Originally Posted by TISH1127
Right!! You see I was the minority in Texas... But it's all good!
I was right there with you!!!!!
Right now I'm living in UBER conservative West Texas (Bible Belt area) and in the very small minority of Obama supporters. But, I'm lucky I live on a large college campus because most people here are willing to share their opinions and openly talk about things like Politics, Racism, Sexism, etc. I really enjoy discussions.
I'm excited about this change we are headed towards.
Although, I did get a bit scared today in one of my history classes (one of my areas of study is history) b/c there are lots of racists in that class. There were quite a few of the (unfortunately) more common (for the area) "white supremacists" but there were also racists from other cultures as well (African American, Hispanic, and Asian) which I haven't seen much in the area. It was just a full two hours of lots and lots of hate. The teacher almost lost control of the class today when talking about the election.
It seemed to break a little piece of my heart every time someone said something on either side.
I almost got up and left the class when a few students almost started to physically fight. That was super scary. I was scared for my life.
On another, happier note: Congrats to Obama! I'm wishing him a very safe, happy and productive next four years! I can't wait to see what he will do for our country! Also, McCain did sound great when he gave his speech. I really enjoyed listening to both of them. Kudos to Senator McCain, although I also differ with him on several issues, I have more respect for him than ever.
Hopefully we will have a country that can work together more peacefully as a whole in the future. (I know, I know, even my closest friends tell me I'm a hopeless dreamer, but that doesn't mean I can't wish and hope!)
"Imagine all the people
Living life in peace...
You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one"
-Imagine, John Lennon