Originally Posted by ClaireAvril
OMG this is ridiculous.. no one said that February is the only time you can recognize black history month.. you can do it whenever you want - if you want. You're making your own argument and your own limitations. No one is trying to limit you but yourself.
You're still completely, utterly missing the point. Yeezus. I will try, one last time, to get you to understand, because you appear to be having a completely different debate with me than I am with you. I'm going to put it in the simplest terms I can manage.
There SHOULD NOT BE a black history month. It is STUPID and SEPARATIST to single black people out for one month of the year and then ignore them the other 11 months. There should be ONE, UNIFIED history curriculum, with black historical figures right alongside white historical figures. ALL YEAR ROUND.
This is NOT about what people choose to do in their own free time, which you seem to be repeatedly, perhaps deliberately, ignoring here. If *I* could celebrate black history whenever I wanted to, why can't you? Why do you need a national month for it? What makes you so damn special exactly?
Black history month is, in fact, primarily for educators. It's not about CELEBRATING black history but about LEARNING it, because it is sorely missing from the regular history curriculum the rest of the year. It tells the educators that in that month, they *have* to cover black history. This is a ridiculous idea, as if black history doesn't matter the rest of the time, and it's something you have to force teachers to do just to get it into the curriculum, because of course you can fit an entire racial group's history into 20-some days, right?
Black history month is a little tiny inadequate (and dare I say, occasionally racist, depending on how both black AND white people sometimes approach it) band-aid on a great big gaping racial wound and it sends a contradictory message to students. "Blacks are equal to whites! Okay, February's over, let's get back to studying white guys."