The 44th President Obama!!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
OMG are you serious!! That is horrible and I am so sorry to hear that...Every votes does count...But like your one vote would have changed the decision...That is just mean! If they think they have problems now...wait until they move to another country. I am so sorry you are going through this.
50% of all of my associates are Rep but they have been great to me...
But my dh said that he has lost quite a few (so-called) friends at work because he decided to vote Democrat...It has been a big issue there...
The horrible thing is they were so bad...they started betting, yes betting!...Which he knows I am totally against so he didn't tell me...There were about 5 guys that bet him $500 ea that there was no way OB would win and to put his money were his mouth was...He did...Oh well...
I yelled at him and said what if you had lost...he said I wouldn't have told you! UGGHHH Men! But this is his contract job so he only has to go there 3 days a week...Maybe they will ease up on him...or it may be worse since they are all out of $500 ea

I married a Vinny! WTF!!

Yeah- perhaps my republican friends are VERY RED. Who knows. The right man is in office- thats what matters!! I had to listen to the speech again today! IT was amazing!


Well-known member
yeah- I was very pleasantly surprised with McCain's candor. He was very gracious and I had to respect him for that.

Obama's speech, at the risk of sounding corny, made me feel proud to be an American. I was teary-eyed.


Well-known member
I lost a few myspace friends!
I was surprised, but when I got up this morning there were bulletins about there goes all hope out the window, and way to go america for killing us all, i was like dang its not that bad. I was a McCain supporter but I just had to put my two cents in that we werent all going to be happy with the turn out and you know where i live it was dead quiet no celebrating no one even wanted to talk about it. It was wierd. Anyhow I was promptly deleted. O well. Another thing, after McCain's gracious speech, (which I wish he had of spoken like that during his campaign!) how tacky for his support to boo Obama?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sinergy
I lost a few myspace friends!
I was surprised, but when I got up this morning there were bulletins about there goes all hope out the window, and way to go america for killing us all, i was like dang its not that bad. I was a McCain supporter but I just had to put my two cents in that we werent all going to be happy with the turn out and you know where i live it was dead quiet no celebrating no one even wanted to talk about it. It was wierd. Anyhow I was promptly deleted. O well. Another thing, after McCain's gracious speech, (which I wish he had of spoken like that during his campaign!) how tacky for his support to boo Obama?

I agree, I couldn't believe they were booing him! Yet Obama's supporters didn't boo McCain when he was mentioned. Granted, they were in better spirits, but yeah.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
Man they are moving fast...

Rahm Emanuel just appointed Chief of Staff -

Saw that coming, but this is good. Keep good people around you and get a jumpstart on things. We wan to give him space grow and learn but at the same time we want to keep the momentum going too! I like that he's not waiting to create his cabinet it shows his on top of things and is eager to get the ball rolling. Besides the sooner he appts. people the sooner we can do our research on them and view their history and voice our concerns if any.


Well-known member
I heard Obama speak about the 106 year old woman who finally got to see CHANGE, after all that she has been through and I wanted to run to the ATL and hug her!


Well-known member
On a diff Note...The dress Michelle was wearing was Kick A$$ when she walked out I was like Whoa...That didn't come from JCrew!!
I loved it!!


Michelle Obama wore this Narcisco Rodriguez dress last night. I’m impressed. Not only does she know who Narcisco Rodriguez is, but she’s wearing a SPRING 09 dress. Good for her, good for Narcisco, because he’s one of the best.
Dressed for Success « Suffer for Fashion


Well-known member
Originally Posted by igswonderworld
Someone in Chicago: PLEASE SHOUT FOR ME ONCE!!! pleeeeaaaseeeeeeee I can't do it here in Istanbul!!!!!




Well-known member
Originally Posted by melozburngr
I agree, I couldn't believe they were booing him! Yet Obama's supporters didn't boo McCain when he was mentioned. Granted, they were in better spirits, but yeah.

Yeah I was like "those lame lames" and yes I thought it was tacky and classless of them but I really didnt care*rolled eyes* then said "Anyway YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
On a diff Note...The dress Michelle was wearing was Kick A$$ when she walked out I was like Whoa...That didn't come from JCrew!!
I loved it!!


Michelle Obama wore this Narcisco Rodriguez dress last night. I’m impressed. Not only does she know who Narcisco Rodriguez is, but she’s wearing a SPRING 09 dress. Good for her, good for Narcisco, because he’s one of the best.
Dressed for Success « Suffer for Fashion

Honestly, I hated her dress. It did not suit her body type at all, somehow it gave the illusion that she was pregnant??


Well-known member
Originally Posted by PMBG83
Dont tell me you havent heard about fox news?? I can give you the lowdown.

Precisely. Fox News
. I only go there when I want a truly biased opinion lol.


Well-known member
^ wow she does look effing GORGEOUS

and im sorry (no im not) but his little girls are fucking ADORABLE. A-Freaking-dorable. They should get 86428761481 puppies. JMHO.

And I think that dress makes her look even skinnier than what she is, personally.


Well-known member
I luv how their outfits are color coordinated! Very cute, but must agree with MC, I luv her and the dress, just not on her. But she looked nice regardless.If you look at the rw pic you can see that she clearly had it altered to her taste. There seems to be more red fabric in her dress than the original.

My favorite scene of the night was when the everyone had left the stage and Barack was standing alone there she stood waiting for him and they grab hands and walked off together. Very moving, that was some NOTEBOOK ( one of my FAV. movies) love right there.


Well-known member
I think she looked way better in the teal blue dress at the convention. That Rodriguez dress was a disaster. She's looked spectacular almost every time I've seen her this year and last night I was surprised by how bleah that dress is.

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