Was in tears at Mac today due to Mac SA.. Major Update


Well-known member
I am glad that you reached some resolution with that situation. He was way off base to treat you like that...don't feel bad when you go in there..YOU'RE the customer that pays his salary!

I worked as a FT MA at a counter and am now a freelancer. I was hired at MAC because, at my interview, I told the Regional Manager the following: "You know how MAC MAs have a reputation of being intimidating (you should have seen her face...
)? Well, I want to help change that reputation." BAM...I was hired on the spot. I am, for all intents and purposes, a little older than the average MAC MA, but I know that all customers, even the young ones, deserve attention and respect, even if they're not buying anything! Actually, I have a great time with the teenagers that come to the counters and play with the makeup, not intending to buy a thing! I sometimes do their makeup just for fun (when it's a little slow)...and you know what? They come back to me when they're ready to buy! Case in point...last Xmas a girl came to play around with some colors...some of the other MAs didn't want to help her because they knew she wasn't going to buy. I helped her play with some colors, did her eyes and sent her on her merry way....fast forward to January 1st...she comes in with Daddy's American Express Black card and buys almost $3,000 worth of stuff...every brush, the train case, a ton of shadows, lip glosses, pigments...you name it...from me!
She specifically called the counter and asked what day I would be working!

So, long story short....an MA should never brush off a customer simply because she's young, or returns too much, or has green hair, or whatever...they all deserve attention and respect...always remember that, and don't be afraid to demand it when you don't get it!


Well-known member
i agree contact the manager,get that BOY fired! also i prolly would have given him some additude,like mock him,i bet he would hate that lol,he had no right to be rude to you EVER!i could understand maybe one day if he was just having a rough day but it seems he does have a bit of a grudge,dunno why,that's retarded.or other thing you could do after contacting the manager,ignore him COMPLETLY let him you you dont give a poop about him or his stuck up rude ways,dont even make eye contact act like you just happy happy happy lol,that should get under his skin too lol.but deff contact the manager,no one like that should be working there,and your post wasn't too long.you were simply lettin something off your chest,we all understand.i've never had an experiance like that at my mac counter,of course i've only been there like 2 times,but their really nice.i order everything online now,after getting ideas from here.i just don't feel like i fit in at the mac counter,it's kind of nerve wracking.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Sushi_Flower
I did it! I went back to the Mac counter for the first time by myself and handed in the complaint for the Mac manager and the Harvey Nichols manager and i browsed for awhile aswell!

Luckily the girl SA who comforted me last time was there and she was really nice and she was more than happy to take the complaint to pass on to the manager when she returns (not for awhile apprantly) and i thanked her for last week and she said she hated seeing someone upset and then we talked for abit about the holiday collections.

I'm so glad i went,i was abit nervous incase he was there but i did it! I was planning on getting a friend to go in and give it for me but if i did that then i would have put off going back for ages and made it harder for myself.

Right only thing i'm still uncertain about now is if he's ever at the counter when i go in future, should i make him help me or should i ignore him? I'm thinking ignore is the best option, if i was as brave and firm as you guys then i would have made him but ignoring is best option for me if i want to enjoy going there i think..

oops didn't see that,im glad you did it! thats awesome girl,dont let anyonemake you cry or get you down like that.im glad you handed in the complaint......i wonder how many other ppl did?! haha


Well-known member
Originally Posted by giz2000
I am glad that you reached some resolution with that situation. He was way off base to treat you like that...don't feel bad when you go in there..YOU'RE the customer that pays his salary!

I worked as a FT MA at a counter and am now a freelancer. I was hired at MAC because, at my interview, I told the Regional Manager the following: "You know how MAC MAs have a reputation of being intimidating (you should have seen her face...
)? Well, I want to help change that reputation." BAM...I was hired on the spot. I am, for all intents and purposes, a little older than the average MAC MA, but I know that all customers, even the young ones, deserve attention and respect, even if they're not buying anything! Actually, I have a great time with the teenagers that come to the counters and play with the makeup, not intending to buy a thing! I sometimes do their makeup just for fun (when it's a little slow)...and you know what? They come back to me when they're ready to buy! Case in point...last Xmas a girl came to play around with some colors...some of the other MAs didn't want to help her because they knew she wasn't going to buy. I helped her play with some colors, did her eyes and sent her on her merry way....fast forward to January 1st...she comes in with Daddy's American Express Black card and buys almost $3,000 worth of stuff...every brush, the train case, a ton of shadows, lip glosses, pigments...you name it...from me!
She specifically called the counter and asked what day I would be working!

So, long story short....an MA should never brush off a customer simply because she's young, or returns too much, or has green hair, or whatever...they all deserve attention and respect...always remember that, and don't be afraid to demand it when you don't get it!

There's a MA at my counter like you! She's amazing. She remembers me when I go in and actually tries to help me find the right products. She's a bit older than the 'average' MA as well, but to me, she's a lot cooler and way nicer than anyone else there.

I've gone in on a slow day and she did an eye demo, even though I told her I couldn't afford to buy anything. Another time, she did my makeup for the $40 purchase thing and she actually discouraged me from buying one product because she knew I wouldn't use it very often. Instead, she pointed me in the direction of more practical products for me.


Well-known member
Thanks to everyone who's replied recently in support (didn't expect to see this thread bumped up ages after!)

Giz2000 - you sound like an amazing SA and i would love to have someone lie you serving me. The other girls at my counter help me well even if i tell them i'm not planning to buy, especially one of them, but in general i don't think my counter is the best around, everyone elses sound so much fun and passionate!


Well-known member
Aww..thanks! The way I see it, I am there to help the customer, not to give attitude...that's how I would like to be treated when I go to a store!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by giz2000
she comes in with Daddy's American Express Black card and buys almost $3,000 worth of stuff...every brush, the train case, a ton of shadows, lip glosses, pigments...you name it...from me!
She specifically called the counter and asked what day I would be working!

Talk about Daddy's Little Girl to let her waltz around with that card in her purse!


Well-known member
Sushi Flower, I read all your posts in this thread and I think it's so great you complained. MAC should know about these things, and I'm so glad that they reacted. And something good came out of it - a free brush!!


Well-known member
I feel for you huni sometimes when i go into my mac counter i get stared out alot and sometimes i feel as though its coz im asian coz alot of the times ive never seen any other asian{pakistani or indian} girl there and today the MA was so rude to me and it is annoying and i feel damn pis sd off coz i spend alot of money in there and for them to be rude is a pain, im glad u got it sorted and looks like u got a wicked eid present:p hehe


Well-known member
Lalli, M·A·C's corporate slogan is "makeup for all races, all sexes, all ages" so there's no excuse for ignorning you because you're Asian.

We have some really great Asian MAs here in London and I know the company would be absolutely horrified if it discovered that some of its staff were consciously or subconsciously racist. On my M·A·C makeup course they went to great lengths to bring in models of different races so we had experience of a wide range of skin tones. Good luck!

Perhaps you should mention your concerns in your complaint to M·A·C


Well-known member
That is horrible...I would probably be in tears too. You really need to contact the manager, because treatment like that is uncalled for, extremely unprofessional, and just plain rude. I agree with the people saying to write to corporate as well...report him to his manager and the higher-ups.


Active member
Originally Posted by Sushi_Flower

However she also wanted to know who sent me a copy of the Mac handbook! I was sent a few scannings to encourage me to complain and make me realise how many rules the person had broken and i asked the person if i could quote from it in the complaint and she said it was fine as quoting is not infringement of copyright rules. But the person on the phone said they were investigating who sent me it! I explained that she sent scannings of a few pages and not the actual hand book and she did not seem to be aware she was breaking any rules and did it to be helpfull and to make me realise the SA had broken alot of rules. She wanted a name but i honestly don't know her name or where she works and i'm so glad i don't as i can't bear to think about her getting into trouble or losing her job when she was just trying to help and support me!!

I wouldn't worry about the CS rep that helped you would get fired for giving you info on the MAC Handbook. They just need to know who she is so they can coach her ( tell her not to do it again .) I work for a large cell phone company call center and if you do something like that they would just tell you not to do it again and why. It's normal for big company not to want internal company paper work and policy to be out for the public to see.


Well-known member
What a horrid little man. You don't have to prove your worthiness as a customer. MAC needs to know what he's doing. Do the manager, and other customers a favor and call. That limited creature needs to learn a lesson in humanity and business. Now you've told two people, and they've told two people etc etc etc ....


Well-known member
Wow, I'm so glad you got it resolved. The MAC counter in my city is sooo snobby, I can't even go there. It's the downtown Seattle Nordstrom, which is their headquarters even!

Last time, my friend had to jump in front of a guy just walking back and forth. When they finished, he walked in my general direction, then left. The other male MA looked right through me and helped two older women. I was standing there with 2 eyeshadows I needed, so I wasn't just looking lost. I immediately set them down and walked out. Obviously they don't like fat girls buying from them, so I'll just go to another counter.


Well-known member
I know this all happened to you quite a while ago, but I just wanted to say how excellently you dealt with it.
I hope he now realises how inappropriate his behaviour was, and has changed his ways if he still works for MAC.


Well-known member
Sushi Flower, I'm glad that you manage to solve the problem with that asshole MUA... and that you had a fair compensation

I've been totally ignore by a MA once, I waited for more than 30 minutes at the counter and she didn't even looked at me (was it because I didn't wear a lot of makeup this day, so I couln't be a good customer for her?!!).
Better than that, when I finally succeeded to draw her attention (I asked her some tips about e/s), she was like "ok, I'll be back" with a big sight and then she went to serve another customer!!!

I wanted to say: "You know honey, we're doing the same job, so if you don't like what you're doing and disdain customers who don't wear as much makeup as you've got on your f... face, get out of here!!!"

Since this day, I've never returned to this counter.


Well-known member
if i was you, i would tell the manager and also file a complaint with MAC headquarters. ask mac if thats the kind of people they hire and they want representing their company??!!


Well-known member
Yeah, I thought about that but as it was months ago (like 10 months or so), I think it's a little bit late for that. I must have compained right on time...

It's funny because I had an interview with MAC on May (will have my demo the 4th of september) and as I said on another topic, they didn't call me since my covering letter on february, I had to make numerous phone calls to have an answer... I'm startin' to believe that some of their staff managers are not very reliable people. And maybe it does explain why their hire such people to work for them...

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