Was in tears at Mac today due to Mac SA.. Major Update


Well-known member
Not just MAC but a lot of other high-end brands @ department stores can seem a little snobby.

It's definitely best to just ignore them.


Well-known member
You can't ignore someone who just comes out with a rude, false accusation when you have approached them to help you though and they are there to help so i shouldn't have to ignore anyone whos's rude.
Sigh i need time to write a complaint, can't do it tonight. Will hopefully do it tomorrow and i'm really curious as to what happened after i left and if anything was said.. Going to feel even more paranoid now..


Well-known member
Well, you can have some fun with him first, and walk in with blue foundation, or really dark garish colors and ask what he thinks of it and when he acts all irritated, just mimic his exaggerated sigh and say that you were told he was like an expert in color, but never mind, you will go to someone that will REALLY help.

Or you can look at him understandingly and say quietly, "Oh, I get it! You are colorblind! It must be hard working in this industry having to hide such a secret...." and walk away.

I can not stand people who act like that, and sometimes the unexpected is the best way to get back at them. They don't know WHAT to do. *chuckle*

Then after having some fun, you can contact the manager.

I know that it never happens when you are expecting it though and I just want you to know you are not alone. It has happened to most of not all of us and it really does hurt.

Hang in there and I am glad you took the time to tell us all about it.



Well-known member
I would have told him exactly how I felt and in a very LOUD voice, demand to speak to his supervisor on-the-spot, and ask the supervisor (I realize they said the manager was away, but someone has to be in charge even then, assistant manager, whatever) if it this behaviour (describing in great detail) is acceptable by MAC's standards, and ask if I can quote her "officially" with her answer.

Obviously she would have to say "No" and I would ask what steps they are taking to remedy this situation (Hopefully by then he is standing next to her and/you).

Honey, you pay HIS salary through your purchases. I don't know where he gets off with his attitude but he is in the wrong field, he should not be allowed within 500' of paying customers.

Maybe you could have asked him if he had just taken it upon himself to re-write MAC's OFFICIAL exchange policy and how Corporate feels about that little initiative of his?

cherryblossom girl

Well-known member
Originally Posted by colormust
i am so sure that you arent the only one that feels this way about him. i bet his co-workers are well aware of how he treats some customers.

I agree with this, they're probably embarassed by his behaviour and not surprised that he's upset somebody this much. You should definitely complain, he needs putting in his place!


Well-known member
(((hugs))) I'm so sorry that jerk ruined your day! That was just an ugly way for him to act! He obviously gets his kicks off trying to make other people feel bad, so I'd say he has a monstrous inferiority complex or else he wouldn't talk to people like that. Definitely call and/or email the manager, someone needs to tell them how this guy treats customers!


Well-known member
What an @ss. You should tell him off. You should tell MAC's corp. After you talk to the manager, you should go in all the time and ALWAYS ask him for help. And if he's not nice to you, keep complaining until he is FIRED. He deserves it; I don't care who he thinks he is. I know he's a person and blah blah, and I wouldn't usually advocate trying to get someone fired but what he did was totally unacceptable. This is more than just a bad day, you know?


Active member
this is horrible! I was trying to think of how many people HE affected that day by being horrid to you- first he ruined your day and made you feel bad enough to cry, think about the poor girl that was working with him, think about the countless other customers who walked away feeling bad, the managers and other people that work with him. Its so sad that one person affects so many other people in such a bad way.

I can relate to the feelings you had the other day. I am same in the fact that though I should speak up and stand up for myself, I never do. I think that people can SENSE how they can treat me before I even open my mouth. They know they can give me a load of shit that they couldnt to the next person. Do you know what i mean? I have this friend, who is overly confidant and loud, and she gets treated great and people never ever mess with her. I try to be like her, but its hard- I've never been that type of person.
Did you ever watch the Simple Life? Remember how Nicole Richie would dish out whatever crap people gave her- and see things her way. And she got the respect she demanded. I really admire that- and whever I call my mom and tell her about something that someone did,she would say, BE LIKE NICOLE. So, thats my advise to you, be like nicole. And make people pay you to beat them up. haha i liked that episode. I hope this helped?


Well-known member
I had a similar experience a few months ago with an extremely rude SA out of a local counter in Macy's. This girl simply had something against me and went out of her way to be unavailable whenever I was around. I turned it around by going out of my way to ask that SA for help. Let me say here that I am never rude to any of the Sa's or Ma's so her attitude was unjustified.

Everytime I went there (if she was working), I went to her. If she pretended to be busy, I stood there and told her.. I'll wait. I had the attitude like... you dont like me, you want to be rude to me? Well tough luck honey because you still have to deal with me so grit your teeth and deal with it. I was never bitchy, always cordial but I was firm in my conviction that she help me out.

Honey don't give him the satisfaction of seeing you flee. That would just make his day. Go in to that store with your head held high and walk right up to him, ask him loudly, to help you with something. If he blows you off, ask HIM to get the manager for you. He is acting this way because he thinks he has this upper hand on you. You can totally turn that around.

I hate hearing about rude SAs because they just feed into the stereotype that MAC employees are bitchy and rude when in fact, most of them are super sweet and helpful. (((hugs)))

p.s. I didnt get your pm, can you re-send?


Well-known member
Ahh Jude how can anyone be rude to you when you are the Mac queen! She obviously is either jealous of your talent or doesn't have a clue about it.

Everyone is right that i shouldn't let him win and when i feel abit stronger again then i will go back and i will definetly make him get the manager for me so i can complain about him. But right now i don't even want to go there and that's weak of me but i don't want to put myself through going there feeling misreable.
And i agree that most MAC SAs are lovely!

I will PM you again tomorrow..lol it was a question about something related to what i asked him about! Don't think i still need an answer but i think will PM you something similar again anyway. i got to get to bed now.

Thanks everyone for the support. will hopefully write the complaint tomorrow and will use you guys' ideas and maybe ask for more support!
I shall be using my free time for Nars, Stila, Lush..anything except there for now.


Well-known member
Girl, I do not know how you did not go off on his ass!!! I would have went left!!! I would have checked him so quickly, it would have made his head spin...
It is your duty as MAC Diva to let the management know that they have an employee who doesn't want to be there, and doesn't want to assist the customer... Not only should you tell his immediate manager, but you should take it a step further and complain to the company about him...
Avoiding the situation and the counter is letting him win... that is YOUR MAC Counter!!! Don't let him treat one more of your sisters/brothers badly!!! TAKE BACK YOUR MAC!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by aziajs
If you don't want to work with the public, if you don't want to provide a service get another damn job!!!!

Sing it!

What an asshat. Don't let him ruin any more of your day or week. And you absolutely should contact his manager.


Well-known member
I totally agree with Jude. You should walk right up to that MAC counter and demand he serve you. Take as long as you want and don't hesitate to tell him if he is not being very helpful. Firmly (but politely) inform him you need him to be more specific & if he refuses to elaborate, point out he doesn't seem very qualified. Write to corporate anyway. Maybe if all of us wallflowers speak up when good and bad service occur, the service at MAC counters will be left to those who are worthy of representing such a great brand. Weeding out the snobby MA's singles out those wonderful MA's out there. With the snobby MA's gone, those employees with friendly attitudes will be left with more customers and a more cheerful work environment.
P.S. Don't feel bad you cried; I admire that you didn't burst into hysterics the moment he said that. I probably would have and given myself the above speech after the fact. Hang in there you have done nothing wrong by expecting products to be right for you.


Well-known member
talk to the manager, and email the MAC e-service a copy of your post/complaint.

i am so sorry that this jerk made you feel that way. but you have to remember, that the reason he spoke to you this way is because he thinks that you won't retaliate. stand up for yourself .... and say out loud that you wont take this type of abuse when you are buying product from a counter. even if it means that you cried once, don't let him do this to someone else.

edited for nasty typos!


Well-known member
oh sweetie, this shouldn't happen to anyone let alone someone as dedicated and commited to MAC makeup as you are! definitely tell the manager- no one needs to be treated like how you were!


Well-known member
If i had been more prepared then i would have said something to him but it was just so out of the blue and random! All i went to him for was to ask if it looked ok!
Right i am writing the letter of complaint to the Mac manager, the store manager and Mac headquarters. This should prevent anything being brushed under the carpet if the Mac manager doesn't take it seriously.
I'l be sure to mention that i am part of a Mac community and that my experience has been shared with them all to show that just from one person alot of damage can be done to the Mac brand.

Lol at the suggestions about going to him in blue foundation and tiring him out! Would love to go and wind him up but would require effort from me and seen as he always avoids me i doubt i could do much!


Well-known member
oh sushi, that awful. ive had a similar experience, but i *try* never put it down to the fact that i am asian and always go my local high-end harvey nicholls dept store where the only mac counter in my vicinty is in my usual casual weekend attire- why should i dress up.
anyway, the MAs are always complete gobshytes to me, yet i spend an average of £60 everytime i do go. never get the time of day for a proper consultation, its always money- 'is that all?' kinda like questions. Youve encouraged me to complain next time i get a substanard service.
Cheer up, eid soon!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Jude
Honey don't give him the satisfaction of seeing you flee. That would just make his day. Go in to that store with your head held high and walk right up to him, ask him loudly, to help you with something. If he blows you off, ask HIM to get the manager for you. He is acting this way because he thinks he has this upper hand on you. You can totally turn that around.

ITA! Don't email or call - be assertive. Ask for the manager in a firm, confident voice. Let him know you're not playing his petty game anymore.

You should take after Jude's example. Everytime you go to that store, if he's there, ask HIM for help. If you want his attention, you're gonna have to speak up, but be cordial.


Well-known member
Call the manager, too many people don't report rude MAs then they keep doing it to others, they need to be reported.

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