

Well-known member
I am! I am! And im proud. Its sad though half my family doesnt believe I am.


New member
Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa still a virgin and proud!!!
Hahaha Im a muslim, once I get married the time will come for losing the "v"... Besides that I dont really have loads of sexual desires, true I was a raving teenager but in the past 5 years my *ex*boyfriend *sniff sniff* and I only touched hands never more (except for the occasional hugs LOL)


Well-known member
well according to a good friend of mine, the best time for women and their sex drive is in their thirties anyways...

about the waiting thing: as i said before, i dont have a problem with people choosing to keep virginity until marriage. it definately shows for some willpower. but, what i fear for many of them (and have experienced with another girl, the only one i know who kept it till marriage) is, that they overestimate the value of sex. and when it finally happens, it just doesn´t fulfill the expectations. that said: look forward to your wedding night, but when it´s not as beautiful as you imagined before, don´t be discouraged. sex is something wonderful when done right.


Well-known member
I lost mine when I was 15, to a guy who was 21.
I really regret it and wish it never happened...
I know it's not good to live with regrets but I do, for this part of my life.

The thing, after that I think I did it again at the age of 17. But didnt enjoy sex untill my 25th (I'm 27 now). I did it with my bf's just to make sure they didnt leave.

It's not good, I totally know that.
But at least, I used protection and never caught any std.

sandyyyy <3

Well-known member
I lost mines when I was 16 but for me I try not to regret it (although it wasn't what I expected it to be) and wish I waited to lose it until I was a little bit older. :/


Well-known member
i waited until i was 20, and the man i lost it to is now my husband. at the time i lost it, we'd been together almost 5 years. now, we've been together almost 11 years. i definitely think it's a very personal choice. for us, it seemed like the right time because we were seriously looking at rings and were going to be engaged shortly. anyway...we both waited much longer than any of our friends did. most never made it out of high school before giving up the big "v". i'm not passing any judgment, like i's a personal choice. and with that big of a personal choice comes responsibilities that the participants had better be ready to handle.


Well-known member
My friends used to pressure me to lose it I, I'm a proud V, but theres this guy I like but I dont have his #
and he's 2 years older but it's not that bad right?

I forgot to mention I'm 16.


Well-known member
I lost mine when i was like 16 years old to a guy who i thought i was in love with but i wasn't and i think he lied though and said he wasn't a virgin but im so sure he was!.. sex was notthing what i expected even at that age it was awkward and weird and i wish i had waited until i was a little older!

im 21 now and i try not to regret it even though i do cause the dude was a complete loser .. ive learn't from my expriences. I wouldn't wait until im married..

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Originally Posted by val-x
My friends used to pressure me to lose it I, I'm a proud V, but theres this guy I like but I dont have his #
and he's 2 years older but it's not that bad right?

I forgot to mention I'm 16.

That's really shitty of your friends
No one should EVER do that to you, much less your friends. Sex is such a personal thing, and you should be able to make those decisions without people, particularly ones who are supposed to be supportive, trying to get you to do something you don't want to do, whether you're a virgin or slept with a million people.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Beauty Mark
That's really shitty of your friends
No one should EVER do that to you, much less your friends. Sex is such a personal thing, and you should be able to make those decisions without people, particularly ones who are supposed to be supportive, trying to get you to do something you don't want to do, whether you're a virgin or slept with a million people.

They'd tell me it's fun I would'nt care at all, I dint want to. My ex-best friend lost it within a month of dating a guy she barely knew just a couple of months after turning 15
. I laugh in her face now.


I'm a virgin and proud to be

I had SO many chances to lose my virginity and two and a half years ago I was very close to take one of these chances. The Boyfriend I had two and a half years ago was virgin, too and I really wanted to have Sex with him but somehow .. it didn't work out. And I'm glad it didn't work out, because a month later he dumped me.
Then this year in summer I had another chance .. with an ex-boyfriend of mine. I'm SO glad I didn't take this chance, cuz now he turned out to be a complete idiot who don't deserve me.
But for a short time (just about 2 weeks or so) I have a new boyfriend and I really think he's the one. We know eachother for about 2 years now and we've always got along with eachother.

So maybe in a few weeks or months I'll lose my virginity

But I'm proud I didn't lose it to some idiot who didn't deserve it anyways.
And I'm also proud I didn't lose it just because everyone of my friends did. I'm glad I didn't end up like my ex-best friend who slept with almost the whole city yet


Well-known member
Originally Posted by la.petite
I'm a virgin and proud to be

I had SO many chances to lose my virginity and two and a half years ago I was very close to take one of these chances. The Boyfriend I had two and a half years ago was virgin, too and I really wanted to have Sex with him but somehow .. it didn't work out. And I'm glad it didn't work out, because a month later he dumped me.
Then this year in summer I had another chance .. with an ex-boyfriend of mine. I'm SO glad I didn't take this chance, cuz now he turned out to be a complete idiot who don't deserve me.
But for a short time (just about 2 weeks or so) I have a new boyfriend and I really think he's the one. We know eachother for about 2 years now and we've always got along with eachother.

So maybe in a few weeks or months I'll lose my virginity

But I'm proud I didn't lose it to some idiot who didn't deserve it anyways.
And I'm also proud I didn't lose it just because everyone of my friends did. I'm glad I didn't end up like my ex-best friend who slept with almost the whole city yet

That's the way to go
. Giving it to som1 that deserves it


Well-known member
I was sort of cavalier about the whole situation when I started seriously dating. I had already lost it in an unfortunate incident at the age of fourteen after one of my first experiences with drugs and drinking. It wasn't the first, or last time someone had tried to take advantage of me.

The first time I chose to have sex with someone, I was almost seventeen and he had just turned twenty. I was under the misconception that we would stay together for a long time. I can't say that I regret it, it wasn't a bad experience and in terms of emotionally giving it up, it could have been much worse. I feel that he was the one that took it, because of what had happened in the past. He may not have deserved it, but I did still care about him for quite some time afterwards.

I do think I have let my situation have an effect on things for me since then, though. I find that there are probably situations where I give in too easily because it just doesn't feel like that much of a big deal. I don't think that I would have waited until I was married, because, I do feel that I have been in situations where having sex with the person I was with wasn't the wrong thing to do, but I did it too soon.

The next time I'm in a relationship, I was planning on not doing it too soon becasue I don't want to ruin things if I feel like it's someone I could be with for a long time. If I think I'm gonna stay with them, then, waiting is just fine if it doesn't seem right.


Well-known member
I thought I had been on here before. Anyways, I'm a virgin and I'm 28. I don't regret not "doing it", lol. All of the guys I've "dated" were jerks that didn't deserve me anyways. Believe me it was by choice and not lack of opportunity. The thing that gets me though is that people think I'm some sort of weirdo because I don't want to have sex before I get married. I mean, it's not like it's their "stuff" I'm using anyways. I really don't care what people think about it good, bad or indifferent. I know who I am and that someone really special will be really happy one day when I give them this "gift".


Active member
i'm 18 now, and i lost my V card when i was 15 to my best friend at the time, a boy who i still love dearly to this day. while i think the reason we actually did the deed was a little bit silly [we were bored, alone, and a little bit high], i don't regret it at all. i am so happy and proud that i got to lose it to someone i loved, someone who i trusted, someone who i knew felt the same way about me, and someone who was also a virgin who could share my awkwardness. the other reason i loved it so much was because i knew that since it was such a milestone i would remember forever, i wanted to always look back upon it fondly. I'm also glad i didn't wait, because i did want to have sex, but i didn't want to put myself in a situation where i would give up my virginity to someone who didn't deserve it.

and by the way, i love this thread...this seems like such a taboo topic among many of my friends [because so many of them lost theirs under bad circumstances and dont ever want to talk about it], and i love that everyone is so open and honest.


Well-known member
hahaha I dont know if Im a "loose moraled girl" but am I the only one who doesnt view sex as such a big deal? Its only a big deal if you make it a big deal. For example, I lost my virginity at 16. And I had waited with the guy and I wanted it to be special and all that romantic comedy stuff lol. And then after we had sex, I did what probably a lot of people did after they had sex...I looked in the mirror weirdly enough to see if I seemed different...guess what! I didnt. I didnt feel different, I didnt look diffrent, etc. Sex is natural! I havent had a whole shit ton of partners...around 8 or 9 (maybe some people see that as a lot, I dont know) and some were great loves of mine, others were fun lustfilled adventures if you will LMAO. Ive had a one night stand, and it was great! I had so much fun, and we were completely mutual in the fact that neither of us were looking for anything more, etc. I dont regret one guy that I have slept with...I learned about guys, love, my body, etc. I think there is an awful misconception between a "slut" (ps I hate that word) and one who is fully in tune with themselves sexually? I'd like to think im great in bed...and if i am in fact great in bed...then THANK YOU to my trail of partners that got me here! Me and my bf have a great sex life! neither of us were virgins, nor did we expect each other to be. and I 100% agree that you should test drive the car before you buy it! Sexual attraction and sexual compatability are 2 of the components that lead to a fully satisfying relationship! (im not saying they are the only ones) As long as you are safe about it, understand fully what you are going to get out of it, and want to do it, sex is great! I definitely applaud all the virgins and I do not knock your values or beliefs at all, just personally I dont understand what the big deal is


Well-known member
I lost it at 15 or 16 can't remember.. I wish I would've waited for my wedding night. That is probably the one thing in life I would do over again if I could. Looking back.. IMO waiting is definately the way to go. Besides I hear people say you need to see if you "mesh" well. I say c'mon Sex is not love and I hardly think if you finds someone worth spending the rest of your life with you'd dismiss him because he was bad in bed. It's a skill that can be learned by anyone. A healthy lasting relationship needs a lot more than sex to survive * I'm speaking from experience here*


Well-known member
I totally applaud anyone who's waiting. I used to be one of them *sighs* Well, my first time I was turning 19 and although at that time we've only dated for a little over a month... it felt right. Like I could trust him. Because previously I was in an on and off relationship with another guy and no matter how much I thought I was in love with him, I can't help but have that instinct that I'd just get hurt. Like I can't trust him.

So anyway, what I'm trying to say is, pay attention to your instincts and don't do what you'll regret. I'm still with my first and I've reached a point where I know I won't regret giving him my virginity even when I'm at the point of breaking up with him (you know, when couples fight. lol).

And personally, I thought my first time was blah. it was the first for both of us and we didn't really know what to do but after much practice, it has gotten much better and it's much easier now to communicate about what we want which is important. Having to fake it is depressing really...

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