The feel of corduroy fabric, I work with clothes, and when I get something corduroy that I need to look at the tag or whatever, I push it around with my pen until I find whatever I need. If I'm putting away corduroy clothing I bring something else with me to put behind it or in front of it so I don't need to touch it. When I do touch it, it litterly makes me gag and I have to wash my hands afterwards. It makes me physically sick, even just looking at it is bad enough.
Dry hands, having dry hands also makes me want to gag, I need to constantly moisturize.
Towels that have been air dried, can't touch them, absolutely vomit inducing. The dry rough texture, I can practically feel them sucking the life right out of my skin. Lol.
Slow walkers, I'm constantly screaming "mooovvveee!" in my mind. Lol.
When you're at a party or whatever and someone turns the music up SO loud that you can't hear a single thing anyone else is saying, even when they're sitting right next to you. If I wanted to just sit around and listen to music, I would have stayed home! It pisses me off so badly, I have no problem turning it down either.
People who stare, especially other women, I have no problem going "what?!" to them or doing the old "stare-off" til they look away.
Guys who call out to me when I'm walking to work at 7 in the morning. It's early, I'd rather be sleeping, I'm wearing a jacket and jeans, do I look like I want attention? no, frig off.
Guys who call out in general, do they really think that's going to work, yes, some random guy is cat-calling and staring at me through his car window, I want him! There's more respectful ways to get a girl attention that don't make you look like Chester the Molester.
Light and sound when I'm trying to sleep. I lived with a boyfriend once who had to listen to the radio when he slept, I don't think I had a good night's sleep once during that time.
Old guys who think that you should be interested in them when they're like 60 years old and have nothing in common with you. What do you have to offer me? Nothing. I don't know many 20 year old guys that would hook up with a 60 year old lady. Why are girls always supposed to put their needs in the background so some old man can feel good about himself?
The smell of food when it's not being eaten or cooked, if it's just sitting around being smelly, it needs to go.
Girls who think that they're good singers so they warble along to your favorite song ruining it completely. My best friend is guilty of us.