Strange things that bother you


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Lady_MAC
I totally agree! When my daughter was 8 months old my step-father would say "Shhh, inside voice Layla", over and over. I couldn't believe it, but he was actually serious.

Layla is now 13 months and complete strangers try doing the same thing, and believe that they're doing a good deed or something.

Oh yes, thats another thing that irritates me. Strangers giving me random advice, and believing that they're correct. Like "Don't breastfeed, she'll be sexually confused" Wtf?

no way did someone say not to breastfeed... thats nuts:crap:


Well-known member
dear husband I think.


Well-known member
i hate when people touch my stuff without asking, when people use my stuff and dont put it back from where they took it from, using something almost up (like they should have finished it anyway) and then putting it back without saying we need to buy more. it's annoying when people chew their food with their mouth open and make noises.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Willa
LineausBH58 : sorry for asking, but what is a DH???

i got that from sorry


I'm sure I have more, but for now I can only think of:
- spelling mistakes. Obviously I make them too, but they still bug me.
- the 'all limbs in/on the bed' thing, I have that too
- I also must be covered by some kind of blanket when I'm sleeping, even in summer lol strange
- can NOT sleep with a door closed. I feel trapped.


Oh and also dry lips - which may sound normal, but I think my lips are dry even when I have only just put lip balm on.


Well-known member
LineausBH58 : its ok, Im just not 100% bilingual, so sometimes I just don't get the expressions

Another thing I hate : Cutting chicken

I HATE touching uncooked chicken...

Chic 2k6

Well-known member
Bugs, i cannot tolerate them in the same room as me, it will irritate me to no end when a fly buzzes around, i open the door and give it 10 mins to piss off but if hes not gone by then i kill it haham but my mate though, she found hordes of maggots in her bin IN HER BEDROOM!!! ugh how the hell she let that happen i dont wanna know.

Bugs creeping on your legs in bed, it feels like there's something on your leg when nothing's really there *shudders*


Well-known member
Originally Posted by LineausBH58

*the movie The Ring... I am tearing up just typing it...

i think thats it...



Well-known member
Originally Posted by Willa
Another thing I hate : Cutting chicken

I HATE touching uncooked chicken...

Ugh, me too. I absolutely loathe handling it. Any other raw meat is fine, but I leave raw chicken for the DH to deal with.

Throwaway Style

Well-known member
I hate when people make fun of peoples music. like, I mean, I have told people that I think a certain band sucks, but I really can't stand when someone just totally makes fun of the band , I find it to be totally un-called for.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lara
Ugh, me too. I absolutely loathe handling it. Any other raw meat is fine, but I leave raw chicken for the DH to deal with.

Yeah, the other day I had to cut my chicken...
But, it was straight from the freezer so it wasnt as bad as fresh chicken.

Anyway, I hate it, I feel like I need to wash my hands every 2 minutes

I don't have anyone with my at home except of a cat, so I have to do it or I wont eat chicken anymore...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by shimmer
oooo another one for me:
people who say "Don't use such big words" when I'm talking to them the same way I speak to my children!!

Just tell them, "How 'bout you don't be so dumb"


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Whore
Just tell them, "How 'bout you don't be so dumb"

I generally say that if my four year old understands what I am saying, I expect any adult to do the same.


Active member
haaha this is funny :]

-- i hate awkward silences on the phone
-- i always have to have a hair tie on my left wrist.. or else
-- & chapstick in my pocket
-- i have to sleep with a blanket or some kind of cover even if its super hot
-- i hate having lotion on my hands, if i do.. i go wash it off
-- i hate when people watch me eat
-- i hate when poeple drag their feet
-- the sound of nail filing makes me shiver
-- i can't sleep unless it's quiet, no snoring/loudbreathing etc

yeahhhhh i think thas it

Chic 2k6

Well-known member
Originally Posted by xceelynn
-- the sound of nail filing makes me shiver

I SO agree on that, ugh.

--I cant sleep well when there's light around in my bedroom, not even a little dot of light from the stereo

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