If you have just started to read this thread, I have deleted many comments pertaining to personal information that was shared about me. Very personal, and quite embarrasing information that was shared via pm's during what I thought was a debate.
If any of you wonder why this started becoming "personal" to me, perhaps take a moment and put yourself in my shoes. I am not guiltless, but to take information about me and start a "smear campaign" across the board including personal and embarrassing information is unfair and wrong. Janice, I'm sorry if this doesn't fit into what you want written in here, but I feel I at least deserve this if no action is going to take place.
Winthrop-I never denied I was once part of the problem. And, your comment makes zero sense to me regarding pointing out TISH because I have no clue when that took place? I don't remember that?
I have every right at this point to take things personally. This is an extremely popular thread for being in the least popular section of the board. I have a plethora of "old buddies" from Specktra who are no longer on here for the very reason I am arguing. In addition, those friends contacted me to let me know they were receiving the same dumbass "freedom of speech" bullshit pm regarding this thread. It's amazing how many people have logged in to read about this, yet haven't been to the site in months.
So, if you think it is strange that AT THIS POINT, I am taking it personally, then I claim that is your issue. I don't see how anyone couldn't. Please go back and re-read my statements from the beginning. You can see my tone changed around the time I was being made aware of all this. My reasoning for debating the issue was to help some members who came to me as an Advisor, and asked for help. I never went to Janice because I did not have their permission. I stayed in contact with them to try and help make them feel a part of the board. Then, Janice started this thread, without any notification from me that there was a problem, and I thought it was a good time to discuss it.
I am not trying to say that my take on it, or those who contacted me complaining were 100% in the right. I just wanted to address it without full on denial that there might, just might be a problem. And, yes, before you respond to me with a reply that you also have received pm's, I understand that there are others who disagree. Fine, I get that. But, that doesn't take away from the rights of those who want to be heard but are too timid to do so because of ridiculous bullying in the first place. All sides deserve to be heard. MINE included. And I mean it when I say "heard", not bashed.
Let me reiterate what the first message contained:
Janice "Okay, so I've been getting alot of emails lately about the tone of the forum being different. I talked to these people a little, and I felt that if those few were motivated enough to send me a email then maybe there are more of you out there who feel the same way. "
"Is there something different that the general population is having a hard time adjusting to? Has our policy of being able to talk openly somehow changed? Are people feeling alot of pressure from certain individuals? Talk to me, let's see if I can help."
I would ask any of you to read those two quotes and tell me I am debating the issue because of "my personal problems". That is so friggin' insulting I am sick of it. Yes, now it is personal, at the time it was not.
"the tone of the forum being different" and "are people feeling alot of pressure from certain individuals" ~ If I never sent anything to Janice regarding what people were telling me, how else would she come to this conclusion? Because I am not the ONLY person who feels this way.
Please, address only your complaints from here on out and I would appreciate any backhanded comments or addressing me and any past issues I shared with friends in a "private area" be left out of it. This isn't about ME.
I felt I deserved the right to say how I feel since there will be no consequences, but I don't want to be a part of the issue anymore.
Best of luck to all of you.