I lost my virginity when I was 16 (a few months a way from 17) to my boyfriend. We've been together six years this december and lived together a little over three years.
We met in a internet chat room seven years ago, started writing emails, letters and eventually talking in phone. After a year or so we finally met, we lived in different cities at that time, and on Christmas holiday I travelled about 300km to spend a weekend with him. There was instant chemistry between us and on our first morning together we had sex and I lost my virginity and have no regrets about that.
I can't say that is was the most awesome experience in my live, I've had much better sex after that, but it went good. It hurt a bit and I didn't have an orgasm but the still all the excitement and the tingling feeling anticipating an orgarsm was wondefull.
I don't think there's a certain age or when you have to lose your virginity, when you feel ready and comfortable go for it.
And if you feel like waiting you can always have solo-sex (aka masturbating). I feel that it's very important to know yourself, what you feel comfortable with and what turns you on before you start having sex with a partner, you need to know your body and how it reacts to things in order to have good sex IMO.
Have to confess that I've never really understood the whole wating till marriage thing, that's not for me, but each in their own way. For me sex is a important part in a relationship (there are others too ofcourse) and I couldn't imagine being with someone, whom I love, respect and feel sexually attracted to, for years and not having a sexlife with them. That's not just me. Why torture yourself when you can have fun
And by this I don't mean that you have to sleep with every man that you meet, but sensible sexual behavior. One thing to bear in mind is that a bad sexlife can easily ruin a relationship.
Other thing that I don't understand is fear of getting pregnant. There are several effective contraseption techniques out there and when used right they work and the risk gets miniscule. Don't get the irrational fear get to you and affect your potentially wonderfull sexlife.