Was in tears at Mac today due to Mac SA.. Major Update


Well-known member
What a bastard.

I'm so sorry that you had to deal with a jerk like that. I know that you said that you don't want to cause a fuss - but you have to contact the manager of the store. Its completely wrong and unfair for him to make you feel that way or berating you for making a couple returns. Big deal! Sometimes things don't work.

You report him to the manager because I'm sure that he is being awful to other people. And go back in there! I don't want you to feel like you have to hide out. Just ignore the bastard.

I would either do it in person, or write it out in a formal letter. Maybe send one to the regional manager too - although I don't know if that would help anything.



Well-known member
I'm glad to hear you're complaining not just to the manager, but to the company itself. The company should really know that crap like this is happening to people who shop at their counters.

I think this guy should be fired, honestly. He was hired for a retail position, which involves working with the public. If he can't handle that, he shouldn't have that job.

Be sure he doesn't get away with it, because you never know... If you make enough noise about this guy, maybe MAC will start paying more attention to how their SAs treat the customers.


Well-known member
Thankyou so much for the support guys, it means alot. It's really made me feel utterly crap and i'm not enjoying putting on my Mac makeup or even looking at it as it's all from there and i associate it with there. I'm hoping to get the complaint written this weekend and handing it to the relevant people, hopefully that might help a little although i really don't want it to become something that's drawn out and made a huge fuss over as that'll just make it all more of a bad experience, i hope it can all be dealt with by the relevant people without getting me involved after i've sent the complaint. I just want to be like any normal customer and be left to look and buy my Mac.


Well-known member
Seriously, if you show you mean business it will get fixed. Call the store manager, the people above them and the people above THAT guy. Also heres the deal- if you do this-you gotta think about other people here. This guy isn't doing it to just YOU. If he did it to YOU and treated YOU like that then that means he's treated OTHERS like that. You have to speak up and fight for yourself because none of us can do it for you.

If this does become a long drawn out thing then guess what? You call MAC or go online chatting and tell them the situation they tell you how to handle it and more than likely you'll get a freebe of something. (Seriously, they will give you free stuff)

And just keep fighting. That guy needs to be fired ASAP


Well-known member
sushi_flower, i am appalled at what he said to you. he absolutely had no right to judge your shopping history with MAC. if it was a problem ( like against some sort of rule) it would be addressed by a manager or even corporate. but besdies that, he should have offered you great service from day one.and to hear that he made you cry makes me so mad. please don't let this affect your week, day, or even moment.also, please know that not all makeup artists at MAC are like that. unfortunately, there are a dirty few that have no tact, heart, or passion for what they do. but that pretty much goes for any job.i mean, who hasn't had a bad experience at the gap or even safeway. it just seems like it's a great percentage b/c we all keep on talking about it and focusing on that nasty bunch. anywho sushi-flower, please write an email ( you will find the link at maccosmetics.com) when you experience bad things like that and good things that encourage you to stay with MAC. it would be such a shame for you to end your love for MAC and it would be a loss for the MAC community. please keep us updated. sending you love!


Well-known member
Letter of complaint done and ready to be given to the manager of the counter, floor manager of Harvey Nichols and already emailed to Mac head quarters..

Not sure what will happen now and don't know what i likely to happen but i'm glad that's done.
Thankyou for everyone's support, i probably would have done nothing without you guys and the guys on Lush forum.


Well-known member
That MA totally deserves to get into trouble for the way he made you feel. I'm really glad you lodged a complaint/grievance. Serves his poxy, classless arse right. Pardon my language. Just very angry on your behalf! Making people cry is simply not on.


Well-known member
that quote about acting better than others is so right on. i hate that holier than thou approuch. anywho sushi flower, hope everything turns out okay. hey, maybe you'll get some free stuff out of it too. ya never know. hope you're day went well. oh by the by, did you buy anything from ornamentalism?


Well-known member
No i haven't bought anything yet as Holiday and Ornamentalism won't be here in the UK till atleast 3rd November. I'm really looking forward to it and i hope i can go there and not have it spoilt if he is there.
Eid is going to be on 2nd or 3rd November so i'm hoping to use my Eid money on it!


Well-known member
I did it! I went back to the Mac counter for the first time by myself and handed in the complaint for the Mac manager and the Harvey Nichols manager and i browsed for awhile aswell!

Luckily the girl SA who comforted me last time was there and she was really nice and she was more than happy to take the complaint to pass on to the manager when she returns (not for awhile apprantly) and i thanked her for last week and she said she hated seeing someone upset and then we talked for abit about the holiday collections.

I'm so glad i went,i was abit nervous incase he was there but i did it! I was planning on getting a friend to go in and give it for me but if i did that then i would have put off going back for ages and made it harder for myself.

Right only thing i'm still uncertain about now is if he's ever at the counter when i go in future, should i make him help me or should i ignore him? I'm thinking ignore is the best option, if i was as brave and firm as you guys then i would have made him but ignoring is best option for me if i want to enjoy going there i think..


Well-known member
Well, you never know but once the complaint is dealt with he may no longer be at the counter. I'm really glad you plucked up the courage to go back today and hand in the complaint in person and it's great that the girl who helped you last time was so nice.


Well-known member
Just recieved a reply from Mac Cosmetics online! They seemed quite concerned about the service i got and said that it is not according to their philosophy and that my comments are being forwarded to the relevant department and i can be certain that steps will be taken to prevent a reccurance. They also said i can choose my favourite product (help me choose guys cos i don't know) and they will send it to me, which is nice of them but i really hope they mean it when they say something will be done and that the free product isn't just to make me happy and stop me complaining as others have told me they give you a reply but don't really do anything since Estee Lauder took over.

Anyway i'm really glad if they do mean what they say.


Well-known member
Didn't you want the 187 brush to use with your MSF? Don't know if that would count as a product but I would sure give it a try!! If not. get one of the holiday items that you were concerned about selling out. Thanks for letting us know the outcome of this and let us know what product you receive. You sure deserve a free item.


Well-known member
Oh yes i have been wanting the 187 brush, i doubt they'd want to argue what is defined as a product after a complaint like mine! But I feel abit iffy about getting something free as much as free Mac is obviously something that is a tiny dream come true for any Mac fan. I guess i'd just rather see/know that something was done about him rather than get something free but i guess that will take some time and i might not even find out what happened.

I forgot to ask the girl at the counter what she said to him after i left..wonder what he said back. Well if he did say anything it obviously didn't have an effect on her as she was practically grabbing the complaint out of my hand and was very pleased to see me.

Well..i've been wanting the ultra expensive Stippling Brush..but i've also been lusting after the Teal brush set which i decided i can't get as it's too expensive but i also really want the Olive eye pallette more than any of those but that's the cheapest thing and i could afford that..I guess Teal brush set then..?

Hmm..i feel guilty and cheeky for getting something free...

(Lush forummers who are here are probably getting sick of this now as i've also got a thread there about this! Sorry guys!!)


New member
omg... wow... i cant believe he was so openly rude to u... i know some MAs looks at me sometimes and kind of pass me by because I look young (and I guess they assume I cant afford to buy too much) but then they feel stupid when I buy a whole bunch from some other MA... but nobody has ever been sooo rude!!! i think u should def. contact the manager and email maccosmetics about it also... i hope u got his name... someone sooo unfriendly shouldnt be an MA, i thought a requirment was to have a good (or at least decent) personality...


Oh my gosh, I would definitely contact the manager AND write to MAC.
Let it be known what an asshole this guy was. He has no write to say snooty and RUDE comments to you like "I don't even know why you're looking at that anyway". He should be EAGER for your business. What an idiot.
I hope you're feeling a bit better, is there another MAC counter around you, that you can go to instead?

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