Was in tears at Mac today due to Mac SA.. Major Update


Well-known member
sushi, something will be done about it. mac really cares about its customers and the service they are given. the reason they are giving you a free item is to let you know just how valuable your patronage is.it's not like it's "either you get a free item or we do something about the situation". but if you pick something, get the #187 brush. it's amazing for the msf's but also for the blushcreme. there truly is nothing like it. as far as the brush sets, do you have the other brushes that come with it?


Well-known member
sushi, by any chance was your experience in harvey nic in leeds? awful awful vile repulsive man


Well-known member
Jersey - PM was read and thankyou for the info, though most of it i already knew. Im afraid i won't be stopping my use of Mac and i'm sorry if this offends you in any way.

The 329 is the only Mac brush i own and i already have a foundation brush, blusher brush, powder brush from another brand that i am happy with but like to have the small face brush that comes in the Stashette, wouldn't mind having a lip brush, 266 is a brush i've been wanting (although it's not meant to be good quality compared to original) and the crease brush is something i have never ventured into so might be good for me.
I guess if someone tells me that the brushes in the travel sets are not worth using as a semi-permanant brush range in my collection and i'm better off getting a few full sized ones then i won't get it, right now the whole package of the purse, mini brushes, cheaper price than buying them all full size etc is making me want it.

Ok i guess i'm thinking the 187 brush, the Olive Pallette or the Teal brush set..Would love to have the 187 but as someone said i could get that anytime.

Philosopher - Yes that is him!! Have you been served by him?!


Well-known member
yes! i got served by him last week (ive only ever seen one male work there) . he grunted throughout my questions i had about crease brushes until he realised i was purchasing 6 eyeshadows. knob. people are so shallow. BUT sushi, i have to be fare, i left more compensated than you did at the time since he gave me a teal pigment sample when i enquired about them. I still felt annoyed however, that the transaction was about money throughout- not about what i wanted for my colouring. prat.

theres a bespectacled MA in there usually on the weekend- i thinks shes canadian but always brilliant and really helpful. Eid mubarak anyway, hope the fasts are going well for you too.


Well-known member
Yes he is the only male there and omg i can't believe he was so rude to you aswell! He's doing it to everyone! On the Lush forum someone else was served by him and said he looked her and up and down disapprovingly and she left! And another member said he wasn't interested in her at all until he realised she wanted to buy several eye shadows!
Arrgh i'm so glad i complained now for everyone, not just my sake.

Oh i think i know who you mean, she's called Shell i think (very pretty, i bought Teddy Babe as it looked great on her). I think she's the supervisor right now while the manager is on holiday, wonder if she's been told about what happened.

Oh and about pigment samples i was told a few weeks back that they're not allowed to give samples anymore, don't know if that's the new rule or as usual half the SAs there give samples and half don't, it's confusing!?


Well-known member
While in Pizza Hut today i got a phonecall, at first i thought it was the Mac counter manager but it was actually someone from Mac headquarters in London! From what she told me it seems alot more has been going on about my complaint than i had thought/hope and the counter and the people at Mac headquarters must have been in very close contact about the situation. She told me that all the people at the headquarters in London had read my letter and are very concerned about this and are invesitigating the situation and want to know if i happy with how things are (i assume she meant if i am happy with the response to my complaint and is now willing to leave it up to them to deal with it) and if the matter was closed to me which i said was and she asked if i was happy recieving a 187 brush.

However she also wanted to know who sent me a copy of the Mac handbook! I was sent a few scannings to encourage me to complain and make me realise how many rules the person had broken and i asked the person if i could quote from it in the complaint and she said it was fine as quoting is not infringement of copyright rules. But the person on the phone said they were investigating who sent me it! I explained that she sent scannings of a few pages and not the actual hand book and she did not seem to be aware she was breaking any rules and did it to be helpfull and to make me realise the SA had broken alot of rules. She wanted a name but i honestly don't know her name or where she works and i'm so glad i don't as i can't bear to think about her getting into trouble or losing her job when she was just trying to help and support me!!

After talking about it with me and asking me alot of detailed questions she seemed to understand better how i came about with the quotes from the handbook and wasn't angry with but very concerned and not pleased at all that another MAC employee was doing something else wrong by giving customers access to the handbook. I said i was really sorry about that and didn't mean to cause any trouble but she said it was fine and was very apologetic to me about it all.

Well..after that i went to Mac as i was already planning to do so before the call to get the brush set and ask for the manager who wanted to see me. She wasn't in but the lady who helped me out when i was upset was there to serve me AGAIN! (I'm so glad she's always the one there to serve me ever since the incident, she's been so great.) She told me the manager wasn't in the store but took my number again. I'm hoping the call from her will be the last of all this!


Well-known member
Wow. Well, I am glad that you followed through with the complaint and that they contacted you and seem to be taking your complaint very seriously.


Well-known member
It's good to know you followed through and that they are concerned about your awful time with that toerag. Do you know if he has lost his job over it? The evil part of me wishes he has, he sort of deserves to. But that's up to management I guess.


Well-known member
Well he's been there nearly everytime i've been in since including yesterday so he's still working there. Don't know if they see the incident bad enough for him to lose his job, but from what the lady SA told me he wants to walk out anyway and seems to be having problems working there in general.
When i went in yesterday he very obviously did a double take when he saw me..


Well-known member
Well today when i went to the counter both the counter manager and someone else above her who is apprantly the Yorkshire area manager or something similar, were there and both were very keen to speak to me and really pleased that i came in. They spoke to me seperately and apologised loads for what happened and said he has been spoken to about it but MAC cosmetics are officially dealing with it now. They stressed alot that they wanted me to carry on coming in and i should always expect the best service and the counter manager said i can book in for a free makeover whenever i want with her or the lovely lady who helped me when i first had the complaint.
The counter manager is lovely and apart from the actual bad incident nothing but good has come out of this incident and i've made great friends with all the people there. He was there again today but i barely notice him when i go in now as i'm too busy talking to all the other SAs and especially today while the managers were running around trying to free themselves from work so they can talk to me.


Active member
I'm glad a happy ending has come out of this for you. It sounds like you are going to be treated like a princess now. Next time I have a problem anywhere I am going to step up to the plate and do something about it. If you can do it the rest of us can!!!


Active member
That's fantastic news, Sushi_Flower. I'm so pleased to hear that they took your complaint seriously, and everything turned out well. You should be proud of yourself!


Well-known member
Look what arrived!! My complimentary 187 Stippling Brush courtesy of Mac!
It's sooo soft and beautifull! I can't wait to use it, my MSF has been crying for it! Thankyou Mac!


Don't call the manager of the counter. Trust me! They can then decide to do whatever they want (which is usually ignore you!). Go to the maccosmetics website and write a complaint letter! OR call the 1-800 #. They then forward the complaint to everyone in the company...seriously it goes right to the president when you send those complaints. Those are what gets results.

Believe me...I worked there for 5 years...and 2 as a manager.



Well-known member
it's called "customer service" meaning... well DUH! haha def. talk to the manager of the store and agreed send a letter of complaint to coporate and let them deal with it.


Well-known member
I sympathetize with you hon... I exchange things all the time... and if and when anyone dare say anything about it, all I say is: "well, I wanted some help in choosing the right shade, but there's never anyone to help me, so I went with what I thought would look good and when I got home, the natural light makes it look too dark, light, pasty on me." Just put the blame back on them, it always works for me. Besides, you're spending your money there, don't let them make you feel bad for returning things. That's the MAC policy, you didn't make it up, they did.

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