The 44th President Obama!!!!


Well-known member
I am so incredibly relieved. I feel like a 50 pound weight has lifted from my chest. I feel like I can *BREATHE* for the first time in 8 years.

I am exhausted. I am overjoyed. I desperately need to go to bed. But I'm afraid this is all a dream...



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Mick Jagger Called...he wants his suit back now



Well-known member
Originally Posted by concertina
I am so incredibly relieved. I feel like a 50 pound weight has lifted from my chest. I feel like I can *BREATHE* for the first time in 8 years.

I am exhausted. I am overjoyed. I desperately need to go to bed. But I'm afraid this is all a dream...


Have you talked to your dh ...Is he excited ??


Well-known member
Both my boyfriend and I started crying when it was announced that Obama won. This is such an amazing moment for all walks of life. I am filled with so much hope for our country and our future. I have a smile that I can't even wipe off of my face. Now we are going to go to downtown Seattle to party!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by coachkitten
Both my boyfriend and I started crying when it was announced that Obama won. This is such an amazing moment for all walks of life. I am filled with so much hope for our country and our future. I have a smile that I can't even wipe off of my face. Now we are going to go to downtown Seattle to party!

Wish I was there with you! Dance for me too!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
Have you talked to your dh ...Is he excited ??

NO!! I emailed him, but haven't heard back yet!! I know he'll be excited; we've both been so incredibly beaten down by the past 8 years.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by concertina
NO!! I emailed him, but haven't heard back yet!! I know he'll be excited; we've both been so incredibly beaten down by the past 8 years.

Girl..I hope he will be home safe with you soon!! I know this War has been hard on both of you!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
Right!! You see I was the minority in Texas... But it's all good!

I was right there with you!!!!!
Right now I'm living in UBER conservative West Texas (Bible Belt area) and in the very small minority of Obama supporters. But, I'm lucky I live on a large college campus because most people here are willing to share their opinions and openly talk about things like Politics, Racism, Sexism, etc. I really enjoy discussions.
I'm excited about this change we are headed towards.

Although, I did get a bit scared today in one of my history classes (one of my areas of study is history) b/c there are lots of racists in that class. There were quite a few of the (unfortunately) more common (for the area) "white supremacists" but there were also racists from other cultures as well (African American, Hispanic, and Asian) which I haven't seen much in the area. It was just a full two hours of lots and lots of hate. The teacher almost lost control of the class today when talking about the election.
It seemed to break a little piece of my heart every time someone said something on either side.
I almost got up and left the class when a few students almost started to physically fight. That was super scary. I was scared for my life.

On another, happier note: Congrats to Obama! I'm wishing him a very safe, happy and productive next four years! I can't wait to see what he will do for our country! Also, McCain did sound great when he gave his speech. I really enjoyed listening to both of them. Kudos to Senator McCain, although I also differ with him on several issues, I have more respect for him than ever.
Hopefully we will have a country that can work together more peacefully as a whole in the future. (I know, I know, even my closest friends tell me I'm a hopeless dreamer, but that doesn't mean I can't wish and hope!)

"Imagine all the people
Living life in peace...

You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one"

-Imagine, John Lennon



Well-known member
Whew! I found myself misty eyed and Im a confirmed hard a**ed. One thing I must say though for being around for 9 decades biden and mccains moms look damn good. Decent complexions tons of hair and walking just fine along with their sons. Very cute.

I cant even being to tell you how scared I was the past four years and then 8 years when the elections were over. Here, here and now in this very space in time I feel relieved elated hopeful and remarkable!


Well-known member
Apparently, I'll be in the minority here...

I'm very unhappy, though I will support him as our president. It's the right thing to do. I guess.


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Someone in Chicago: PLEASE SHOUT FOR ME ONCE!!! pleeeeaaaseeeeeeee I can't do it here in Istanbul!!!!!



Well-known member
Originally Posted by igswonderworld
Someone in Chicago: PLEASE SHOUT FOR ME ONCE!!! pleeeeaaaseeeeeeee I can't do it here in Istanbul!!!!!




Well-known member
Originally Posted by HeavenLeiBlu
Um, I'm done crying now, and I just wanted you all to know...

My bookie husband just saw this and he is dying laughing!!


Well-known member
IM SO EXCITED TOO! although my dad doesnt share my happiness
he's uber conservative and he's concerned about the aborted babies.

But this is a historic event and I am so happy to be part of it, I loved Obama's speech as well as McCain's. I loved the part where he talked about the hundred something year old woman voting, that truly touched my heart.


Well-known member
I have never been so excited in my life. I don't think I'll be able to contain my excitement or sleep tonight.

I feel so sad that Obama's grandmother isn't here to witness and celebrate in his victory. I wish she could have held out another day...But as a girl I know said, maybe she died in peace knowing her grandson would win
I'm also sad that Biden's wife and daughter aren't here, because of their tragic end.

History was made tonight, and change will come, slowly but surely. I wonder how many people thought that they wouldn't live to see this? Can you imagine that only a few decades ago, the mere thought would have been outrageous.

It's been a tough eight years, be patient, change is on its way.

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