I don't type or speak literally correct most times

Blog-based sites, as opposed to forum-based sites like Specktra, can be particularly prone to broadcasting opinions that are swayed to please a cosmetic company.

Blog-based sites are a single mouthpiece that the cosmetic companies can reward or punish. Let's face it, it is much easier to control a single blog, than a large forum community of people with their own voices like Specktra.

You have to look at blogs that are consistently getting promos and products 2-3 months before the release dates. Those are blogs being rewarded by cosmetic companies. Why? Because the company feels that that blog is a "safe bet", as in, the blog will say what the cosmetic company wants them to. I mean, let's face it. If the cosmetic company thought a blog would trash them, they wouldn't keep sending them stuff 2-3 months out before all the other blogs.

Why shouldn't you trust that blog? The bottom line is that that blog is in the cosmetic company's back pocket. She, as a blogger, is saying what the cosmetic company needs her to say.

You know how it is, the blogger fluffs a product up and sanitizes their site so the cosmetic company is happy, then the cosmetic company pats the blogger on the head with a tidbit of info and product. It's mutual survival. I hope people realize that.


Well-known member
^^^True on a lot of those points, but there are a couple of Specktra members here who have blogs. They get MAC waaayyyy before the releases, and I believe their blogs to be very honest. In fact, this site relies on their swatches, etc. for information.

I think it just comes down to who the person is, to be honest. Some are going to be in the back pocket of companies and act like assholes, but some are really quite fair. JMO.


Well-known member
^ True that....But thanks to the many who are flat out dishonest and misleading, it's pretty hard to know which ones can be trusted. And it's too much effort for some, to try and "weed" through to find those "honest" reviewers...So I have officially given up on all product reviews in general. I still read MUA product reviews but even those I take with a grain of salt.