When I was six years old, John F. Kennedy was assassinated. When I was nine years old Martin Luther King and Bobby Kennedy were assassinated. All my life I've been waiting for this country to catch lightning in bottle again through an leader who inspires and challenges us to see our country as it could be. As we should be. I never thought I'd see this again in my lifetime. The last eight years especially, have made me a very cautious cynic. But now Now there are possibilities again. I woke up this morning and thought about our new president and felt ridiculously optimistic, despite all of the obstacles facing our country. Not because we elected an African-American, but that because we didn't let fear trump hope and elected the best and brightest once again despite all odds. That so many people have engaged in the political process and have truly thought about the importance of their choice, is vindication of what democracy can be at its best. I have talked to people all over the country in the last couple of months and quickly realized that most people in this country did care and were thoughtful about this election and their choice. I have come to respect both sides of the political fence, even when I profoundly disagreed with them. I have been hugged by Republicans as well as Democrats while canvassing neighborhoods and invited into complete strangers' homes. There is always a small segment of society that will let fear outweigh taking a leap of faith, but they are in the minority. If we are ever going to progress past the last eight years, we do need to step past the divisions between us and focus on the common ground we share. Both the left and the right need to do this, or we'll be stuck doing the same stupid partisan waltz for who knows how long. If we descend into a liberal version of the type of politics that Bush and Rove practiced, we automatically lose. I'm confident though that Obama is a different type of leader and this won't happen. We as citizens whether liberal or conservative should remember this as well and argue with our friends and family members who may not hold our views with respect. That's how we bury the last eight years of "us" and "them". I thought I would be all verklempt in the polling booth, but was oddly detached. It wasn't til this morning that reality has settled in and I'm a sobbing mess. I feel as if we as a country are starting to turn away from a very dark chapter in our country's history and are finally back on path to fulfilling the promises that this country represents to so many people. And now I'm off to get more Kleenex. Yes we did. |