The 44th President Obama!!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by florabundance
wait, i'm confused and this a genuine, not rhetorical or sarcastic, question - why are people afraid?

People fear change. I for one have been fearful for my livelihood for the past 8 yrs, it surely can't get any worse. I"ll go on record as saying that I'm excited, proud and hopeful. I'm proud as a minority but most importantly I'm proud of my fellow americans that saw past race and made a decision that they felt was best for them and their family. We all most do our part to sustain this dream. We can't let our government falter. Attend community meetings and council meetings in your community. Write letters and emails if your unhappy with your local government and want change. Volunteer at schools and community centers. We all played a part in history, let's make it a history worth repeating.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by couturesista
People fear change. I for one have been fearful for my livelihood for the past 8 yrs, it surely can't get any worse. I"ll go on record as saying that I'm excited, proud and hopeful. I'm proud as a minority but most importantly I'm proud of my fellow americans that saw past race and made a decision that they felt was best for them and their family. We all most do our part to sustain this dream. We can't let our government falter. Attend community meetings and council meetings in your community. Write letters and emails if your unhappy with your local government and want change. Volunteer at schools and community centers. We all played a part in history, let's make it a history worth repeating.

Ohhh ok, thank you for clearing it up...and I agree with everything you've written

I seriously thought I was missing something - as though Obama had said "if you didn't vote for me, i will hunt you down" ..I didn't consider a change in policy to be fearsome. My bad.


Well-known member
I really want to know how much worse do people believe it can get? I know ANYTHING is possible, but I honestly don't see how what's to come can be worse than the last 8 years. It may be just as bad (which I pray to God is not true), but worse? reallly?

I would love to hear some thoughts from anyone w/ an opposing viewpoint. You can pm me if you fear the wrath of specktra lol.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by florabundance
Ohhh ok, thank you for clearing it up...and I agree with everything you've written

I seriously thought I was missing something - as though Obama had said "if you didn't vote for me, i will hunt you down" ..I didn't consider a change in policy to be fearsome. My bad.

You're so cute!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Mabelle
As A Canadian, I think i can speak for my country (and statistically it would seem the rest of the world) when i say THANK GOD!!!

I'm so thrilled.
Now please Mr. Obama, have a very very safe four years.

Oh now, Candians! Now we're the conservatives... what the hell? Next Election, let's change that, yes?

I second this!! Canada is NOT a conservative country!!!!

Tashona Helena

Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
Girl don't let them ruin it for you! Ignornace should not prevail!!

Definitely. You have to understand that some ignorant black people are feeling like they won through Obama - for the wrong reasons. You can't let that bother you. Besides, it wasn't THEM who help Obama win anyway. If you listened to the news, it was actually educated WHITE people who helped Obama win. He influenced everyone. I've kept my mouth shut around here, because I can see both sides, I can see why people are being rude to you, mind you I live in southern DE, and where I thought that people would be supporting Biden, I've gone through farming neighborhoods in the country and see all the McCain-Palin signs up. However, this is America and I wouldn't go around bashing them for their beliefs. So don't worry about what others have to say, they don't matter right now. What matters is that Obama is in office and we have to support him no matter if we voted for him or not...It's the United States. We have to be United to get through what's going on right now.


Well-known member
You are so right...TX is very Republican too ...especially the neighborhood I live in...I swear I had to stock up on Obama signs...Mines were ripped down every single day almost....But I didn't get mad..I just put a new one up everytime they ripped one down...I Out lasted and Out witted! My last sign has held tough for about a week now. I wil not let the opinions of others cloud my way of thinking or being.


Well-known member
The change that an Obama administration will bring to the military is not going to be good for it. My husband is lucky because he was several years left on his obligation and if the Marine Corps decides not to honor it, they owe him a large amount of money in compensation.

Unfortunately, they've already indicated that they want a drastic reduction in the end strength of the military. That means a lot of good men and women are going to be forced out after serving honorably, before they are given the opportunity to earn the retirement they've been working so hard for. You think things are bad in the VA system now? Just wait.

My husband is going to have to spend the next couple of years deciding which areas lose personnel and units and which ranks and MOSes lose promotions and enlistments.

That's why I'm scared.


Well-known member
Stargazer, Can you explain this issue to me. I'm unaware of this and would like to be educated on this issue. If I'm understanding you clearly, your saying that Obama will reduce the number of our armed forces? If this is true I would like to believe that he has other measures in place for our men and women of the Armed Forces to be compensated or further some of their education so they can find work. I can truly understand why you are concerned,as am I, but I would rather have him bring our troops home instead of them fighting in a war to get a paycheck. I'm not trying to be rude, I'm just a little confused about this. If my comparison does not apply to this issue please correct me. Again I want to be educated and informed.

I don't think this thread was created for this, so feel free to PM me.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by carandru
I really want to know how much worse do people believe it can get? I know ANYTHING is possible, but I honestly don't see how what's to come can be worse than the last 8 years. It may be just as bad (which I pray to God is not true), but worse? reallly?

I would love to hear some thoughts from anyone w/ an opposing viewpoint. You can pm me if you fear the wrath of specktra lol.

Just because I voted for McCain doesn't mean I don't agree with many things on the Obama agenda. Both McCain and Obama want similar things for the American people, its just the way they plan to go about it that's different (and how we're going to pay for it.)

Let's not lose sight that we are the goverment, and when we want something from the government, we need to pay for it somehow. Give a man a job that pays a decent salary, he won't need the check in the mail the government wants to send

You empower people by helping them get jobs (with decent salaries) and in turn they can take care of the rest. Job creation is essential right now, along with offering medical assistance to all (in a way that won't bankrupt us).

This president has a big wish list, and high expectations, I'm sure he'll make us proud


Well-known member
Originally Posted by couturesista
Stargazer, Can you explain this issue to me. I'm unaware of this and would like to be educated on this issue. If I'm understanding you clearly, your saying that Obama will reduce the number of our armed forces? If this is true I would like to believe that he has other measures in place for our men and women of the Armed Forces to be compensated or further some of their education so they can find work. I can truly understand why you are concerned,as am I, but I would rather have him bring our troops home instead of them fighting in a war to get a paycheck. I'm not trying to be rude, I'm just a little confused about this. If my comparison does not apply to this issue please correct me. Again I want to be educated and informed.

Yes, the incoming administration is planning to reduce the number of our armed forces. It has nothing to do with the planned withdrawal or drawdown in Iraq. It's an entirely separate issue. They've been sending the requests for force reduction plans and forecasts to my husband's office (through some associate centers and think tanks) for the past 4 months or so. They've probably been sending them DOD wide. Given that the purpose of the reduction of end strength will be spurred by budget issues, it's highly unlikely there will be any plans to compensate those who are forced out, unless they have an obligation that they won't be able to fulfill.

It will probably look very similar to the cuts started by George Bush and continued by Clinton.


Well-known member
So the incoming administration...even though they are not in office or elected can send these type requests prior to even being elected...
I am asking for clarification reasons as well..Because I really don't know politics as well as I should.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by *Stargazer*
Yes, the incoming administration is planning to reduce the number of our armed forces. It has nothing to do with the planned withdrawal or drawdown in Iraq. It's an entirely separate issue. They've been sending the requests for force reduction plans and forecasts to my husband's office (through some associate centers and think tanks) for the past 4 months or so. They've probably been sending them DOD wide. Given that the purpose of the reduction of end strength will be spurred by budget issues, it's highly unlikely there will be any plans to compensate those who are forced out, unless they have an obligation that they won't be able to fulfill.

It will probably look very similar to the cuts started by George Bush and continued by Clinton.

WOW, Thanks Stargazer. See, this is the what I'm talking about.We have to keep our eyes and ears open and communicate with one another. This is something we all should stay on top of, because clearly this has not been announced to the public, but we definitely should be able to call our Senators office and ask questions about this. If and when it does go public all of those who disagree should voice their concerns. Dialogue, Respect, and Communication can change alot.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
So the incoming administration...even though they are not in office or elected can send these type requests prior to even being elected...
I am asking for clarification reasons as well..Because I really don't know politics as well as I should.

Yup, they've been sending them through places like the ________. When ABC needs a number that they can't calculate themselves, or can't access because of clearance issues, the request ends up routed through my husband's office. And frequently on his desk.

Many of the people sending requests for information ARE in office already as Senators and Congressmen.

My husband specializes in Analysis when he's not in his primary MOS. He spends a lot of time analyzing date to get to the optimum numbers of X in force Y or the number of A that can be promoted to B. With a reduction in overall force number, it's going to translate to lost jobs and promotions.

I'm hoping that maybe an experienced SecDef can prevent a drastic reduction and that my worry is pointless. Or that the requests of the last few months are just one of many potential scenarios that doesn't play out. Or that the reduction comes in the number of future enlistments rather than the current personnel.

Edited to remove the reference to a specific entity. Just realized naming them probably isn't prudent. We'll go with the ABC corporation instead.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Chikky

Oh, I'm fine with it... him winning. I just wish people were less... hostile winners where I live. They're starting fires and I'm confused by it all.

I've always accepted every president because he is MY president. All of a sudden, in this election, I'm a racist hick-farmer idiot (none of which are true... and we live in the same place, for goodness sake!) afterwards. I'm just seeing alot of hostility and it's really ruining his win.

Like I said, I didnt want him, but I'd really be ok with it if I wasn't being bombarded with nasty comments. (In real life.)

Kinda sours the whole 'history' thing for me if I have to remember it this way. You know?

Its been quite the opposite for me- all of my republican friends/acquaintances have been very hostile and saying how the wrong decision was made, how they're moving out of the country.... one even went as far as to text me and say to 'f' myself. Most have been abnormally bitter and horrid.

on a happier note- GOBAMA!!! YESSS!!!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ShugAvery2001
damn. does he have any tact at all?

No. He lacks tact and has the personality of a turnip. What a tool.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by melozburngr
Its been quite the opposite for me- all of my republican friends/acquaintances has been very hostile and saying how the wrong decision was made, how they're moving out of the country.... one even went as far as to text me and say to 'f' myself. Most have been abnormally bitter and horrid.

on a happier note- GOBAMA!!! YESSS!!!!!

OMG are you serious!! That is horrible and I am so sorry to hear that...Every votes does count...But like your one vote would have changed the decision...That is just mean! If they think they have problems now...wait until they move to another country. I am so sorry you are going through this.
50% of all of my associates are Rep but they have been great to me...
But my dh said that he has lost quite a few (so-called) friends at work because he decided to vote Democrat...It has been a big issue there...
The horrible thing is they were so bad...they started betting, yes betting!...Which he knows I am totally against so he didn't tell me...There were about 5 guys that bet him $500 ea that there was no way OB would win and to put his money were his mouth was...He did...Oh well...
I yelled at him and said what if you had lost...he said I wouldn't have told you! UGGHHH Men! But this is his contract job so he only has to go there 3 days a week...Maybe they will ease up on him...or it may be worse since they are all out of $500 ea

I married a Vinny! WTF!!

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