Strange things that bother you


Well-known member
* When I eat M&Ms, Skittles and the like, I have to dump them out of the pack, separate each colour into it's own little pile and then eat them one colour at a time.

* Before I go to bed, i have to check that the doors are locked and all windows (except for the one in my bedroom) are closed... even if i locked them myself. this is now OCD behaviour after a flatmate once left the front door open all night.

* cockroaches and spiders freak me out. spiders especially.

* i hate loud noises, like when people slam the door, close cupboards loudly etc


Well-known member
Ok, so I work as a meter maid, and I hate when I'm just walking past someone's car, and I look at the meter to see if its expired, and the person comes rushing at me, yelling "Don't ticket my car! I didn't do anything!". Um...I wasn't. Plus, I hate how people seem to think that meter maids (parking enforcement, actually!) are their own personal punching bag. Hi, you didn't follow the rules. Not my fault.

I also hate sunflowers, and I have no idea why. They creep me out.

I really dislike when people say 'I seen' instead of 'i saw' or "i have seen'.

I'm sure there are more, but most relate back to my job and how so many people insist on acting like children when they recieve a ticket.


Well-known member
- When people say "aks" instead of ask. I'm a relay operator and am tempted to type "axe" when people say it like that. "I'm gonna axe you one of these days." Hahaha.
- When the toilet paper roll is placed on backwards.
- If my books aren't organized by size, clothes organized by color.
- Sleeping with the door, closet or the window shades open. They have to be closed.
- The mattress thing from the first post, I can't have any limbs hanging off the mattress because of irrational fears that something creepy down there will grab me.
- When food gets stale and goes opposite in texture.
- When I'm making chocolate milk and it is running out so I have only enough chocolate to make it brown but not taste any different...which brings me to my next point.
- When people's stuff runs out and they just leave it as is instead of making the 10 min trip to get it replaced! This is especially annoying when cooking and you're in the middle of something only to find out you have no oil/vanilla/flour/sugar/etc.
- The above is also annoying in the shower, when you're done shampooing and then see there's no conditioner. Then your hair is dry the rest of the day.


Well-known member
I love making lists so here is mine:

I can't sleep with the door closed, I have a mini-panic attack. I definitely don't have claustrophobia but I can't handle that.

The thought that people might be able to hear me on the toilet. (I won't go into any more detail lol)

I like to write (even speak, sometimes) in an OTT way, for instance instead of "I hate the colour red." I would probably say "I loathe and detest with all my soul the colour red." I'm trying to tone it down a bit though.

When you are having a conversation and there is a silent moment. I feel nervous and like its my fault for not being interesting enough.

When I don't have time alone each day. I'm a person who needs to relax and chill out by myself regularly without talking or noise or other people in general. (I feel so antisocial now!

Sharing drinks or food. Once I was eating cake with friends and someone said "That looks good!" and took it out of my hands and used my spoon to take a bite, then handed it back. I threw it out. Yuck!

Using cheap (like bargain-bin) makeup, or makeup that is messy. I hate when the powder compact has loose powder all over it, it ruins the prettiness of the makeup!

I had more but I forgot them! Whats the internet for if not to have random people think you're a weirdo?

(You might also have noticed apart from 'lol' I don't like to use internet shorthand speak. I like writing properly.)


Well-known member
Oh and one more thing, the worst thing in the world is something my brother used to do to annoy me. He would hold me down and PICK MY NAILS!!! I can't stand that at all. I scream, kick, punch, anything to make it stop. Luckily that was a year or so ago, hes grown up a bit now, but the thought of it makes me shudder and my stomach turn.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ElectroCute
Oh and one more thing, the worst thing in the world is something my brother used to do to annoy me. He would hold me down and PICK MY NAILS!!! I can't stand that at all. I scream, kick, punch, anything to make it stop. Luckily that was a year or so ago, hes grown up a bit now, but the thought of it makes me shudder and my stomach turn.

UGH!! I HATE THAT!! My dad used to do that to me. or he would Grab my foot and pop my toes.. Just to piss me off because he knew how much I hated it.


Well-known member
ok, here is mine-
* roches... yuck... that is my worst phobia
* i never close the toilet door. i have such a small toilet and even though i put colourful posters to make it nice in there, i still feels clastrophobic when the door is shut. luckly it's only me and my boyfriend here, but everytime we have company i have to remind my self- 'close the door...'
* i can't sleep if all windows are closed, i need to feel fresh air. that drives my boyfriend crazy, esspecially since he's getting really cold when he sleeps..
* sharing my bottle of water, from mouth to mouth. uchh... that drives me crazy! i can't drink from it afterwards...


Active member
When I sleep, I have to have sound.
Snoring, coughing, cars, rain, anything! But it can't be like music, it has to be natural.

Ms. Z

Well-known member
Originally Posted by MxAxC-_ATTACK
Like the girl on the Tyra Banks show that was scared sh*tless of pennys???

Yes, I saw that. Why? That makes no sense.


Well-known member
Here's mine:

*The sound of other people chewing food or slurping soup. I don't know why this bothers me (that's why music in restauraunts is so nice!)
*Spiders ('nuff said)
*People who wear open-toed shoes/sandals on nasty nasty looking feet
*Vomit (I am TERRIFIED of this). Could barely write the word. GROSS.
*I need to sleep with a light on--darkness bothers me.
*People who cough right next to me/blow their noses nearby or while I am eating (hey, I guess I am a sensitive eater!! Lol!).

I guess we all have our quirks. These are mine!

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
-Not knowing what the Greek letters in fraternities/sororities stand for. It's sheer nosines, and I can't justify why.
-When it stays light outside too long. I hate those times in summer where it's light until like 8-9PM
-People who respond to stuff in movies. They have active conversations
-I guess I thought that I was falling out of bed, but when I sleep, if my leg falls off the edge, I jump suddenly and wake up


Well-known member
1. When people love someone i hate. EX. in high school, there was this girl that i absolutely LOATHED ... then after i started hating her, she suddenly became everyone's bestfriend .. like wtf.

2. I canNOT look at anything with a mass amount of holes closely together on it. Absolutely out of the question ... i get all tingly and UGH. EX. beehives, cells .. ugh when i had to look through a telescope in school it was just torture. My skin is crawling at just the thought.

3. When i sleep, the tv has to be on, but on the lowest possible volume setting.

4. My room has to be freezing in order for me to sleep in it.

5. I hate when people are eating something crunchy, and i just hear them crunch crunch crunch ugghhh.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MACpro__*

2. I canNOT look at anything with a mass amount of holes closely together on it. Absolutely out of the question ... i get all tingly and UGH. EX. beehives, cells .. ugh when i had to look through a telescope in school it was just torture. My skin is crawling at just the thought.

I can't do this either, honeycomb designs gross me out, Sunflowers in full bloom Disgust me.


The feel of corduroy fabric, I work with clothes, and when I get something corduroy that I need to look at the tag or whatever, I push it around with my pen until I find whatever I need. If I'm putting away corduroy clothing I bring something else with me to put behind it or in front of it so I don't need to touch it. When I do touch it, it litterly makes me gag and I have to wash my hands afterwards. It makes me physically sick, even just looking at it is bad enough.

Dry hands, having dry hands also makes me want to gag, I need to constantly moisturize.

Towels that have been air dried, can't touch them, absolutely vomit inducing. The dry rough texture, I can practically feel them sucking the life right out of my skin. Lol.

Slow walkers, I'm constantly screaming "mooovvveee!" in my mind. Lol.

When you're at a party or whatever and someone turns the music up SO loud that you can't hear a single thing anyone else is saying, even when they're sitting right next to you. If I wanted to just sit around and listen to music, I would have stayed home! It pisses me off so badly, I have no problem turning it down either.

People who stare, especially other women, I have no problem going "what?!" to them or doing the old "stare-off" til they look away.

Guys who call out to me when I'm walking to work at 7 in the morning. It's early, I'd rather be sleeping, I'm wearing a jacket and jeans, do I look like I want attention? no, frig off.

Guys who call out in general, do they really think that's going to work, yes, some random guy is cat-calling and staring at me through his car window, I want him! There's more respectful ways to get a girl attention that don't make you look like Chester the Molester.

Light and sound when I'm trying to sleep. I lived with a boyfriend once who had to listen to the radio when he slept, I don't think I had a good night's sleep once during that time.

Old guys who think that you should be interested in them when they're like 60 years old and have nothing in common with you. What do you have to offer me? Nothing. I don't know many 20 year old guys that would hook up with a 60 year old lady. Why are girls always supposed to put their needs in the background so some old man can feel good about himself?

The smell of food when it's not being eaten or cooked, if it's just sitting around being smelly, it needs to go.

Girls who think that they're good singers so they warble along to your favorite song ruining it completely. My best friend is guilty of us.

Johnny Wal

Well-known member
I absolutely hate it when i'm at work (im a cashier) and i tell people the total, and they put the money on the counter in front of them. i find it so aggrevating and rude. you could at least HAND it to me. and even when i extend my hand, sometimes people put it on the counter. and its not like they even slide it forward or anything. i hate hate hate it! and i refuse to ever do that to a cashier no matter what terrible mood im in.

the only time i find it possibly acceptable is if they are counting out exact (or close) change and put it down to count it, and i pick it up for them.


Well-known member
You know what drives me crazy??? Skinny people with fat faces. It just BOTHERS me. As a result, Kimora Lee Simmons drives me crazy.

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