Talk to me.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Camnagem
However, asking those who are heavily involved in those threads to totally remove that chat is a rather harsh fix, imo. The off-topic chatter comes about naturally, and trying to police that seems like an utter nightmare to me (both from a posting standpoint and a moderating standpoint).

I would like to make it clear that neither of those options were explored or considered. I don't know what talk is going on amongst members, but I just want to quash that kind of thinking before it gets any further. I have no desire to direct volunteer resources into moderating adult men and women whom I fully expect to behave and comport themselves as the intelligent being I know they are while visiting here. I am not an advocate of babysitting the masses.

If there was the feeling of a clique then I am sure this has been thrown out into the limelight and there is no hiding from it. People will be more aware of their actions and I fully expect it to resolve itself without need from "divine intervention". We as a community will continue to move forward, a forum is a ever evolving place. Feel free to come to me with your concerns at any time, my door is always open. You can reach me via PM, email, or on Skype at JaniceFTW.

This is not directed at the poster of the comment I quoted, it's a general statement that I wanted to make when I saw the potential of how people could be interpreting the situation in this thread.


Well-known member
To protect the privacy of members I did clean up some off the more heated posts in this thread.


Well-known member
^^^If I could thank you three times for that, I would.


Well-known member
Ok, firstly I would like to thank all of the advisors and moderators, and especially Janice! This board is incredible, and I have so much fun here, meeting new people from all over the world, and talking about makeup, and looking at makeup swatches...basically this board is my makeup porn!

I loved the ideas about have a FAQ section for each collection, and I also really like the idea of changing some of the requirements in order to be able to post in the clearance bin.


Well-known member
"The more things change, the more they stay the same" -- a very wise axiom.

What's really changed on Spectra? nothing. It is still a great place and a great forum.

It is the economy that has changed us all.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Casadalinnis
It's a great place and a great forum but what about the people who make it a not so great experience? I've never been oblivious to what went on with the How's Everyone Doing? and the gossiping that was involved nor a lot of other things. I've been aware but how do people justify the behavior they do? I was going to bring my issues to redambition, CorvsQueen or the supervisor that started with a k with retail therapy under their name but didn't know whether or not they clung to the dealings that got brought up recently on the membership side. The chatter that goes on about members is horrendous, the taunting when some say they're trying to cut back for a car and yeah, they're adults in charge of their own lives but don't kick people when they're down.

I'm assuming this is directed at me (and the other premium members) so i have to respond to this. I am part of that community and i post regularly in that thread you mentioned and i can assure you that we never bitched about other members. I mean the moderators and Janice can freely come into those threads to post and they can tell you that what you're saying is not true at at all.

I don't know where you got this information from but that's not true. Infact, it's a huge accusation.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by HerGreyness
"The more things change, the more they stay the same" -- a very wise axiom.

What's really changed on Spectra? nothing. It is still a great place and a great forum.

It is the economy that has changed us all.

I just wanted to say that while this may be applicable to the countries where the current economic situation has made an impact, it doesnt apply to all countries.

For instance, in Australia the world economic climate has not made a pronounced impact and has not affected the spending habits of anyone I know.


Well-known member
This might be the dumbest suggestion ever, I don't know anything about how a "forum" works. But, could there be some type of "Ask Erine" button at the top or bottom of each page or thread that you click on and it opens into a new window that shows the questions and the answers that Erine has already given for that particular colour story? Perhaps an advisor or Mod could update the link with the questions she has answered. Then instead of having to do a search, a user could quickly click the button, read all the questions and answers for that particular colour story that they are in and Erine won't have to answer all questions over and over.

I don't know if that is even a possibility, but I know she reads through every page, it wouldn't be any extra work for her, it would just be quotes taken directly from the thread and put into a reference page by a member of admin.

Is that stupid?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by rbella
This might be the dumbest suggestion ever, I don't know anything about how a "forum" works. But, could there be some type of "Ask Erine" button at the top or bottom of each page or thread that you click on and it opens into a new window that shows the questions and the answers that Erine has already given for that particular colour story? Perhaps an advisor or Mod could update the link with the questions she has answered. Then instead of having to do a search, a user could quickly click the button, read all the questions and answers for that particular colour story that they are in and Erine won't have to answer all questions over and over.

I don't know if that is even a possibility, but I know she reads through every page, it wouldn't be any extra work for her, it would just be quotes taken directly from the thread and put into a reference page by a member of admin.

Is that stupid?

sounds like a good idea, i think this is what people have mentioned previously by having a 'faq' type section, dont know if it can be done though


Well-known member
^^^Yeah, I was unsure if they meant a FAQ as one page for the whole colour story forum, or for each page? I think it would be more organized and easier to navigate as 1 page?


Well-known member
Advisors are valued senior members of the site who have agreed to assist the staff in identifying content that is mis-categorized, posted multiple times, or undesirable (spam). If you have issues you feel require the assistance of a Specktra staff member to resolve please contact a forum moderator or administrator.


Well-known member
i know personally, i was away for a while. this time of the year beginning with the end of july and august i tend to get a lot busier than normal mainly because the semester is starting back up.
but what i did notice is that from like spring through the first half of summer thing on here were very tense. there were a lot of threads started from controversial topics with hundreds of differing opinions and lots of pms'ing and estrogen flying left and right and i was guilty of it also. you know, you read these threads and you get passionate over certain subjects so you want to hold your stance and defend how you feel and then no matter how someone responds, whether it's nice or not so nice you automatically read it and respond to it with that defensiveness. i'm actually glad it quieted down because like i said, things seemed SUPER tense and like i said, i was guilty of it as well.
but i'm just now getting back to specktra. i havent been on in over a month now. it does seem different but not to the point where i'm disappointed


Well-known member
Guys, don't get so heated that you forget what good friends in the community we've been for a long time.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Susanne
Yes, "people" - but not everyone here I guess?
I know a lot who are still happy here, so am I.

Why is there not a word about those members here who try to answer all the questions in the discussion threads? Who post links, swatches, comparisons, give advices - every day, for everyone?

We are in a democracy, aren't we? Everyone should use the thanks button as often as their want - or do not want?

Spastic enabling? Sorry, I am a teacher for mentally and physically handicapped children. Spastic is not a word that should be used here. There are more important things in life where people have a spastic
(Sorry, Danelle, this is not against you! But I can't stand people using this word in such a way).

Again, everyone is open to join us here! It is up to everyone to become a part of it. I don't like the word "cliques". It is specktra - get to know us here!

Originally Posted by Susanne
I am in the discussion threads every day. I answer all the questions as best as I can, so do other members.
We are not all rude here! Come on!

Originally Posted by Susanne
I was in a deep thoughts thread last year where I felt personally attacked. I will not mention which discussion it was.
I did not feel comfortable with some of the opinions there, but made my point of view more than clear I guess and left this thread.
Not everyone must have the same opinion, I cannot understand them all - but this is life I guess.
I am old enough to say: This does not touch me. I know who I am, no need to justify it.

Sometimes it is wiser not to answer every comment if you feel it is not your level anymore.

Originally Posted by Susanne
And a last thought on personal chatter in the discussion threads:

Please do not forget that we international members always get a new LE collection with a huge release delay - sometimes four weeks later than the US and Canadian girls do!!

How can we just talk about a collection or products we have not seen yet? Should we stay away like: Yes, I want this and that in three weeks - I will be back then when I have tested it?
I mean, it is hard enough to wait sometimes - why not spending the waiting time together in these threads? Waiting together makes more fun. At least for me.

Originally Posted by Susanne
This whole discussion makes me sad.

1. Specktra is not just a chat, yes, but

Specktra is a MAC cosmetics fan community with discussion open to all cosmetic lines and to all who are interested in cosmetics! We promote a healthy atmosphere comprised of education, diversity, and sharing information freely with each other. All of these elements come together to form a supportive and informative forum community.

A fan communtity includes chatting for me. I want to know who I talk to if I talk about my passion MAC. I haven't got anyone at home who shares my love for MAC - why not getting to know more people here who can understand me? And if it is in a discussion thread, why not?

2. I guess there will be something like a FAQ section in the color story information thread soon - a great opportunity for those who just want a quick answer.

3. I don't think we have cliques here - every new or old member is invited and welcome to chat and talk with all of us. 10 times a day or once a week.
I am here since two years now and have met so many different people here - some stay longer and go with you all the time, some just a few months or just a week. There hasn't been one yet I have not talked to if we are in a discussion.

4. What is the point with the thanks button? Use it or use it not.

How can you say we would support those girls with more "thanks" or always share their opinions?? I don't know if I should cry or laugh about it.

I fact I use the thanks button for every post I appreciate, I agree on or just to show: I like that. No matter if my "thanks" is the 1st one or the 20,000st one.
Every "thanks" from me is unique. It is part of our communication here. Not a competition.

I couldn't have said it better myself! Thanks Susanne. Hypathya's post was excellent as well.

I've always had fun here as well as reaching out to everyone, trying to make people laugh so they felt comfortable posting. I also spend a lot of my time finding swatches & color comparison to post when those questions are asked - by ANYONE. In fact, we had a new person post who had never posted before simply because of the kindness & friendship she saw - in the color thread! And it was because of a short off-topic post that made her post for the first time.

Maybe I'm just too old or secure, but I don't get some of the complaints
I feel exactly like Susanne's posts.


Well-known member
This may be one example, yes. But we are newbie-friendly here!
No one can read every new post here at once, if we all have our eyes open it works I guess.

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